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Messages - BloodChuckZ

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Bullworth Never Ending Story / Re: To Live and Die in Liberty
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:24:23 AM »
Tony arrived at Esposito Auto Repairs, exiting the last expensive Taxi ride he hoped he would have to take for awhile.  Entering the gaunt-looking building Hal used for his office area, Tony encountered the girl he had spoken to on the phone.  Her name was Rita, so it said on her name-tag, and she looked sort of Hispanic, probably Porto-Ricon, and couldn't have been more than 20.  "Where's Hal ?", Tony asked, then added, "I called earlier."

"Uh, he's out back", the girl indicated, vaguely pointing to a side door.  Tony nodded, and headed that way, exiting a door that led to a sort of pathway.  While the front of Hal's business was clean-looking enough, with his Autoshop and the Office Tony had just left, the rear area, behind a tall, coagulated steel fence, was a different matter.  Tony followed the path to an open gate, which opened up on the biggest Auto Junkyard in Liberty City.  Hundreds and Hundreds of junked cars were stacked on top of each other in rows upon rows almost as far as the eye could see. The ground was littered with old car parts and tires.  Tony picked his way through, and began calling Hal's name.  After a bit, Hal responded, yelling back "Over Here !"

Tony made his way through the rows towards the sound of Hal's voice, and found him in an open area.  Here, the cars weren't stacked on one another, waiting for the Crusher.  Rather, the were lined up in a neat row.  For the most part, they were older, tired looking nondescript cars, like Ford Tauruses and Chrysler Sebrings.  Not flashy, but dependable vehicles to fulfill their primary pourpose, to get from one place to another with a minimum of hassle.

Hal emerged from behind the row and greeted Tony.  "I'se just checkin' out what I had back here fer yuh."

"Good to see you too, Hal", Tony answered absently while looking over the line of cars, searching for something passable. "How's Angie and the Kids ?"

"Good, all good", Hal replied.  "She's got another in the oven, like a coven."

"No kidding ?", Tony replied.  "Karen does too.  Guess I'm gonna find out what the family life is all about soon enough."

"That so ?", Hal guffawed.  "I'se tells yuh, the eat a lot onced they gets bigger....A whole lots."

"Figures", Tony replied.  "Well, like I told you on the phone, I need some wheels.  This what all you got ?"

"Depends on how much you be willings to pay", Hal countered.  "How much yous got ?"

Tony named a figure, which amounted to just what he had left from his Fight Club winnings.  Hal clucked and said, "Wells, t'ain't much, but...I could let one of dese here Tarus' go fer dat, I suppose..."

But Tony's eyes were drawn to a car further down at the end of the line.  "Say, is that an old Camaro ?  How about that one ?"

"Wall, I dont's know, Daddy-o", Hal said, but Tony was already walking down to the end of the line to take a look.  Hal followed along, saying weakly, "It be a bit outta yer price range dere, dont'cha think ?"

But Tony was already survaying the car.  While the paint job wasn't so hot, the car seemed clean.  Tony popped open the hood, and saw a clean 400 CI motor.  "How's it run ?  I want to hear it."

Grudgingly, Hal produced some keys, and slipped into the Driver's seat and started it up.  The engine came to life with a sudden roar, throaty and strong.  Hal revved it a few times before shutting it off.  "It sounds perfect...I'll take it !", Tony exclaimed.

"Now, holds on", Hal said, exiting the car, "This here is, like gonna takes twice as much as what yous got there."

Tony looked down at the dirt and stuck his hands in his pockets.  "Ah, shucks, Hal...I just noticed, on my way in here, those little pools of oil and anti-freeze here and there...Tell me, has the EPA ever run an Inspection of this place ?"

"Oh, man, dont's be sayin' dat to me", Hal said.  "I thought we was pals...Aint's we ?"

"Hey, I'm just trying to buy some wheels", Tony said with an innocent look on his face.  "I don't really care about all that stuff, just looking for a deal, y'know ?"

"Man, youse killin' me, man", Hal grumbled, then sighed.  "All rights, it's a deal. I'll take what you gots fer it."

A smile lit Tony's face.  "Excellent !  Um...You DO got a clean title for this...Don't you ?"

"Aw, couse I do's", Hal returned, "You oughtta knows better dan to asks dat."

"Right, right", Tony said absently, "Sure you do.  Don't know what I was thinking there.  Com'on, let's go get this finalized up at the Office, whatta say ?"

Tony slid into the driver's seat of the Camero while Hal took the passinger seat, and they drove out of the Junkyard to the gate by the Office.  Inside, Tony gave over his money, and Hal gave him the title and a temporary tag.  Soon, Tony was off, leaving Esposito Auto Repairs, enjoying his new toy.

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: OPPONENT HEALTH BAR
« on: October 05, 2015, 07:42:16 AM »
Interesting little factoid.

Bullworth Never Ending Story / Re: To Live and Die in Liberty
« on: October 03, 2015, 11:52:55 AM »
The young man stared out on the City from the veranda of his newly acquired Mansion.  It was a good view for a recently- released Con.  Not that he had to do any time in the regular sense of the word, not an actual cell with a mattress-thin lumpy set of cots that had to be shared with another looser, no stinking toilet that had to be kept clean or anything, no crappy meals in a dank Prison Cafeteria where just the slightest provocation could spark a full-scale brawl over the lice-infected food, no Prison-yard interactions with burly, effeminate hulking lifers who were out to initiate him in the ways of Prison Life.  No, none of that for him.  In a sense, all that had been avoided because of the very turd he had come to Liberty City to seek revenge on, to destroy utterly his way of life as he now knew it, as he had destroyed his.

