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Messages - trixie

Pages: [1] 2
Bully 1 Questions / Help with Algie Errand
« on: December 29, 2006, 03:24:42 PM »
Quote from: poison boy;26396
Btw trixie, the triangle on the map means that your objective is located in another floor.

Ah ha!  So when I was in the store - it should have still been a triangle and not an X.  That's why I was confused.

Thanks everyone.

Bully 1 Questions / Help with Algie Errand
« on: December 29, 2006, 06:28:39 AM »
Hey there.

One of the little errands you can do is "Help Algie find his Jacket."

My question is:
Well, I went into the store as indicated  - first is was the blue triangle and then it turned into the blue X after I went into the store; however,  the freaking jacket isn't in the store it would seem.  I looked everyone and tried talking to everyone. What am I not doing or seeing?  


Bully 1 Questions / Cheat Sheet for Fighting Combinations/Moves?
« on: December 26, 2006, 12:12:07 AM »
Thanks for all those tips, you guys are great!

Well, I'm going back through Chapter One, and as I learn or am given the fighting moves/combinations, I'm writing them down and then heading off the boy's dorm where there are no prefects in order to practice with them.   I also find that it's difficult for me to use weapons in the middle of the fight because I can't think fast enough to use the right buttons and I end up getting slaughtered.  Heh.

This is the kind of specific information I need so that's why I'm going back through Chapter 1.   If someone says, "You can headbutt him"  that doesn't help me if I don't know or don't remember what specific combinations of buttons to use.  I'm so new and there are so many to remember, whew!   That said, this is what I have so far - any other than anyone can think of?

For Hand to Hand Combat:

X = X
H = Hold the button down

S = Attack
TSSS = Hold & Quick 3 punches
T = Throw
TS = thrown down then attack
X = let go of person
T, HS = headbutt
TSS, HS = Hit, Hit, KNEE
HS = Uppercut

TO =  Take Down
T = pick them back up (after a throw down)
TOT = Take down, Pull up
TOO = Take down, Knee Drop
TOSSS = Take Down, then three hit Combo

Thanks for all help I'm getting, I really appreciate it.


A little off topic:

Fezie - this in reply to your post in my "help with russell please" thread  and I'm replying here because that thread has been closed.  You said, "HAHAHAHAHA, sorry man, but Russell was a too-easy fight. I beat him in 1 time, with only the fists, without using any weapons. Russell is simple to beat."

  • I am a woman, not a man.
  • If you'd actually READ the post, you'd see that I said that this was the first video game I've played in many, many years AND my first PS2 game on top of that.  Yes, I'm sure it was easy you.    Did you beat your first "level boss"  the first time on the first video game you ever played?   Probably not.  
  • When someone asks a questions, they aren't looking for uncalled for, condescending remarks, they are looking for answers.
  • I fully admitted that I'm a new to video games and struggling through my first PS2 game, but you had to be mean and brag anyway. Betcha feel like a real big man now.  Are you the kind to beat up on little kids too?

So let's just say it officially  and get it out of the way once and for all. You totally kick ass at the game.  It's simple for you.  You are a total stud.  A Rock Star. A freaking genius.  A gaming god.

Me? I just plain ol' suck.  Noted.  Can we play nice now?

(/end rant)

Bully 1 Questions / Shop class!
« on: December 25, 2006, 11:27:19 PM »
I found that I had to start turning the the joystick thingee (What's the proper term for those things anyway?) before it comes up in order for it to take.

Bully 1 Questions / Cheat Sheet for Fighting Combinations/Moves?
« on: December 24, 2006, 05:52:13 PM »
Quote from: McHaggis;25828
2) Press R3 (this answers question 3 to), tap the X button and throw the firecracker (R1).

Forgive me, but where the heck is R3?  I know, I'm so lame.

Bully 1 Questions / Cheat Sheet for Fighting Combinations/Moves?
« on: December 24, 2006, 05:50:29 PM »
Thanks for those tips!  :)

Come to think of it, I think I will also go back to the beginning and re-do part of chapter one, but this time write down the moves as they teach 'em.  I went through gym class and all that, I just can't remember what does what.  Then I'll get in a little more practice too.   Once I've done that, I'll go back to my save point and continue on.

Any good places to practice fighting in the game where there aren't too many prefects around? Aside from the boy's dorm?

