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Author Topic: In The Mind Of Juri  (Read 2118 times)

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In The Mind Of Juri
« on: January 14, 2014, 03:57:57 PM »
I'm Juri. Most of you may remember me from the wrestling team. Not from the little wimpy girls one, but from the real one.
I put nerds into lockers each day, and the ladies like me. Do you know how I know that? Miss Danvers has a thing for me, you know.
Enough about me and let's begin funny story.

I was walking down the hallway when I noticed two students fighting.
One nerd and one white shirted-wimp.
The whimp's name was Trent Northwick, and he was fighting a fatty fat-child named Algernon.
Algernon had his zipper open and urine flowing out. It was nasty.

Even though this was entertaining to watch, it was not nearly as good as football game.
Which reminded me to go. As a matter of fact, I was heading to gym class.

When I arrived Mr. Burton was already yelling. I was confused why, but decided to put on uniform anyway.
I arrived at the field and began running laps. Suddenly, small stone touched my helmet.
I looked around but didn't see anyone. Eventually, after the second stone had hit me, I noticed a figure hiding in a tree.
It was the new kid.

I wanted to let Mr. Burton know about the current situation, but he was full of anger and crushed dreams.
My only option was to continue exercise. Which I did.

At the lockerroom, I noticed Kirby looking over shoulder at Ted a few times. I laughed quietly for myself.
He was probably just jealous of macho-men like me and Ted. Kirby would always be small wimp. Just like Dan and Bo.
But after cold shower, it was time for lunch.
Me, Ted and Damon head to the cafeteria. Where on the way to grab some plates, we saw fellow nerds playing stupid game.
"Move nerd!" I shouted out as we pushed them away. Itsy bitsy tiny nerds ran away like wimpsies.

I looked over my shoulder and noticed weird green-vest-pill-eating-kid with New Kid.
I was about to get a good look at them, but Damon dared me to a armwrestling match. I am champion of armwrestling, so I accepted the challenge.
I eventually won over Damon, as expected. And it was time to go to class.

We had Chemistry with weird science teacher. The bald one with girly voice.
I bet he was nerd in earlier years. It was funny to me.
The teacher was going to tell us how to make stink bombs, when I interupted him and asked that he teached us how to make pheromones.
Pheromones are used to get girls to like you, I hear. But there are two kinds.
One kind that led Mandy to get humped by Preppy-boy Chad's dog, and another one that makes girls crazy for pro wrestlers.

As you now may have figured out, I wanted this one for the ladies.
But the teacher asked me not to interupt. I then called him a nerd and got thrown out.
So I didn't get to learn how to make stink bomb.

Later on, I saw Nerd King Earnest running for class... pre... pres...dent.
He was wanting to become even bigger king, than just over nerds.

Upon spectating nerdy-boy's speech, Ted came up with a plan.
He was also running for Class Pre... King-thing.
We even got dorky-boy Constantinos to dance for us. It was funny!
Nerdy boy was getting annoyed, but suddenly I felt stone touch my head.

I knew who it was and where it was coming from. Upstairs audience.
So I told Damon to follow me, but upon trying to go up the stairs, we were met with big, thick door.
I tried punching door, but my knuckles got red and felt pretty weird. So I stopped.

After a while, Earnest had finished his speech. Ted got up on stage, but was hit in the face with tiny stone.
This ended his speech as he couldn't finish sentance without interuption.

This ment war against tiny new kid.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 09:38:22 PM by BloodChuckZ »