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Topics - BloodChuckZ

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Bullworth Experiences / Rats & Marbles
« on: May 23, 2010, 01:15:34 AM »
So damn funny....Just killed 2 Rats with a single bag of Marbles down in the School Basemant....

Hell of a lot easier than shooting them.....

Bullworth Experiences / Save Warehouse Fun
« on: May 22, 2010, 06:35:37 AM »
Had a little fun in the Save Warehouse today……..

Sometimes, just for kicks, I shoot one of the workers right outside the Warehouse, just to get them to chase me inside, where I can finish them off, or beat them up.

Now you know the layout of the Save Warehouse….It occupies just a small corner of the whole place, with fenced off areas that we can’t access, and 2 wire-mesh gate doors (One to the West, One to the North) that we aren’t allowed to open up….But the characters can.

Now, if you don’t confront them after they enter, just get out of the way, they will generally run to one of the wire-mesh gates and enter it. After that, about half the time, they will run down another aisle and disappear….but the other times, they will stop and just stand there, saying dumb shit.

Just pissing around, and the Dock Worker dressed in dark blue plaid shirt with a sock hat, went in the North gate, and was turned around looking back at me.  So I fired the Spud Gun at him, well, rather, at the gate.  He said….

“You jerk…Stop doing that !”

So, I fired again…He said….

“Stop it…What the hell is your problem ?”

So, I kept firing, but this was his only response phrases to what I was doing. He was saying a bunch of other normal conversational funny shit also.  So, for kicks, I tried out every weapon against the gate to see if he would respond.

He would respond always if I used….

Spud Gun
Rubberband Ball
Itching Powder

Sometimes (not always) when I used….

Bottle Rocket Launcher

And Never when I used the……

Stink Bombs

I was farting around with this for about 3 days, game time….This guy was the only one I got to respond like this, seems they have to be facing you for the exchange to happen.  I also tried with the light blue shirt guy with no hat, and the two construction workers with the yellow and orange hard hats.

One other thing was weird…Throw the newspaper, and it would disappear as it hit the gate (or anything else).

Bully 2 Discussion / Bullworth....Or Not ?
« on: April 16, 2010, 04:18:29 PM »
I know we have hashed over this elesewhere.....

But what would you think....Bully 2 at Bullworth, or somewhere else ?

Same characters, or a whole new bunch ?

New story, or continue the old one ?

Bully 2 Discussion / What We Would Like To See In Bully 2
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:24:07 PM »
In this thread, we can list all the stuff we would like to see in Bully 2......

Maybe like having access to all places after missions are done, new kinds of weapons, being able to steal cars, more girls to make out with, maybe a circus, different classes, more fighting moves.......

You get the Idea......

Bully 2 Discussion / Clues To Bully 2
« on: April 12, 2010, 09:58:47 AM »
The first news of a possible Bully 2 , revealed last November.......

“The Gaming Liberty is reporting that in an interview they conducted with Shawn Lee, the man behind the awesome original soundtrack in Bully, he let it slip that Bully 2 is in the works.
TGL: So far you’ve worked on two games, The Getaway and Bully, would you be open to composing for other games in the future?
Shawn Lee: “Yes. It looks like I will be doing the soundtrack for Bully 2 in the not so distant future….”
When asked about Bully 2, Rockstar replied with the standard "We do not comment on rumor and speculation". So it looks like we'll have to wait and see. What will be interesting to hear is who the developer is. Since Rockstar Vancouver, the original developers of Bully, are working on Max Payne 3, I'd venture to say that it's Rockstar New England. That is, unless, New England is still working on Spellweaver.”

Bullworth Experiences / Derby In The House
« on: February 17, 2010, 07:59:30 AM »
Well, I was liking the book combo so much, that I was taking Jimmy around campus beating up on the different cliques to try it out....Over by Harrington House, I beat up some preps, then had Jimmy kiss Pinky before beating her up. Right away, here are the Prefects, I expected that, and I took off for the front door of Harrington House.....

First out the door was a second Prefect...Seen this happen before at the Dorms, no suprise there....I dodged around him and entered Harrington Hall for safety....And there, in the reception area, was Derby....

This was far out....Except on missions, I had never seen anyone in Harrington before....And since I still had the book, I proceeded to beat him up....And I was really suprised how easy it was, for he couldn't block my blows when I hit him with the book.....

