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Author Topic: GovernmentMan123's Corner Section Rules  (Read 4452 times)

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Offline King Cobra

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GovernmentMan123's Corner Section Rules
« on: August 18, 2011, 09:07:32 PM »
~~Edit by GovernmentMan123~~

Here are the official rules for my section:

1. NO MOD REQUESTS. I'm not offering any help on mod support now. I've got projects to focus on and I do not want to waste my time typing up some modding tutorial for someone who has not even bothered to help themselves. Failure to follow this rule will result in the deletion of your post.

2.  NO INSULTING. If you post messages here out of spite or jealously then I'll see to it that you're dealt with accordingly.

3.  MY WORK ONLY. This section is for my work and my work only.


Original Post

This section (GovernmentMan123's Corner) was made for G-Man's material and nothing more. Any topics found here that aren't associated with his work will be removed for organization purposes. Posting and comments are an exception. Thanks for your cooperation.

-King Cobra, Forum Moderator
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 11:21:08 AM by GovernmentMan123 »

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Re: GovernmentMan123 Corner Section Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 08:32:31 PM »
An Addition......

The Government Man came on site 9 months ago with his amazing videos.  Unlike others of his talents though, he has stayed with us, bringing to the site a real class act.

Because of his presence, we were able to build up a Bully Video Story File like no other.  Others came to the site because of his influnce.  His continuing loyality to our site has much improved Bully Board.

In recognition of his contribution to Bully Board, we jointly agreed that he should have his own section to display and showcase his work.  And never doubt, videos of this kind take a lot of work.

Therefore, we will not allow any harrasment of Government Man on this site.  Offender's posts will be deleted, and they will be issued a Temp Ban.  If such harrasment continues, offenders will be banned permanently.

The G-Man is one of the 'Gold Mines' of Bully-Board.  Respect him, and his work, accordingly.