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Author Topic: Errand request quotes  (Read 3041 times)

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Offline Hayley

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Errand request quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:03:49 PM »
First comes the "please help me" dialogue and then the request itself (if the character has any).

- I really really really need some help!
- Come ooon, help me out here! Please?
- I may need your assistance here.
- I need you to help me out, Jim.
- Listen, it’d be cool if you could do me a favor.
- I want you to spray perfume in the jock’s lockers. Then everyone will think they’re a bunch of girls!
- Jimmy, can you help with something at all?
- Jimmy, could I possibly ask you to help me?
- Will you help me Jimmy? It’s important.
- Um Jimmy, could I ask your help?
- Jimmy, my amigo! I need your aid!
- I require your assistance.
- Could you help me Jimmy? Please?
- Jimmy, I need your help!
- I could really use your help for this!
- I need you to do me this favor.
- May I ask you for assistance?
- Perhaps you can help me.

- Hey, I’m gonna need your help Hopkins.
- Okay. I need you to help me out.
- Look, I need your help, Jim!
- Jim, you gotta help me out.
- Russell need your help.
- You need to help Russell.
- I need your help. It’s that simple.
- Okay, I’m gonna need a favor.
- Okay, hotshot. Time to help out the Trent-man.
- Listen, you gotta help me on this!
- I need your help, Hopkins.
- Hopkins, help me out.
- I need your help, Jim, seriously.
- Yo, Jimbo. I got a job only you can get done.

- I need you to do me a solid.
- Could you help me out for a sec?
- I have a task for you. See if you’re prep material.
- You want to impress a prep? I’ve got a job for you.
- Want a popularity boost? Then help me out.
- Hey. Willing to help out a dear friend?
- Hey Jim, I need a ruffian like you.
- I could use you, Jim. How about it?
- Hopkins old pal, would you mind helping me out a bit?
- Hopkins, you old chum, Gord needs you to do something for him!
- Hopkins, I’m frightfully in need of your help.
- Jimmy, I need you to do me a favor.
- Here! Throw these eggs at someone. Then you’ll be cool.
- Figures this dump would be out of proper paper. Be a good man and fetch me some!
- Go show those paupers what you think of them! Go on!
- Paying you to harass poor people makes me feel good about myself!
- Somebody needs to write some mean-spirited graffiti in New Coventry. Heh, not me obviously. They’d beat me up!
- I bet you can’t beat my swimming record. You just don’t have the poise.
- It’s been awhile since someone egged the girls' dorm. I’d do it myself but I prefer to hire a peon!
- Um, Hopkins, I could really use your assistance.
- Hopkins, do you think you might help me out with something?
- Jimmy Hopkins… I need your help.
- Jimmy, I could use a friend like you to help me out.
- Jim, I need a man I can trust here.

- I really could use your help on this slim.
- I need a favor buddy.
- Hey Jimmy, my man, can you help me out?
- I need your help, kid.
- Jimmy my man, I need your help.
- Dude, can you do something for me?
- Listen honey, I need your help.
- Look, I hate to ask but I need your help, man.
- I really need you to help me man.
- Come on, get me some paper or something! Help me out here!
- I need you to help me out with this.
- I need this taken care of immediately if not sooner.
- You wanna score some points with me and Johnny?
- Johnny’ll like it if you help me out.
- Jim, I need your help with something.
- I could use a hand, Hopkins.
- ‘Eyy! Can you help me with something?
- I need some help, okay big man?
- Hey man, can you get me some TP? It’s a bit of an emergency.
- Bikes is where it’s at. Go send a message to that car driving scum.

- Jim, I need a favor from you.
- I’m gonna need your help, Hopkins.
- Hey Jimmy! Think you can help me out?
- Jimmy, buddy! I need your help!
- Someone needs to send those preps a message. Tag up their part of town. Can ya do it?
- If you wanna be part of the cool kids, you gotta stuff losers into garbage cans.
- Hey Jimmy! How fast can you stuff losers into lockers?
- I need a small favor.
- I could really use your help.
- Jimmy, I really need your help with this.
- Hey Jimmy, can you give me a hand with something?
- Jimmy, I, uh, need your help.
- Jimmy… you must help me.
- Okay Hopkins, I’m gonna give you a chance to impress me.
- You wanna get on my good side? Help me out.
- Hey Jimmy. I need you to do something.
- Hey Jimmy, uh, you think you can do me a favor?
- Hey Jimmy, do you think you can help me with something?
- Dude, I need you on the team.

