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Topics - Corpsefiend

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Anti-Bully / PETA attacks Nintendo over fur wearing Mario.
« on: November 15, 2011, 11:37:44 AM »
So Peta is attacking the new Mario game for letting characters get a costume that resembles a Tanooki, some kind of raccoon looking creature. Claiming it looks like Mario skinned a live animal and is wearing it's fur all Buffalo Bill style. Get this through your head you Nazi pricks, your bashing a fictional character from a fantasy video game that takes place in a purely fictitious setting. What you could do is talk about REAL atrocities that happen to REAL animals on a daily basis in the REAL world, instead of being stupid attention whores. I'm all for animal rights, but when did that line become blurred with complaining about stupid shit that doesn't even have any basis in reality and doesn't help anybody or any animal. Life is way to short for shit like this.

Bully 1 Discussion / The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« on: October 21, 2011, 07:55:23 AM »
Sorry if there is already a topic dedicated to this, I used the search function and couldn't find one.

So, ever since I completed Bully 100% I've been wondering the map checking out all the little odds and ends that it encompasses. Last night I was checking out the graveyard, I found some pretty interesting things that other people here have talked about which I may be able to elaborate on.

First off, when I arrived at the graveyard there was an adult standing in front of a head stone making a sobbing movement. He was a black, wearing dark pants, a brown blazer, a white shirt, and a red tie. I greeted him and he turned and was surprisingly nice to me compared to most other adults in the game. As he was walking away he said something like "Don't step there, bad things will happen if you step there." I don't know if this is just random chatter he would say anywhere else on the map or if it's specific to this area. Nevertheless, it makes me wonder if there is maybe a certain area of the graveyard that has some kind of paranormal activity.

Afterwards, I checked out the church area. I've known about the preacher that can be heard inside giving a sermon, I wanted to see if I could make out what he was saying. His voice can at times be pretty hard to hear, but for the most part I didn't really have a problem. At about eight o'clock he began preaching.

First he started talking about Noah's Ark, going into detail about how the world became so evil that God decided to flood the Earth and start over, think of it as a worldwide reset button. He choose the most righteous man Noah (who was actually a town drunk at the time, which just goes to show that the world was so evil people who where alcoholics where considered righteous) to build a giant ship that could house two of every land animal so they could help repopulated the new Earth.

Then he changed the subject onto Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Talking about how Eve had given in to temptations of sin by disobeying God and doing what Satan (who had taken the form of a snake) tempted her to do. I specifically remember him saying something about all snakes from then on being cursed to crawl on there bellies and eat dust for the rest of there existence for allowing themselves to be possessed by Satan. (snakes before then had legs which where taken away afterwards)

He then moved onto the subject of Sodom and Gomorrah. A city which became so corrupted that God only allowed one single family to be sparred. God had sent angels down to warn the family to get out but not to look back as the city was being destroyed. The people of the city where so evil that, after the family had left and the angels stayed behind, they had planned on gang raping these angels. As the family was fleeing the wife disobeyed what she was told and look back at the city during it's destruction and immediately turned into a pile of salt.

It's around this time that two o'clock came around and I passed out. But the preacher kept talking, there is more to his sermon that can't be heard.

It's interesting to note that all of the stories he talked about are actually in The Bible and deal with subjects like corruption and the evilness of society. Bullworth has both of  these characteristics. People fight amongst themselves, physically and mentally harassing each other. The rich stand idly by and even mock other less fortunate citizens who live in poverty and sometimes substance abuse. Adolescent bullies are basically just allowed to torment there weaker peers. 

Is there any connection here? Or, am I just reading to much into this?


*A poster inside Dragon Wings Comics reads "Night of The Living Deer", this is an obvious spoof of George A Romero's classic Zombie film "Night of The Living Dead".

*Also inside the comic book store are toy mock ups named G.I. Jeff, nod to G.I. Joe.

*The costume that Jimmy Hopkins wears in the mission Halloween, is the same costume worn on Halloween by the main antagonist, Johnny Lawrence. Leader of the Cobra Kais, who torments the main character Daniel in The Karate Kid.

*The Nerds pass code to the gate leading to the observatory (1138) refers to George Lucas' signature Easter egg which appears in all of the films he has worked on, being a reference to his first film, THX-1138.
*The quote "I'm the daddy now" from Jimmy, may have been taken from the 1979 movie Scum.
*The clock tower is stopped at the same time as in Back to the Future.
*Students make mention of the film Prom Night when discussing their own upcoming prom in Chapter 6.

*In an errand in Bullworth Town for Tobias Mason, he can be heard saying "Dude, where's my bike?" This is a reference to the movie Dude, Where's My Car?.

