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Author Topic: Guidlines - Read Before Posting  (Read 5128 times)

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Offline Mercury

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Guidlines - Read Before Posting
« on: April 23, 2010, 07:46:55 PM »
While we welcome new posts to the stories featured below in this section, we would ask that you adhere to the following set of guidelines when posting a segment to any story… If it looks a bit imposing, these are just logical rules, and easy to respect.

*Note -- The Bullworth Never Ending Story is now complete, and the add-on summer part is complete.  No further author posts will be made to the NES.
The below rules will apply to any future stories.

1) WE REQUIRE YOU READ THE STORY FIRST. Get to know the characters and the story line. Learn which characters are in the story and which are not. Some of the Characters from the game have left Bullworth, and other new ones have been added. Get to know what the present characters have already done, and what their plans may be.

2) FOLLOW THE TIMELINE. It is important to follow the timeline in any story, or sequel to a story.  The original NES story, for example, progressed, from early Fall of 2007 and concluded in the late Summer of 2008. There was 6 main chapters and 4 after chapters, following along the parameters of the original game story.  Each chapter was from about 50,000 - 100,000 words. When finished, the NES story is now a full-length novel on it’s own merits.

3) INTRODUCING NEW CHARACTERS.  Do so with an explanation of why they are there.  We had many character storylines in the NES, for example, some were major and some were minor.  If your character interacts with another already established character, keep that character’s storyline in mind and write accordingly.

4) CONTINUITY IS IMPORTANT.  Write your segments accordingly, and don’t leave your readers wondering what the hell you are trying to relate.  Make your segment fit with the story. Use proper punctuation, capitalization, grammar, spelling and Sentence Structure.  Use spellcheck before you post, if possible.  One way to do that is to construct your story on your computer’s Word system, then it can be checked before you copy and post it.

5) SUB-STORIES IN THE NES SECTION.  We have some sub-stories already, and they can be sub-plots to NES or they can be completely new Bullworth stories of your own choosing.   Remember to make comments on your stories on the threads set up to do so, such as ‘Questions’  or ‘Comments’, as not to disrupt the flow of the stories on their original threads.

** Note that the originator and the section moderator reserve the right to control the content of these stories **
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 09:56:27 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: Guidlines - Please Read Before Posting
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 03:02:33 AM »
The NES was begun in September 2009.  It was decided during the first chapter to make a year-long story of it.

As of January, 2011, all posts not having anything to do with the NES story were removed.  Also removed are posts which deviated from the storyline in any manner, shape or form.

As of June, 2011, the NES was locked to all posts except the three principal authors of the story, since the story was in the final planned chapters.

As of July 2012, the Main Story (Chapters 1 through 6) were completed.  The add-on extra 4 chapters were begun in August 2012, continuing the story into the end of the summer months.

As of May 2015, the Extra Story (Chapters 7 through 10) were completed.  The entire story is now done.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 03:14:45 PM by BloodChuckZ »