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Messages - NamesStephen

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Heller ther
« on: November 17, 2020, 11:16:22 PM »
I lost count the amount of times I've replayed this game, and how many times it crashed!

LUA Scripting Help / Re: Lua PedSetWeapon & PedSetHealth
« on: November 04, 2020, 10:19:31 PM »
Thank you very much my good man!

Also I like your videos, keep up the good work!

LUA Scripting Help / Lua PedSetWeapon & PedSetHealth
« on: November 03, 2020, 12:10:55 AM »
I'm currently learning lua scripting, and I've run into a problem I just don't know how to fix. I'm trying to spawn Johnny with a bat, and with 200 health. I've just been messing around so I have know idea what I am doing, I'm into that self teaching kinda thing, ya know.

Heres what I have so far.

function MissionSetup()

function main()
  TextPrintString("Defeat the Greasers", 5, 1)
   enemy = PedCreateXYZ(23,265,-110,6)
   enemy = PedCreateXYZ(21,265,-110,6)
   until PedIsDead(enemy)

One more question I've been wondering about is does the spacing matter in sentences or not?

Modding Questions/Help / Changing fighting styles.
« on: October 30, 2020, 11:56:07 PM »
Quick question! I've been messing around with bullies ide file changing peoples fighting style and stuffs. Right now I'm trying to turn Gurney into a greaser. I changed his clique and now I just have to changed his fighting style. But, I CANT! BECAUSE "DO_Grappler_A" is 12 letters! and "G_Striker_A" IS 11 letters! So if anyone has the time, I would appreciate the assistance.

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