On the one hand, what he had set in motion in the Vale Valley long ago had provided him with an unexpected bonus....A lush Inheritance, enough to Invest and reap gains on, one that he had to do a lot of legal wrangling over in order to get it, sure.  But in the end, he was the only rightful heir, and those bastards couldn't deny him that.  With his newly-acquired wealth, he had been able to hire him a whole slew of smart Lawyers and finally win an early release due to his disability, inflicted on him by the Bastard whom he now sought to destroy.  He reflected that life was like a maze, with an infinite set of twists and turns, one never knows just where they will come out.  Like Ying and Yang, the power forces in the Universe align themselves, to keep all on an even keel, and propel one to his destiny.

A voice interrupted his revere.  "Boss, are you out there ?"

Jake Brown fingered the control on his electric wheelchair and turned it around.  "Out Here !", he called.

The figure of Albert 'Little Al' Manchetti emerged through the ornate French doors to the second-story veranda.  Albert was turning out to be money well spent.  Along with his own legal battles, Jake had also hired the Lawyer-sharks to work on Albert's case as well, getting him sprung by having his conviction overturned.  Not that Albert could be considered in the bright category by any means, but he had been his Orderly in the Prison Hospital for those long long 7 years Jake had been incarcerated there, and had done just about everything for him, fed him, turned him, and cleaned up his crap and piss.  A couple of years ago, Jake had begun to regain some mobility in this upper arms and then limited mobility in his hands, which made his situation slightly better and eased the burden a bit from Albert.  The Goon had always done his job well and unlike some of the other Beasts in lockup, had preformed his tasks with precision while always keeping a good attitude.  Jake had come to depend on him, and invited Albert to come along on their joint release. 

"Umm, I got the Elevator guys working on checkin' out the Elevator, and installing dat stair-lift youse ordered", Albert told him in his clipped Bronx accent.  "Dere's some Cooks, Housekeepers. and Servants commin' in this afternoon also."

Jake took a deep breath of the incredibly sweet free air.  "You're going be interviewing them, I take it ?"

"Shore enough, I'se is gonna be giving them the once-over, don't you worry none", Albert said, "I knows what you likes and don't likes."

"Good, good", Jake said, and turned his wheelchair back around. "Come take a look at this view." 

Albert walked over to the railing of the veranda.  "Whoa....Looks pretty sweet, it does."

"it sure does", Jake agreed.  "Certainly better than where we came from."

The two looked over the lush lawn of the gated Estate for several minutes.  "Al, we're going to build an Empire here", Jake said, gazing out over Liberty City.  "The biggest, baddest, Empire there ever was.  And settle old scores along the way."

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Canis Canem Edit VS Scholarship Edition
« on: October 03, 2015, 07:34:34 AM »
It's not like the TV couldn't have been rigged so that the player could see and hear.
Rather, I think this was done on purpose to show just how isolated Bullworth really is from the World.

Mission Walkthroughs / Re: Bully Yearbook
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:42:44 AM »
So you're the one who made this ?   That's Far Out.  It's always been a favorite of mine.  I really love how those characters were drawn.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey.
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:27:06 AM »
I read the Wiki a LOT.  It was a great research source for the NES,

Mission Walkthroughs / Re: Bully Yearbook
« on: September 30, 2015, 05:42:38 AM »
There is a lot of Gingers in there, for some reason.

Bullworth Never Ending Story / Re: NES Comments
« on: September 28, 2015, 10:44:18 AM »
The Re-Writes, Edits, & Additions have been added to Chapter 3 of the NES.
Not a whole lot of extra content here, a couple thousand words.  Most of this Chapter was trying to get it in better order,
Read and Enjoy !

Anti-Bully / Re: Jimmy is too edgy for me
« on: September 27, 2015, 04:34:39 PM »
They're just Noggin Bumps.  We all get them, eventually.

Stick around Dude, release your stuff over here.  Don't let ANYONE run your life or attempt to ruin what you do.  There's always gonna be Haters, life is like that. 
But those people comprise only a small minority, like 1% of your life.  Point is, do what YOU wanna do.  Ain't nobody God (even though I jokingly call myself one), that could destroy your life and your dreams, or your talent.

And for all you Modders....I come from long-ago Hippy roots.....It all takes Teamwork.

The Youngbloods - Get Together

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Help me out
« on: September 25, 2015, 01:58:19 AM »


Mod Showroom / Re: Modding is getting weird.
« on: September 24, 2015, 11:20:36 AM »
That WAS kinda funny. 

Anti-Bully / Re: drink beer
« on: September 24, 2015, 10:51:49 AM »
Not to mention they are all screwing like rabbits 'off-screen'.....Don't think High Schools changed from doing that since I went there. 

Anti-Bully / Re: drink beer
« on: September 23, 2015, 06:54:08 PM »
Yeah, it's Ok to beat the shit outta kids with bats and sticks, but drink some alcohol ?  Oh Horrors !! 

Mod Showroom / Re: So here's what I have done.
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:54:13 PM »
Funny how Gravity works for other things besides Jimmy.

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