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Messages - Verecetti

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Discussion / I got details.
« on: June 10, 2006, 07:43:33 PM »
My best friend Mike recently got hired for Rockstar Vancouver (March 2006), after a greuling session at an art/tech school, and he was assigned do to Storyboard work for cutscenes in Bully. He told me what the game will be about. Seems odd, but he and I are big gamers, and both anticipate the title.

. The Game will take place in an American public High School.

. You will have full character customization.

. Weapons include Baseball Bats, Brass Knuckles, Balls/Sports equipment, Rocks, Rulers, Scissors, Pocket Knives, and a trusty Slingshot.

. The Game will have somewhat of a storyline.

. They're leaning on doing a final mission including Shooting Up the School, or a final mission with you defeating jocks, etc.

. The  School (Exterior Only), and surrounding areas will be roughly the size of Shoreside Vale from GTA3. The "Town" part will be a tad bit bigger.

. You will go on Field Trips, and cause havoc.

. You can ride BMX Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, or Mopeds.

. The game will not feature gore, but will feature blood in a cartoony way.

S'all I know.

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