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Author Topic: errand help  (Read 3937 times)

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Offline blue ninja costume

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errand help
« on: March 11, 2007, 05:10:26 PM »
if any one needs help with errand you can post your ? here ive finish all 50 of them so if you need help just ask heres a list of them

There are a total of 50 errands for you to do spread all over the map. Only 30 of them are required to accomplish 100% in the game. Errands are nothing more than short, simple tasks that a person will ask you to do, and in return the person will pay you for completing the errand. There is a total of $980 to be earned by completing all of the errands, so if you need to make some purchases, this is an easy way to pick up some cash. To begin an errand, go to the specified location at the specified time and look around for a person to come up to you and ask you for a favor. When they are there they will be indicated on your mini map by a blue marker and the person will have a blue arrow over their head. Target them with L1 and press "X" to accept the errand. Here is where they can all be found and what they'll ask you to do:

**Bullworth Academy Campus**

1. Algernon - 'Escort Algie'

Pays $15
Location - Near his locker on the second floor of the school building
Available - School hours, during non-class time

Task: Walk with Algie to the library and protect him along the way.

2. Vance - 'Bog Roll'

Pays $10
Location - Boy's bathroom, first floor of the school building
Available - All school hours

Task: Get the roll of toilet paper from the janitors closet and bring it back. Toss it over the wall of the stall to Vance.

3. Max - 'Bog Roll 2'

Pays $15
Location - Same place as #2
Available - All school hours

Task: Same as #2, just for $5 more

4. Sheldon - 'Blow The Toilet'

Pays - $10
Location - Outside boys bathroom, first floor of school building
Available - All school hours

Task: Throw the firecracker he gives you in a toilet.

5. Sheldon - 'Fire Alarm'

Pays $15
Location - Near the stairs in the school building, either floor
Available - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Task: Pull the fire alarm

6. Casey - 'Locker Stuff'

Pays - $10
Location - Hallway by the principal's office, main school building
Available - Non class hours

Task: Stuff two kids into lockers

7. Gloria - 'Locksmith'

Pays - $10
Location - Bottom of the stairs on the first floor, main school building
Available - All school hours

Task: Break in to three lockers.

8. Constantinos - 'Secret Admirer'

Pays - $10
Location - Second floor hallway, between the office and Art Room
Available - Non-class hours

Task: Break into a locker and put in the flowers.

9. Melody - 'Secret Admirer 2'

Pays $10
Location - first floor, near the English room
Available - Non-class hours

Task: Exactly the same as #8.

10. Pedro - 'Takin' Out The Trash'

Pays $15
Location - on the sidewalk between the fountain and main school building
Available - Non-Class school hours

Task: Stuff three students in trash cans.

11. Constantinos - 'Egg Girls Dorm'

Pays $10
Location - In front of the boys dorm
Available - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Hit the outside of the girls dorm with three eggs.

12. Karen - 'Egg Boys Dorm'

Pays $10
Location - In front of the girls dorm
Available - 7:00 to 11:00 pm

Task: Hit the outside of the boys dorm with three eggs.

13. Christy - 'Details'

Pays $10
Location - School parking lot
Available - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Escort Christy back to the girls dorm. Protect her from bullies.

**Bullworth Town**

14. Monson - 'Detective Jimmy'

Pays $25 and "Incognito Hat" in wardrobe
Location - In front of Town Hall
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Monson is a cop and he wants you to take a photo of a dirty cop.

15. Otto - 'Water Balloons'

Pays $20 and Water Balloons unlocked
Location - In an alley just north of the Shiny Bike Shop, he may appear on the roof
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Do the water balloon tutorial, and hit three people with water balloons.

16. Algernon - 'Lost Jacket'

Pays $20
Location - Just south of the Police Station, on the sidewalk
Available - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Task: Retrieve Algie's jacket and bring it back to him.

17. Ivanovich - 'Thank You For Not Smoking'

Pays $15
Location - Oil Spill gas station
Available - All the time

Task: Beat up the two Greasers on the roof of the gas station.

18. Handy - 'Free Drugs'

Pays $15
Location - Next to Easy Drugs Store
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Smash the trash cans to find the hobos medication.

19. Mr. Bambillo - 'Lost Dog'

Pays $15
Location - Near the Mental Dental building, across from the Comic shop
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Find the man's dog, and have him follow you back to his owner.

20. Bethany - 'Lost Dog 2'

Pays $15
Location - South of the Police Station headed toward the abandoned theater
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Same as #19

21. Tobias - 'Stolen Bike'

Pays $15
Location - In front of the Shiny Bike shop
Available - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Chase the guy on the stolen bike. Knock him off and take the bike back to the owner.

22. Handy - 'Weird Hobo'

Pays Black Cowboy Hat unlocked in wardrobe
Location - Near Mental Dental and the Comic Book shop
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Give the hobo some change and he'll give you the hat.

**Old Bullworth Vale**

23. Mrs. Lisburn - 'The Widow'

Pays $15
Location - Happy Endings Retirement Home front yard
Available - 8:00 am to 9:00 pm

Task: Pick flowers and put them on her husbands grave.

24. Mrs. Lisburn - 'Great Escape'

Pays $25
Location - Happy Endings Retirement Home front yard
Available - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Escort Mrs. Lisburn to the park entrance. She walks slow, so don't start this too late.

25. Mr. Huntingdon - 'Fast Food'

Pays $25 and Fast Food outfit in wardrobe
Location - Burger joint
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Make the three fast food deliverys on the scooter. (Timed)

26. Mr. Martin - 'Crab Traps'

Pays $20
Location - Seafood Restaurant just north of the large pier
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Swim out in the bay and collect the crabs.

