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Author Topic: The Road  (Read 3879 times)

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Offline Unknownsoldier

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The Road
« on: June 25, 2015, 06:56:12 AM »
Shitty story I wrote when my internet went out. Laugh all you want, I just wrote whatever came to my mind. So here it is. goddammit fml

The Road

In a remote area in the American state of Minnesota, was a small town, with little known history, so little, few people knew it existed. In that town was a long road, which has many stories told about it, only few knew these stories however. It is rumored that less than 5 people have went down the road, but have not returned.

In this town lived a poor family. Being they had little gas money, and school was out due to it being winter break. The mother did not have a job, and the father was at his job for the majority of the day, which payed very little money. And they had 2 children. The son's name was Blake(19), and the daughter's was Kaitlin(21). The two siblings had little knowledge on the subject. They hardly believed it anyways. One night, Blake was going to sleep. Instead of sleeping however, he decided to think about that road, and if it was real. He thought he had nothing planned in his life, and that he wanted a goal. Something he could look back and say to himself "I did that."

He came to the conclusion that he wanted to know if the road even existed. He wanted to know what would happen if one really did travel down that road. He planned to do it. A few days later, it was a very gloomy day. A day where all your housemates slept through most of the day. That night, when his father came home, Blake waited for everyone to be sound asleep.

It was about 3:00 AM. He took the keys to his dad's car, but with no cell phone, nor any source of communication, he was on his own. He knew it, but did not care. He really wanted to solve the mystery. He entered the car, with nothing but fear in his mind. As he started up the silver sedan, he took one look at the rearview mirror, thinking he had the power and will to fulfill his goal. Not having any street address information of the road, he used it's described adjectives and rumored surroundings to find it. Eventually, he found the road. The little bit he knew, matched everything he was staring at.

Kaitlin had just woken up, and was heading to refill their cat's food. The food was in the garage. She noticed the car was gone. Being alarmed, she ran back to the main corridor to alert her parents the vehicle was missing. Her father filled with fear, anger and confusion decided to call the police. As he described the vehicle, along with the license plate number. Being that the police station was close to the road, they had mentioned they saw a silver sedan going past the station, and behind some trees, on a distant road. The officer contemplated on following the route, as he checked the security camera tapes.

Blake going crazy in his mind, wants to pull over for a break. As he decides to do otherwise, the car ends up stalling in the middle of the long road. After 10 long minutes of trying to get the car started, the engine finally started. he decided to listen to the radio as a rest. He was so far from any stations, but could hear a very fain sound coming from the speakers. He heard weird sounds, and one that sounded like a young girl screaming. He could also here a raspy demonic voice saying "You're next!" repeatedly. Every time he heard it, it seemed to sound more violent, and intense. He turned the radio off. Sitting still, thinking twice about his decision. He then looked behind him, and could see the distance he just drove. Blake did not give up. He shifted gears, and drove on.

As the father complained to Officer Bentley, the officer decided to follow the route he saw in the security tapes. He followed the path, but stayed on his phone with the father. He asked for the father's information prior to doing so. "Jackson" the father replied. "Jackson King" Kaitlin ran back to her room in fear, soon realizing her brother was missing. "It all makes sense!" She ran to her father, interrupting his sentence, explaining that Blake was missing. Jackson explained to the cop his son was missing. The cop then followed the path the sedan drove.

Blake started dozing off. He was getting tired. At this point it was already a few minutes to sunrise, considering it took a long time to even find the road. As he was almost asleep, but a sudden vibration rushed through the car, waking him up. He pulled over once more, and saw a popped tire. He was confused. He looked at the road from a distance, but saw nothing on the ground, other than the street itself. As he looked ahead, he could see nothing but darkness. The sun was rising behind him. He could see the sky turning a shade of orange. As he looked ahead into the darkness, he could see many things. He just stopped thinking about that, and thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

Blake walked a few steps forward into the dark oblivion. He didn't want to get any closer, but he couldn't help but to keep walking. His eyes locked on the sight. He felt attracted to the void. As he walked, he was alarmed by screeching voices. The voices were very faint, much similar to the radio ones. He forced himself to believe it was all in his head. "It's all in my head. I can do this. There is nothing to worry about." As slow as he was walking, he started to sweat, but still felt cold. His palms sweating, body shaking, knees nearly giving out, eyes closing and overall gaining fatigue.