Introduce Yourself / Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids!
« on: December 24, 2006, 04:00:50 PM »
Thanks for all the warm welcomes.   I really do appreciate all the help I'm getting around here and the fact that everyone is so nice when I ask lame questions.

Bully 1 Questions / Cheat Sheet for Fighting Combinations/Moves?
« on: December 24, 2006, 03:57:27 PM »
I just watched Acolyte's video on youtube of him fighting Russell and I realize that my fighting skills suck.  I'm new to video gaming and the controller.

When the fights start, I get all amped up and panic and forget what combination moves are possible.  I try to use weapons, but it takes me too long to figure out which one to use and to use it.  When using hands, I just hit the triangle to grab and the square to punch - I totally forget there are certain combinations.

What I need is a cheat sheet in front of me I can refer to.  Does anyone know if one exists someplace on the web?  If there isn't one, is anyone willing to post them here for me?   Like..

Square HOLD square =  blah blah
or Triangle square square = thingee

Er... and I don't know etiquette so if that's not cool to ask, that's fine.  

Other questions:  
1) I noticed that he was going backwards while shooting the slingshot, how the heck do I do that?  
2) How do you throw a firecracker behind you and keep running?
3) How do you look to see what's behind you?
4) Sometimes when I'm running away, all the sudden the perspective changes to something other than 1st person - what am I doing that makes that happen?

Thanks for all the help so far, I really do appreciate it.
Happy Christmas Eve to everyone.

Bully 1 Questions / Help with Russell, please?
« on: December 24, 2006, 03:46:38 PM »
Thanks everyone.  

... and thanks for the video, that was cool to watch.   I realizing how bad I suck.  If your fighting skills are a 10, mine are, oh... I'd say 1.5 if that.  

I'm not using half of the possible combinations of stuff.  Like... I don't know to go backwards like that while shooting the slingshot!

Also, it looks like you did a head butt, did you?   Actually, I'm going to ask a whole new question about this on a new thread.

Bully 1 Questions / Help with Russell, please?
« on: December 24, 2006, 12:08:11 AM »
I DID IT  I beat Russell.   I went back to finish the last couple classes, then did help Gary again and I beat him the first time.  woot.

I realize that before when I was trying, I wasn't using the X key to run fast so he was getting me up against the wall each time.   Anyway, that feels good, finally on to chapter 2.    

I'm a total kid again..  :oops:

Bully 1 Discussion / Bully website updated for Christmas!!!!!
« on: December 23, 2006, 09:03:23 PM »
That was great.  Love the sweater, darling.    He could have worn that to one of my "Ugly Holiday Sweater" parties.

Introduce Yourself / Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids!
« on: December 23, 2006, 08:49:57 PM »
Hey everyone.    I posted a bit about myself in my first post to in the questions forum, but thought I'd say hello here too - some of this information will be repeated from there.

I'm Trixie and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area.   I'm not the usual gamer demographic - I'm over 35 and female.   A little bit about my gaming history.   We were one of the first people in our neighborhood to have pong.  Yes, I was in the 3rd grade or something like that when it came out.   I’ve never really been into video games – mostly because I can’t take the violence and I don’t like being scared.   I played Castle Wolfenstein on a friend’s PC for awhile  - but I always stuck to the “Daddy don’t hurt me” level.  Back in 1993 I had a really old (first generation?) Sega Genesis for awhile that a friend gave me.  I played Aladdin & a Mickey Mouse game but never beat the big bosses at the end of the games.

Thus ended my gaming career (aside from Solitaire and a pinball game)… until now.   I played Dance Dance Revolution with the pad a few months ago at a friend’s house and I loved it.  What a great way to get a workout.  I had NO idea that they had pads you could jump around on! I wish I’d known about that sooner.    

So, this week, I broke down and bought a used PS2 system from craigslist that came with DDR and 2 pads and some other games.   I was just going to use it for DDR, but, while looking up the other games I received, I came across the reviews for Bully and it sounded just like something I would like: Not ultra violent, too complicated or scary. (Those are my requirements).   I ran right over to Best Buy and bought it.  I was right, I LOVE Bull.   Being a brand new gamer and not at all used to the controls, I’m really slow at it  - It’s taking me days and days to get through the first chapter (can you say 84 attempts at Chem 4 boys and girls? I knew you could) but it’s a lot of fun anyway.    Hey, we all have to start somewhere, right?

