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Topics - Azuku

Pages: [1]
Bully Modding / Needs to change asap
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:58:40 AM »
I've been roaming round BB for a couple of months now and all I see is modders being selfish and even more, bully board is supposed to be fun and release mods so people can enjoy them or help other modders out but I don't see it I see modders looking down on people because they have something people haven't, I'd love too see a change in the community by sharing , helping  and actually releasing mods what other people want instead of creating it and just having it your self and get bored and not release it or leaving the community and not release any of the mods which the person has created, I do understand its the creators choice to release it or not but you get where I'm coming from. Not moaning or anything just stating my opinion.

Dont know if its the wrong section or not Idk...
Thanks for reading...

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