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Author Topic: Save Warehouse Fun  (Read 1750 times)

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Offline BloodChuckZ

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Save Warehouse Fun
« on: May 22, 2010, 06:35:37 AM »
Had a little fun in the Save Warehouse today……..

Sometimes, just for kicks, I shoot one of the workers right outside the Warehouse, just to get them to chase me inside, where I can finish them off, or beat them up.

Now you know the layout of the Save Warehouse….It occupies just a small corner of the whole place, with fenced off areas that we can’t access, and 2 wire-mesh gate doors (One to the West, One to the North) that we aren’t allowed to open up….But the characters can.

Now, if you don’t confront them after they enter, just get out of the way, they will generally run to one of the wire-mesh gates and enter it. After that, about half the time, they will run down another aisle and disappear….but the other times, they will stop and just stand there, saying dumb shit.

Just pissing around, and the Dock Worker dressed in dark blue plaid shirt with a sock hat, went in the North gate, and was turned around looking back at me.  So I fired the Spud Gun at him, well, rather, at the gate.  He said….

“You jerk…Stop doing that !”

So, I fired again…He said….

“Stop it…What the hell is your problem ?”

So, I kept firing, but this was his only response phrases to what I was doing. He was saying a bunch of other normal conversational funny shit also.  So, for kicks, I tried out every weapon against the gate to see if he would respond.

He would respond always if I used….

Spud Gun
Rubberband Ball
Itching Powder

Sometimes (not always) when I used….

Bottle Rocket Launcher

And Never when I used the……

Stink Bombs

I was farting around with this for about 3 days, game time….This guy was the only one I got to respond like this, seems they have to be facing you for the exchange to happen.  I also tried with the light blue shirt guy with no hat, and the two construction workers with the yellow and orange hard hats.

One other thing was weird…Throw the newspaper, and it would disappear as it hit the gate (or anything else).


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Re: Save Warehouse Fun
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 03:17:12 PM »
 This happens because the characters see you committing vandalism.  If you hit a door with something it always counts as vandalism.  Try hitting or smashng other things, characters have their own unique phrases for vandalism.

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Re: Save Warehouse Fun
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2010, 05:13:25 AM »
Oh yeah ? That's cool ! I wonder what Christy would say.


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Re: Save Warehouse Fun
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2010, 01:35:29 PM »
 She says something like: "Hey! Stop that you devil!"  I know I heard her say it a few times, just can't remember exactly what she said.

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: Save Warehouse Fun
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2010, 05:00:47 PM »
I've never paid much attention to anyone else when I vandalize stuff....Probably cause it was just a thing I expected.....But now, I might just to hear what they say.......

Most of what I remember is the adults or the prefects (Hey, that's dangerous !)....I should listen to the kids.....