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Author Topic: Bully 2: The Fall Of Jimmy  (Read 1976 times)

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Offline Pete Kowalski

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Bully 2: The Fall Of Jimmy
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:39:10 AM »
                                                       Bully 2

Chapter 1: The Most Popular Student
Main CharactersFrancois Perez (Player)
Jimmy Hopkins (Antagonist)
Gary Smith ( Francois' Guardian )
Peter Kowalski ( 2nd Antagonist)

Francois' Father: Francois, you are Going to Bullworth, Every other school you go to ends up being destroyed or abandoned.
Francois: Bullworth? That sounds like the most stupid name for a city ever.
Francois' Mother: Francois, No matter what you are going to that school. We are rich enough to keep you there, Dr.Crabblesnitch says that the school is the most tough of any in this entire country.
Francois: Crabblesnitch?! *laughs out loud*
Francois' Father: I hope you know we are keeping you at Bullworth until you are Eighteen...
Francois: What? It's a boarding school?
Francois' Mother: Yes and we are right in front of it...
Intro Ends

Francois: Oh great I get to go to a school with a clown named Crabblesnitch *chuckles*...
Algernon: Who are you?
Francois: The real question is who are you? And you should zip up your shorts. Sicko...
Algernon: Me? I'm Algernon but my friends call me Algie...
Seth: Algie get to class right now!!!
Algernon: Okay, Okay!
Seth: And you, who are you?
Francois: I'm Francois Perez, I went here because I was forced to.
Seth: Get to Crabblesnitch's office, he'll talk to you about the school quarters.
*cutscene ends and another one starts*
Jimmy: Who's this throwback?
Petey: I don't know but he's small isn't he?
Jimmy: Yeah, hey you small kid over here!
Francois: Who are you?
Jimmy: Did this dork just say who am I?
Pete: What are you deaf I heard it from here.
Francois: I know you, your that Hopkins boy who was expelled from my first school.
Jimmy: Wow this dork has a functioning brain!
Edward: James! Get to class this instant you too Peter!
Francois: *running to Crabblesnitch's office*
*cutscene ends and another one starts*
Crabblesnitch: You must be Perez, correct?
Francois: That's my LAST name.
Crabblesnitch: I know...
Francois: This guard-like person told me to go here, can I check out the school quarters?
Crabblesnitch: What's keeping you from doing that?
Francois: Nothing, just nice to meet you.
Crabblesnitch: You too.

Chapter 1 Speech from Francois- This place is incredibly stupid, we have these weird guys in leather jackets, tiny wimps in green shirts, stuck-up turds in cyan vests and Steroid using gorillas in giant vests. Plus a clown named Crabblesnitch. I bet this place can't put up a good fight. I'll see if I can learn to like this place.

Seth: You, Francois! Get the uniform on right now!

Constantinos: Hey you Francois, I heard you can't even kill a germ! I'm going to kill you!

*Fight scene starts*
Shift- Jab
Shift+Jump- Uppercut
Shift+Crouch- Groin Jab
Alt- Light Kick
Alt+Jump- Medium Kick
Alt+Crouch- Groin Kick
R- Grab
R+Shift- Heavy Stomach Punch
R+Holding Shift for 3 Seconds- Pile Driver
R+Crouch- Choke
R+Holding Crouch for 3 Seconds- Chokehold lift
*After Beating up Constantinos Francois Taunts Him*
*Jimmy sees Constantinos Beaten up and Charges at Francois*
*All 4 Prefects come and Bust Jimmy and give Francois a final warning to put on the uniform.*

Mission 1: The First Day Of School

*Francois walks through the hallways and sees Algernon getting mercilessly bullied.*
Tom: Hey, Algie looks like you want to eat another Toilet Deodorant!
Algernon: No Tom! Leave me alone! My Mom will be sad!!!
Francois: Hey Tom leave that Dude alone!
Tom: Looks like its a double toilet deodorant eating!
Francois: Looks like my 2nd Fight that I'm going to win!
*Cutscene ends and All Bullies fight Francois*
Russell: Russell HATES NEW KIDS!!!!!!!!
*Russell Beats up Algie and forces Francois to pay 100$ for his "Russell Tax"*
Russell: Stupid ants with no money!
Algernon: I want to go home...
Francois: Those people are Just Big Bullies.
To Be Continued...

« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 07:27:00 PM by Pete Kowalski »