So here’s the story I’m repeating from the other thread….
The last controller I ever played with was a super old Sega Genesis and it had far, far fewer buttons. I'm actually impressed with the complexity that is possible with this thing.

Have a free laugh on me:

I confess that I had *no* idea the controller was going to vibrate and it scared the hell out of me the first time. I actually screamed a little and threw it down! I was almost afraid to touch it again. I had bought the system used so I thought maybe something was wrong with it and I was going to get an electrical shock. Now that's just f-ing funny and I can laugh at myself. My saving grace is that I didn't have to endure the humiliation of friends or family seeing such a display.

So, now when I ask really lame, super basic questions, you’ll know why – I’m not a total idiot, just a newbie.  Okay, maybe I AM an idiot, but I like to pretend its just newness.   Heh.

Bully 1 Questions / Help with Russell, please?
« on: December 23, 2006, 08:20:07 PM »
Go ahead and laugh, because it IS freaking funny in hindsight.  Like I say, I'm glad no one else saw -- my friends would have NEVER let me live that down.  20 years from now, they'd tell that story at some party and I'd relive the shame.   :lol:  

Okay, I wanted ya'll to know that after some searching, I found a walk-through with the kind of information I needed.  This ones tells what to do AND what buttons to push in order to accomplish it -- that's the kind of advice that a newbie needs.  Other walk-throughs have just said, "dodge him" or "avoid him" while this is much more specific.  I hope it's okay to post URLS here and thanks to "Shiggy" who wrote this one.

:?: FWIW, I'm only using the walkthrough to get me past a sticky point.  I prefer to discover the game all on my own.  It takes away part of the fun if I were just to read how to do everything before trying or exploring.  How does everyone else feel about them in general? I'm sure there are many different opinions.

I was finally able to get through chem 4 after (go ahead, laugh, I'm used to it... )   Yes, that's right.  84.   But I freaking KNOW in my heart of hearts where all the buttons are now.  Whew.  

Here's the kind of info I was after...



18. Russel, the bully                                                [B-1117]

This mission is a continuation of the "Help Gary" mission in the basement.
You'll have to fight Russel, the bully. Russel's most damaging attack is his
charge attack. You can easily defeat him if you avoid this attack. To do so,
anytime you see him get down and start to charge, sprint in a random directon
so that he misses you. He'll slam into the wall, do some damage to himself,
and will be temporarily stunned. You can get in a good 3-punch combo when he's

Aside from that attack, Russel is pretty easy to beat. Run up to him, get in a
quick 1-2-3 combo, and then run away before he can counter-attack. Repeat. When
you see him set to charge, do as I said above. If you get caught by him you
will ofter have the chance to reverse (hit "Triangle") or to get out of a
sticky situation (rapidly tap the "Triangle" button). Just pay attention to the
screen for these context moves. Also, don't forget to block with "L1" if you do
find yourself getting punched by him. After he's defeated, you tell him to stop
picking on the weak kids.

Bully 1 Questions / Help with Russell, please?
« on: December 23, 2006, 03:23:15 PM »
Quote from: poison boy;25696
Hey trixie there's no roll button, you have to use the analog stick to deviate from Russell's running attacks.

Poison Boy,  I simply cannot seem to dodge him.  Do you move the stick back and forth really fast.. or just keep running in a straight line, or..?   I'm sorry I need such specific instruction, I'm a noob, I know, but I just can't seem to get it.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Bully 1 Questions / Help with Russell, please?
« on: December 23, 2006, 03:19:06 PM »
Adventures of a newbie....

For those of us who haven't been playing with a PS2 controller for years or for whom "Bully" is the first game they've played in 13 years, I would just like to point out that Chem 4 is hard.    I'm not complaining, mind you, it's good practice to learn to use the controller.. but... this is going to take me forever.  I'm on my 40th attempt here and not ashamed to admit it.

So the last controller I ever played with was a super old Sega Genesis and it had far, far fewer buttons.  I'm actually impressed with the complexity that is possible with this thing.

Have a free laugh on me:

I confess that I had *no* idea the controller was going to vibrate and it scared the hell out of me the first time. I actually screamed a little and threw it down!  I was almost afraid to touch it again.   I had bought the system used so I thought maybe something was wrong with it and I was going to get an electrical shock.    Now that's just f-ing funny and I can laugh at myself.    My saving grace is that I didn't have to endure the humiliation of friends or family seeing such a display.


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