*Most of the cars in the game have the registration number BDR 529, which is the registration of the Blues mobile in the film The Blues Brothers as well.
*The gates in Blue Skies Industrial Park which Russell rams during Busting In, Part I are very similar to the gates from Jurassic Park. The stronghold also resembles the stronghold in Mad Max II: The Road Warrior.
*Fatty Johnson will sometimes greet fellow Nerds and students with "Hailing frequencies open", a reference to Star Trek.
*Melvin O'Connor will sometimes say "Tis only a flesh wound" when knocked out, a reference to the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
*In the last mission Complete Mayhem, in the gym where the nerds have trashed, in the fire around the middle the bull head can be seen on a stick is a reference to the movie and book Lord of the Flies.
*If Jimmy is knocked out during Prep Challenge, after respawning, he will sometimes say "Just like Rocky", a reference to the film Rocky.

*The way the Nerds take their revenge on the Jocks in Chapter 4 and the overall feud between the nerds and jocks throughout the game is similar to the film Revenge Of The Nerds.

*When starting a fight, Ray sometimes quotes Ahab from Moby Dick, saying "To the last, I will grapple with thee!" He also quotes Ahab when knocked out, saying "From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee..." Fatty mutters an inverted version of this famous revenge line when knocked out.

Non-Rockstar video games

*Ray Hughes can be heard saying "They say that kids imitate characters from video games, but I have yet to become a mustached plumber", a reference to Super Mario Bros.. It also refers to the controversy surrounding Bully before the game's release.

*On the laptop computer in the basement of Dragon Wings Comics you can see a picture of Master Chef from Halo.

Comic Books

*Dragon Wings Comics has many comic books on the shelves that are spoofs of real life comic books. "The Freaky 4" is a parody of The Fantastic Four, and "Piff The Skull" is reminiscent of Invader Zim.
*Ray Hughes references Wolverine, as one of his lines when he starts a fight is "Snkt! Let's go, bub!" Snkt is the sound effect of Wolverine's claws unsheathing. He also references Wolverine while fighting, often shouting "Berserker Barrage!"
*Ray also mentions The Avengers. When yelling for help from the prefects, he says "Avengers, assemble!"


*Melvin threatens to go "snicker-snacker with [his] vorpal sword" and calls people "foul bandersnatch" while fighting, both references to Lewis Caroll's Jabberwocky. The references are more apparent when he's hit in the groin, as he cries out "Right in my Jabberwocky!"
*Many Greasers quote The Outsiders. The lines "Do it for Johnny", "Johnny, a fire!" and "Stay gold, Ponyboy" are almost verbatim quotes. The rivalry between the Greasers and Preps also reference the rivalry in the same book. The mission featuring the all out fight between the two cliques, The Rumble, has the same name as the brawl between the story's Greasers and Socs.
*Many parallels are drawn between Jimmy Hopkins and Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye. For instance, both characters have been expelled from multiple schools. Jimmy also uses Holden's favourite insult, "phony", in the beginning cutscene. Also, the Lumberjack hat, which can be purchased at Worn In resembles the hat Holden is described to wear in the book.


*Sometimes when the Townie Omar Romero is knocked out, he will say "I'm coming Elizabeth." Which is a reference to 1970s sitcom, Sanford and Son.

If you have found anything I may have overlooked, feel free to add it to the discussion.

Mission Walkthroughs / I'm about to go apeshit.
« on: October 10, 2011, 08:41:46 AM »

Here I am, been working the last couple days towards getting 100% completion for the PS2 version. Right now I sitting at 99.25%, I've done everything I can possibly think of, even double checking on several different websites including this one.

*Every story mission, including optional ones like The Big Prank

*All classes to level five

*All rubber bands, G&G cards, gnomes and every other kind of collectable

*All bike and go-kart races

*All distance achievements

*Purchased all clothing and even obtained all bonus clothing

*Everything there is to do at the carnival

*Beat up the secret pirate

*Buy 100 and drink 500 sodas

*Get the highest score on all arcade machines

*Beat keep ups and penalty shots

*Boxing side missions

*Pulled twenty fie alarms

*Failed three classes

*All yearbook photos

*Paper routes and lawn mowing several times over

*Sprayed a tag for every faction

*Unlocked all room trophies

The only possible thing I can think of is Errands. I'm fairly certain I've done more then thirty of them, went looking to see if I could even find any more to do. I found three more of them, but they only raised my percentage by about four points each and everywhere else I checked (the entire map) didn't have any more to do.

Anybody have an idea as to what I may have missed?

I really wanna just get this done before I drive myself to do something that will end up all over the papers. You know how this one ends up, with the line "...and then he turned the weapon on himself."

Resolutions / Karma
« on: October 09, 2011, 02:49:39 AM »
Could someone please explain to me what this Karma system is all about, and what's the significance of it?

I tried using the search function to find out, but couldn't find any clear cut answer.

Thanks in advance.

Introduce Yourself / Hello
« on: October 05, 2011, 08:32:37 PM »
Hey guys, I'm new around here. I mostly spend time on the Manhunt forum over at, I've lurked around here once in a great while just to see what it was like, but now I've decide to actually register. Been playing Bully for a few years now and it's one of my favorite games out there. I have close to a 90% and enjoy the game for being similar to GTA, but different enough to make it enjoyable in it's own right.


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