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Topics - BloodChuckZ

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Bully 1 Questions / 100 Missions ??
« on: October 22, 2009, 08:40:31 AM »
I felt Bully for PS2 was about the right length, but will agree that there should have been more missions…Say, 21 of them to even it out at 100 on the board.

I do not have, so therefore don’t know, how many missions there are on the other Platforms, or on Bully Scholarship….So, if anyone call tell me….Spill.

Bullworth Experiences / Algie and Fatty's Room
« on: October 20, 2009, 06:50:27 AM »
It would appear that Algie and Fatty share the room right next to Jimmy, at least this is the one I see them comming out of or going in the most...

Have also seen them entering and exiting other rooms as well, but the room next to Jimmy seems to get the most Nerd Traffic......:cool:

Bullworth Experiences / The Shinjo's Glitch
« on: October 14, 2009, 05:26:52 PM »
Here’s the setup --- On the most Southwestern Downtown street in Bullworth Vale, there is a raised planter area between the street and sidewalk right in front if Shinjo’s Chinese Restaurant, with the red awning….On this planter area, Jimmy can’t be busted, as long as he doesn’t get too close to the sidewalk edge of the planter ….

Hop up there, take out whatever weapon you want, fire away at the townspeople, the Cops will come, like always….BUT…most all the time they can’t see you here….So they will go and just stand either a few steps from the door at the un-named building with the blue awning next to Shinjo’s…or just stand at the top of the steps…When you shoot them, they will just continue to stand there and not change their positions much…3 hits to the head, or 5 hits to the body, and they’re down…

Your location meter will show the red vision sweeps, as it normally does…But they can’t see you, even from 10 feet away….I note that if Jimmy is chased up there, he can be seen about half the time, and like I say, can be busted if he is too close to the edge….

Try this out -- See if it works like this for you……:)

Bullworth Experiences / Algie, Trent, And The Stink Bombs
« on: October 07, 2009, 03:17:43 PM »
OK, So just fooling around, Do the old “Throw a bunch of Marbles in the Dorm hallway, Pull the Fire Alarm, Hide in the Wastebasket” trick once again…..Except this time…..

After slipping on the marbles, several fights broke out, like always….My attention was drawn to Algie and Trent fighting right in front of me…..After a few blows, Trent manages to get over to the front doors, turns and starts whacking Algie with the Slingshot….To retaliate, Algie starts throwing Stink Bombs at Trent…But here’s the kicker….Algie throws THIRTEEN Stink Bombs IN A ROW at Trent….I was beginning to wonder if he would even stop….But, finally did, whereupon Trent nailed Algie with two more hits from the Slingshot, bringing him down……

Kinda makes you wonder about how the CG fights are carried out, and what prompts what……

Bully 1 Questions / Where The Hell Is The Ambulances ?
« on: September 24, 2009, 07:37:06 AM »
So here’s Jimmy, raining down terror via his Spudgun, Firecrackers, Rubberband Ball, and Slingshot….Students, Townspeople, Teachers, Prefects, and Cops, withering on the ground, moaning “Ooowww…I think I need to go to the HOSPITAL….“ So, where the hell are the Ambulances ??

Everyone walks around the fallen, Ignoring their cries, until they too are targeted by Jimmy’s accurate weapons…And down they go…“Ooowww….I think I need to go to the HOSPITAL     “
So where the hell are the Ambulances ??

Doesn’t GTA have Ambulances ??  True Crime LA ??

It would be Way Cool….If only there was some Ambulances……….:cool:

Bully 1 Questions / Where's The Fire Department ??
« on: September 20, 2009, 01:18:23 AM »
Bully has many Police Stations...But where the hell is the Fire Department ?? I have heard that if you fail "The Gym Is Burning" (I never did), the Firemen will show up....So where the hell is the Fire Department ??

You would think that with all the Firecrackers and Bottle Rockets and an occasional Volcano 4000 that Jimmy (and others) get to use, SOMETHING would catch on fire....So where the hell is the Fire Department ??

Bullworth Experiences / Standing ON The Go-Kart
« on: September 09, 2009, 08:39:33 AM »
Hey, check this out -- Jimmy can stand on TOP of his Go-Kart.....

And the Prefects and Cops CAN'T pull him off to Bust him.....

Try it out....Park the Go-Kart anywhere....Walk onto the Go-Kart from the front...You will walk UP the Cart until you are standing on the TOP of it...

Pull out whatever weapon you like....Start firing...They can't grab you..!!!

They will throw bricks at you, same as if you are on Top of a car in the street (After you have knocked out the occupant)...Auto-Target the Ptefects and Cops....Fire Away.....:cool:

Bullworth Experiences / Beating Up A Nerd To Get A Volcano 4000
« on: September 06, 2009, 11:28:00 PM »
First time in the 3 100% games I have....Saw Ernest carring a Volcano 4000, behind the school... So beat the shit outta him, grabbed the Volcano 4000, ran off a ways and lit it up....

These things seem real hard to come by....I have never found them in Lockers, for example....Seems there should be more....

If any of you with a PS2 system know where these are, Clue Me In..:!::!:

Bullworth Experiences / Boy's Dorm Vs. Girl's Dorm
« on: September 05, 2009, 06:16:15 AM »
There are 8 Bedrooms in the Boy’s dorm, one of which is Jimmy’s (with just one bed)….
Assuming the other 7 rooms could have up to 4 beds each, that would be 29 total beds…
The Boy’s dorm also has one Breakroom with a TV, Arcade game, & Soda machine….
There is no Bathroom, sink, or showers….(The Boys are to Shit & Piss in the halls or their rooms, which would explain the Rats)……There is one Drinking Fountain….

