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Topics - AGM

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Modding Questions/Help Archives / Give me downloads links plz kthxbai
« on: March 16, 2014, 04:14:37 PM »
Been a long time since I've been here and bought Bully: SE since it was on Rockstar sales so I searched for the "Bully Scholarship Edition Hidden Interiors Mod" and found it but the download link for it is broke so someone give me a link to download the files and I have the game for xbox. Got it for PC for modding fun.

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Bully 1 Discussion / Bullworth Town Bike Races
« on: April 06, 2012, 10:07:17 PM »
Ok, I have written down that their are 4 Bullworth Town Bike races, I'm in the 2nd chapter and 3 are only available in the Bullworth town, so I'm kinda really confused, how many are their in the Bullworth town?

Bully 1 Discussion / Does cheats affect completion?
« on: April 06, 2012, 09:07:23 PM »
Ok, I play this game on a console and have passed it up to 100%, but I'm curious, yes, I have a second controller and I use cheats for the game on it, on one of the games I played I man the story that I saved I used cheats, on the other one I didn't and got 100%, but on the other one I have like 99.78% completed, I think it was because I hadn't completed enough errands but I stop and wonder that I used cheats for it, so, yea, I'm playing again, I have like about 48% done in the 2nd chapter and I used cheats, so will it affect me getting 100%? I don't know. Please someone explain to me the whole thing with 100% completion and cheats.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Please Help Me, 360 stuff
« on: April 04, 2012, 06:16:40 PM »
So, I got a xbox 360 with the game bully, is their anyway I can connect the xbox to my computer and somehow do something so I'd get mods for it? Because I don't know if I can get a PC version.

Introduce Yourself / I am new to this
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:32:53 PM »
Ok, so I have the game Bully for my XBOX 360, I really like the game and basically know everything about it, so I don't have it for a PC so I don't know much about this games mods, anyways I was wondering if their will actually be a Bully 2 game, I know that their is a Bully 2 discussion and I'm not sure if they'll actually make the second game so sorry for these questions that might seem noobish, but I love this game and i hope their'll be a second one.

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