Gary is usually in the dorm planning while Jimmy runs around taking part in his and Pete's shenanigans. He planned a way to take over the school and manipulate Jimmy along with the rest of the school to do what he wanted. He's usually in one of the dorm rooms one could assume and that's why you can get in there. For a large portion of the game, he's probably intentionally trying to steer clear of Jimmy to avoid direct confrontation, because Gary knows he must use his cunning to take down Jimmy rather than just pick a random fight with him. Then, in the end of the game, he falls to the principal's office and lays there unconscious. While the credits roll, Jimmy drags Garry off to the graveyard to bury him alive. However later on while the player is away, cannibals raid the graveyard and find Gary. He was in rough shape, but still good enough to eat, so they did. They first subdued him before taking him back to their lair, where they dismembered him and shared his flesh around a table while they watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force. That was the end of Gary Smith... never to be seen again. Quite a story I know.