There are 7 Bedrooms in the Girl’s dorm, each containing 3 beds apiece…A total of 21 beds….There is also a small storeroom, with stairs leading to the Attic, What appears to be some sort of laundry room (with no Washer/Dryer but a clothesline), and a Mystery Room which could be another Bedroom at the top of the stairs….
There is a full Bathroom with sinks and 2 toilets, and 4 showers….The Girl’s dorm has a large Lounge area on the ground floor with a lit fireplace and a Soda machine….No Drinking Fountain….

Knowing there are 50 Boys and only 11 Girls at Bullworth, the question is -- Where do almost half the Boys Crash ???

Bullworth Experiences / Angie Sleeping
« on: August 21, 2009, 06:51:59 AM »
Anybody else ever seen this ?? It's only happened once for me....

Hiding in the Girl's dorm, at the last room by the side exit door, first floor, late at night, I saw Angie come into the room, walk around, and then LAY DOWN ON THE BED AND GO TO SLEEP......Popping out of the closet, I moved Jimmy over to the bed, then shot on a close-up of Angie laying there on the bed SLEEPING WITH HER EYES OPEN.............And I couldn’t hit or shoot her…Just like someone knocked out….:eek:

Bullworth Experiences / Cops Drive Motorcycles Into Water
« on: August 18, 2009, 11:31:51 AM »
Well, this happened again last night, where a cop chasing me drove his motorcycle right into the water.....But, wait...This was different....This time, I was on the Go-Kart, going around in a circle from near the lighthouse, up the trail, driving off the small cliff, back to the beach, and around again...but on the 5th or 6th pass, I drove off the cliff squirlly, and lost control of the Go-Kart...We all know what's that's like, you can't wreck the Go-Kart, It just bounces around like crazy for awhile and your'e along for the ride....Well, before I could regain control, right into the water I go....So I abandon the Go-Kart and swim out aways, and here comes the cop driving into the lake...Only he keeps comming and comming....And I think, alright!!... I'll just swim back and bug him, cuz Jimmy can't be busted in the water...But when I get there, the cop has dissapeared, the motorcycle was still there, submerged, and so was the Go-Cart...Normally, if you run the Go-Kart, Scooter, or Bike into the water, it's done for, but this time, I swam to the Go-Kart, and GOT ON, and DROVE IT OUT OF THE WATER....Now shit, How COOL is that ?????.....:cool:

Bullworth Experiences / Bullworth License Plates
« on: August 17, 2009, 07:38:16 AM »
So far, I have been able to Identify 14 different citizen-cars in the game...Of That ---

  2 cars have no License Plate...Both are two-toned with silver at the bottom.
  2 cars are "Woodies" (have wooden side panels)..Carry License Plate No#  0'001110.
 10 cars (including 2 SUV's) Carry License Plate NO# BDR 529.

Cop Cars all seem to have the License Plate "BADCOP".

Bully 1 Discussion / Your Hardest Mission, Class, Errand Or Arcade Game
« on: August 16, 2009, 03:40:21 AM »
What do you think was your hardest thing in Bully for you to beat, and why ??

What did you do to finally beat it ???

Bullworth Experiences / The Scooter And The Football Field
« on: August 13, 2009, 04:12:43 AM »
Normally, I don’t like the Scooters….The damn things are hard to maneuver, hard to turn, and just too frigging SLOW….So, as far as the street is concerned, they SUCK….But one thing you can do on the Scooter that you can’t do on the Go-Kart is PUNCH…Just like on the bike….

After knocking a Town Adult off the Orange Scooter, and losing the heat by hiding on the trail behind the school, I had Jimmy take the Scooter down to the Football Field where I drove around and practiced driving by and punching kids just for the pure hell of it….And found  I have a little more control back there, in a larger area….So then, I started running the Scooter from one end of the field to the other, where I practiced making Quick Stops  & Turns…It’s quite easy, hit the brake and turn at the same time, and the Scooter will do a 180, pointing you back from the direction you came…Then give it the gas right away and you’re off…..

So, Ok…Let’s go punch a girl and bring on the Prefects….Ahh, here they come…and let’s run them all around the Football Field, one end to the other, and, HEY, let’s punch them as we go by….And HEY, let’s see how many times we can punch them before we knock them out….

I ran Jimmy around like this all day into the night, parked the Scooter at ten till 2 Am, then slept in the Jock’s Save House, woke up and did another day doing the same thing….I f you get good enough at it, you won’t get busted, and it is just so GODDAMN FUNNY….

Note, I did this with the Orange Scooter, I didn’t try the shit White one from the Carnival….I don’t like giving up one of my favorite bikes (The fast BMX or the Mountian bike) to have it…Wondering if there is difference in ability with different Scooters as there is with different Bikes ??

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Easy Defender Of The Castle
« on: August 08, 2009, 07:45:28 PM »
Having trouble shooting down all those Jocks before they crash the gates of the Observatory ?? Well here's what to do...You have to stop them....
Before the mission, go buy the maximum amount of marbles...Then, during the mission, after they break through the barricades, and you are running back to the Observatory, STOP and spread all the marbles on the paved portion BETWEEN the 2 stone pillars that the Jocks will come through...Then run up and man the spud gun...They will all slip and fall, making them real EASY targets.....

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