The officer had no idea about the road, and thought it was just a regular road. "This has to be it. It's so convincing." The officer drove down the road. The phone call started to decrease in quality. Jackson knew something was wrong. The officer said he felt a chill run down his spine. The officer said he could see a human figure wearing dark clothes, walking away from a silver vehicle. As he drove down the road, Jackson only heard "SHIIIIIIIT!" Loud screams coming from the officer. He could barely make up what he was saying at this point.

Blake was so tired. He wanted to go home. He wanted to lay down on his bed. He just wanted to sleep. But he was far from home. He had to complete his objective. It was mind over matter here. But he thought he could collapse any second. And so he did. He collapsed to the ground, smacking his skull onto the asphalt.

Blake having no consciousness, and the officer losing control of his vehicle, slammed the side of his car into Blake. This killed blake. As the police car rolled over Blake's body causing the vehicle to land with impact, the driver side door was dented and pushed in so deep, it would be sure to trap the driver. The glass from the window stabbed the officer multiple times in multiple areas. Causing him to bleed to death, it was a slow death.

Jackson broke down in tears and lost hope. He wanted to go to the area everything happened in, but at the same time, he knew it would be a huge mistake. He knew it sounded selfish, but he did not want to end up like Blake and Officer Bentley. "Get back to bed. "Everything is going to be alright."

That same morning, only a few more hours into daylight, Kaitlin woke up. She felt extremely tired. In her head, it was all a dream. She poured a bowl of cereal. Before eating, she went to greet her parents. Her father was gone, her brother was gone, and their car was gone.

Back at the road, not only the remains of the disaster between Blake and the officer, but Jackson had joined in on the action, and just added up to the failed attempts.

Kaitlin then ran to her mother in tears. Her mother, Julia, had no idea what was going on. Kaitlin gave her a tight hug. Julia was filled in on everything that happened  only a few hours ago. They cried for nearly half an hour. Kaitlin then knew the legend HAD to be true. They knew there was nothing they could do about it.

The small family then remained, Kaitlin and Julia King.

I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes. My internet went out at like 3:30 AM and around 4 I decided to write this story. I only have 13% battery left. It's 6:36 AM because I kept bouncing back and forth from working on the story to watching George Lopez. I am shocked that I actually got through the night not bored af. And no I don't write to myself, ever. I just decided to write this, and may go to sleep in a bit. I know its a shitty story, but I am writing this in Notes on my iPad.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 09:42:26 AM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline JaneCheer

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Re: idk why i wrote this but i was bored af....
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2015, 07:25:17 AM »
Hey that was actually very fascinating!  Enjoyed the thrill

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: idk why i wrote this but i was bored af....
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2015, 01:19:36 PM »
It wasn't so bad....Loads of grammatical errors and all that, but I forced myself to ignore those to actually see where the story was going.
I liked the concept.  Almost makes me want to go down that road and check it out for myself. 

Offline DahCobra33

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Re: idk why i wrote this but i was bored af....
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2015, 02:10:36 PM »
Very nice work in so little time...
Didn't even notice the mistakes since I'd have commited even more of them...
Well done!

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: idk why i wrote this but i was bored af....
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2015, 09:45:09 PM »
Thanks for the opinions! I honestly don't even know where I came up with the concept. I had the story's plot planned beforehand, then the rest, I just came up with as I went on.

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Re: idk why i wrote this but i was bored af....
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2015, 09:56:05 PM »
Any other plots you'd like to share?

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: idk why i wrote this but i was bored af....
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2015, 10:45:51 PM »
This goes to the Story Section.....

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: The Road
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2015, 06:49:15 AM »
I'd like to see another story, if you come up with another concept. 

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: The Road
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2015, 12:27:30 AM »
Possibly soon.. It's kinda fun, and if anything else comes to mind, then i'll be sure to post it here. Even if it's just a bare idea, not put into a story yet.