27. Casey - 'Bullworth Vale Tag'

Pays $20
Location - Upper area of Bullworth Vale Gardens
Available - 8:00 am to 9:00 pm

Task: Spray any three tags in Bullworth Vale

28. Karen - 'Lost Teddy Bear'

Pays $15
Location - Just east of the gazebo beside the boxing gym, on the beach
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Beat up the bully that stole her Teddy Bear and bring it back to her.

29. Pedro - 'Shipwreck'

Pays $20
Location - At the end of the large pier
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Swim around to the south side of the island in the middle of the bay and walk up on the shipwreck. (Grab the G&G card while you're here if you want.)

30. Justin - 'Swim Meet'

Pays $20 and unlocks the Tiny Swimsuit in your wardrobe
Location - On the beach near the lighthouse dock
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Swim out and around the bouy and back before the timer runs out.

31. Pedro - 'Balancing Act'

Pays $20
Location - At the end of the large pier
Available - 8:00 am to 9:00 pm

Task: Swim all the way to the southwest side of the island (near the shipwreck). Climb up on the small area on the island and walk the balance beams across the small columns to the other shore. (Grab the rubber band out here if you want.)

32. Mr. Svenson - 'Goin' Postal'

Pays $20
Location - Near the southeast entrance to Bullworth Vale Gardens
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Pick up a package and bring it back to him without getting bit by the dog.

33. Mr. Sullivan - 'Coming Attractions'

Pays $20
Location - Inside the Carnival, between the gate and the Souvenier tent
Available - All the time

Task: Take pictures of the Fun House, the Big Squid and Round The World.

**New Coventry**

34. Vance - 'Vehicular Vandalism'

Pays $25
Location - Between the train bridge and the Yum Yum Market
Available - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Break 11 parts of the car before the timer runs out. Use the bat until it breaks, then just punch it.

35. Christy - 'Escort service 2'

Pays $30
Location - Near the Yum Yum Market
Available - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Walk Christy to the In and Out Motel. Protect her from the Greasers.

36. Salvatore - 'Spazz Delivery'

Pays $20
Location - In front of the Spazz Warehouse near your bike garage
Available - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Task: Deliver the package he gives you to another man in Blue Skies.

37. Otto - 'New Coventry Tag'

Pays $25
Location - Under the train bridge
Available - 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Spray any three tags in New Coventry.

38. Buckingham - 'Infidelity'

Pays $25
Location - Near the Final Cut clothing store and barber shop
Available - 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Go to the In and Out Motel and take a picture of his wife kissing the other guy without being seen.

39. Morrison - 'Tenement Fires'

Pays $25
Location - In front of the tenements
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Take the fire extinguisher and put out the 6 fires inside the tenements.

40. Ivanovich - 'Tag Proof'

Pays $25
Location - On the road to the south leading out of the tenements area
Available - 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Take a picture of someone spraying a tag.

41. Morrison - 'Rat Infestation'

Pays $25
Location - In front of the tenements
Available - All the time

Task: Kill the 18 rats inside the tenements.

42. Justin - 'Egg The Tenements'

Pays $20
Location - Near the Spazz Industries Warehouse and Wonder Meats
Available - 7:00 to 11:00 pm

Task: Hit the Greasers building with three eggs in the tenements area.

43. Miss Abby - 'Help The Elderly'

Pays $40
Location - Anywhere on the sidewalk between Final cut and Blue Balls
Available - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Escort Miss Abby to the tenements and protect her from the Greasers.

**Blue Skies Industrial Park**

44. Mr. Castillo - 'Cable Guy'

Pays $30
Location - By the Spencer Shipping warehouse
Available - 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Task: Destroy the four satellite dishes

45. Otto - 'Greasy Eggs'

Pays $30
Location - Next to Spazz Industries
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Egg the two Greasers.

46. Mr. Buckingham - 'Rat Poison'

Pays $30
Location - North end of the docks
Available - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Task: Kill the four rats. (Sometimes they will fall in the water and kill themselves, making this REAL easy!)

47. Mr. Castillo - 'Shipping and Receiving'

Pays $30
Location - Near the Townie clubhouse (your save house)
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Take the package you are given and deliver it to the man near the Police Station.

48. Otto - 'Vehicular Vandalism 2'

Pays $30
Location - Near the Wonder Meats Warehouse (Where Russell was hiding)
Available - 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Task: Destroy the 11 parts of the car. Start off with the bat, then just punch it.

49. McInnis - 'Lost Cargo'

Pays $30
Location - In the middle of the docks area
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Swim out to the sunken boat and retrieve the man's package and bring it back to him. (Grab the rubber band on the boat while you are here if you want to.)

50. Gregory - 'Loons On The Loose'

Pays $30
Location - Front gate of the Asylum
Available - 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Task: Find the two escaped patients and lead them back to the Asylum.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 12:30:06 AM by blue ninja costume »

Offline jimmysgirl

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errand help
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 05:18:13 PM »
Funky! I still have a few errands to do!


Offline blue ninja costume

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« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 10:51:51 PM »
no problemo

Offline Bully_Nut

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errand help
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 11:28:54 PM »
now why do i think you copied that from somewhere

Offline blue ninja costume

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« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2007, 11:30:03 PM »
because I did:D

Offline McHaggis

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errand help
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2007, 07:13:32 AM »
It's really easy to find errands. They show on my map all the time and I've redone many of them several times.

Offline blue ninja costume

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errand help
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2007, 02:59:08 PM »
well only certain ones show up certain places at certain times