- Jimmy, um… *giggles* would you please help me?
- Can you help me please? Just like for a second.
- Hey Jimmy, I need to get back to the girls' dorm. Would you please walk me home?
- I need to go back to the motel, but I don’t want to go alone. Would you please walk me there?
- Jimmy, won’t you walk with me awhile?
- I have to go to the store, but I’m bored. Won’t you walk me there?
- Would you be a dear and walk me to the store? That’d be just super.
- I total have to go somewhere, but I don’t want to walk alone. Will you please walk with me?
- Do you think you could give me a hand?
- It’d be really cool if you could help me.
- I’m sick of those bullies harassing me all the time! I’ll pay you if you beat a bunch of them up.
- You know what would be cool? If you egged the girls' dorm. Come on, do it!
- There’s this girl you see, and I want to put some chocolate in her locker. Will you do it?
- I heard you’re the locker stuffing champion. Wanna prove it?
- I-I need your help, okay?
- Jimmy, I’m gonna need a favor.
- Hey James, you gotta help me out!
- Help your fellow Bullworth academia!
- I hear you’re mechanically apt, but I’m not sure I believe it. Care to prove me wrong?
- I’ll get straight to the point: I wish to show my affection to someone by placing a gift in their locker. Can you help?
- I have to run an errand. Would you accompany me and make sure I’m not accosted?
- I need a cavalier to ensure I get to my destination without being bothered. Will you be him?
- Hey! I gotta job for you. Perfect for your type!
- Listen Jimmy, I need a favor and I think you’d be great at getting it done.
- Hey, help a fellow student out here!
- Jimmy, I need your help.
- Do you think maybe you’d please help me?
- One of those stupid bullies kidnapped my teddy bear. Will you get it back?
- Help me, I’m lost! Please take me back!
- I have to get something at the nerd store but I’m afraid of the nerds! Will you take me there?
- I’m doing a project at the police station, but I’m not sure where it is. Will you help me?
- Everyone’s putting chocolate in everyone’s locker, and I want to do it too! But I don’t know how to pick the lock. Will you help?
- Is it true you’re the best locker stuffer at the academy? I’m not sure I believe you.
- Why don’t you throw snowballs at everyone? Come on, it’ll convince everyone you’re really tough.
- Someone keeps egging our dorm. I think it’s time someone egged the boys' dorm.
- Uh, hey! I got a favor to ask you.
- Hey man. I wanted to see if you’d do something for me.
- Would you mind giving me a hand?
- Casey keeps being mean to me! Ooo, I wanna get him. Will you put this sign on his back?
- I’m embarrassed to ask, but I wanna put chocolate in someone’s locker. Will you please do it for me?
- Whenever I go to the library the nerds are mean to me! Will you walk me there and make sure I’m okay?
- There’s a tennis club somewhere near here but I can’t find it. Can you show me where it is?
- I promised Mandy I’d pick her up some new stockings. Will you go with me to the store?
- Will you please get me back to school, PLEASE? I’m scared!
- Can you help me, sir?
- Sir, please help!
- I don’t like rich people! I’ll pay you to wreck Harrington house.
- Someone told me you were afraid to smash up gravestones. Is that true?
- Have you ever been to a sunken pirate ship? I bet there’s something cool out there.
- Bet you there’s a treasure on those islands by the pirate ship. Why don’t you go check it out?
- I told everyone you can beat Casey’s locker stuffing record. You think you can?
- How many kids can you stuff into garbage cans really fast? Not very many, I bet.
- Jimmy, I really need your help!
- Jimmy, you gotta help me.
- Help!
- Can you give me a hand?
- It would really help me out if you gave me a hand.
- If you could help me with this that would be awesome.
- Um, excuse me, would you help me, please?
- You’re me friend, right? I need help!
- I wanna throw in the toilet, but I’m afraid to get caught. You’re not afraid of getting caught, are you?
- Hey, question for you, Jimmy.
- If you have a second I could really use your help.

- Jimmy, you wanna get on a prefect’s good side?
- Jimmy, wanna serve Bullworth to the fullest?
- Right now Hopkins, I need you to do something for me.
- Hopkins, I need your assistance with a certain matter.
- Hopkins, I require your assistance.
- You have to do something for me, Hopkins.
- Get me some toilet paper! And don’t tell anybody about this!
- Hopkins, I need your help.
- Hopkins, you better help me!

- Jimmy! Just the guy I need to see.
- You wanna help out a close friend, kid?
- I totally need you to do this favor for me.
- If you do this for me, we’re square.
- I don’t like asking, but I need your help.
- Alright, I need you to do something for me.
- I need you to do something.
- I won’t beat you up for awhile if you help me out.
- Hey kid, can you help me out?
- I actually kind of need your help.
- I need you to do something for me, dude.
- Hey buddy, think you can help me out?
- Jim! You could really help me out here!
- If you do me a solid, I won’t forget it, man!
- So, I need your help.
- You’ll help, won’t you?
- If you wanna be cool, you gotta prove it and smash some cars!
- I’m starting a tagging campaign and I want you to help me. You in?
- Those greasers are a bunch of stuck-up idiots. Go egg some of them for me, okay?
- Let’s have some fun with these water balloons. See how many people you can hit with them, okay?
- Jimmy, I need your help!