The neat thing was, seeing someone in Harrington Hall after all this time....Now, that's far out.

Bullworth Experiences / Upside-Down Cop Cars
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:13:15 AM »
I'm sure you guys have seen this at one time or another......

Mostly I see this up the street from Shinjo's, but have seen it a few other places as well.....

Bullworth Experiences / Three Girl Fight
« on: February 04, 2010, 05:18:17 AM »
I been trying for a long time to make this happen.....

Over at the South end of the fountain, I had Jimmy kissing Angie, in front of Christy and Zoe.....

And Presto !!  All three girls started doing the hair-pull fighting.  Alllll Riiight !!

Bullworth Experiences / "Little Devil" Brand Firecrackers
« on: January 20, 2010, 01:38:23 AM »
Captured on videotape....The name of the Firecrackers Jimmy throws..........

"LITTLE DEVIL" --- With an oval underneath that has a yellow background, and a cartoon-like head of a Devil inside.

The brand-name of "Little Devil" is arched around the top of the yellow oval.  The head of the Devil inside is Red, with small Black Horns, and a patch of Black Hair coming down from the top of his head, looking like an upside-down triangle (with the point down towards the forehead, aimed between his eyes)....The eyes are black, set in white corneas.

The Little Devil looks real comical....Outright Funny.

How did I get this Image ?  I had Jimmy on the second floor of the Library, up on top of the couch against the wall....One of the safe spots "Where Jimmy Can't Be Busted".  Instead of popping kids and Prefects with the Spud Gun, one of my favorite activities these days, I decided to throw some Firecrackers...While doing this, I couldn't see Jimmy like usual ---His back was to the wall, right up against it, so instead of the normal view, It looks more like a First-Person view....While throwing Firecrackers, I could see them up close as they were being thrown, and I saw a little patch of Yellow on them.

Since I run the feeds through an old VCR, I started up the tape to record the images to see if I could make out what I was seeing on the tossed Firecrackers.....Going frame by frame, I was able to get the clear image described above.  I do not, however have any way to transfer the image to the computer, as to have a file of it to show you. If any of you have a DVR, or some other way to freeze this image in a PC, under conditions described, then you should be able to see it.

Remember, Jimmy must be on top of something like a couch, with his back to the wall, to get the First-Person view.

Bullworth Never Ending Story / NES Comments
« on: January 03, 2010, 03:52:57 PM »
Hey Guys....Here we can post story comments for the Never Ending Story as not to interupt the story line...
Karen got accidentally decked by Tony back at post #53, after the fight with Kurt.

Yes, somebody please finish off the Dodgeball Game......Make it good....

Suggestions & Feedback / Where'd All The Spam Go ?
« on: January 02, 2010, 11:00:03 AM »
Not too long ago, this place was getting bombaded with spam on a real regular basis....Now, I hardly see any.
DGAF, did you guys do something to block it out good, or are we just not that interesting anymore..?

Bully 1 Questions / Prefects Exiting The Dorms
« on: December 26, 2009, 07:37:51 AM »
This has happened to me quite a few times, but never thought to post it.....

If Jimmy is being chased sometimes by one or more Prefects, and runs to the dorm steps (either one), a Prefect will emerge from the doors of the dorm to aid in the busting of him....

Doesn't happen often...Anyone else experence this ?

Bullworth Experiences / Jump On The Drink Machine ?
« on: December 20, 2009, 04:21:59 AM »
Most of the drink machines are too high for Jimmy to jump on top of, but I have been trying, without success, to jump onto the top of the one over by the Gym from the roof...

Anybody ever have any luck with this..?

Bully 1 Questions / Secrets Of Harrington House ?
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:56:31 AM »
OK, so we know that after Jimmy’s Harrington House missions are over, he gets free access into Harrington House…..But what for ??

There’s nobody there.  Nothing to do but destroy suits of armor, windows, plants, tables, Etc…..

Why is there no Preps who come and go, like the nerds and others in the library ?? What’s the point ??

If anyone knows any Secrets of Harrington House --- Post them here…..

Bully Fans want to know….What’s up with this stupid place ???

Bully 1 Questions / Anyone Up For 5-Card Stud ?
« on: November 21, 2009, 03:44:25 PM »
What's the deal with all the card tables ???

Anybody ever see any characters in the game ever PLAY cards ??

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