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Author Topic: BULLY OUT ON OCTOBER YES!  (Read 2027 times)

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Offline bully15

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« on: August 10, 2006, 01:05:38 AM »
I cant believe that after these few days that iv'e been going to same old boring skool and i come home to log on to my favorite website i see a topic saying that BULLY is coming out october i get so excited and decide to see if i can find any more info on BULLY well this is just a lil sumthing

Rockstar's Bully might not include the ability to beat your cash out of hookers, but it certainly looks to create just as much controversy as the Grand Theft Auto series when it releases this October.
The game puts you in the sweater-vest of Jimmy Hopkins, a 15-year-old student starting out his next stage of education at Bullworth Academy... if he can deal with the bullies, teachers, nerds and other high school social subsets present in the game. The Rocky Mountain News' game blog Free Play talked to a variety of people surrounding the release of the game, and the opinions are mixed, to say the least.

When talking to the co-founder of Peaceolohics, Ronald Moten had this to say to Mr. Crecente:

"We don't want the game to come out at all, we don't think there is a purpose for this type of game," said Moten, whose group protested in front of Rockstar Games' New York offices last year after the initial announcement. "I think we can stop it from coming out. If it does come out, we can get the stores that sell to stop selling it.
And the attacks on Bully didn't stop there, as the Miami-Dade School District asked Rockstar not to release the game (and for local shops not to carry the game) in the form of a resolution. Lou Dobbs from CNN referred to the game as "another disturbing example of our culture in decline."

However, despite all the negativity surround the game, when Mr. Crecente was invited to play the game recently, he walked away with a different opinion:

The mood-setting animation that leads into the first playable moments of the game depict a troubled teen anti-hero from a fractured family, an uncaring establishment and a large private school campus. Fifteen-year-old Jimmy Hopkins is not a bad kid, just a troubled one...
While there is an illusion of complete autonomy in Bully, the game builds boundaries by punishing and rewarding behavior such as skipping class or attacking a teacher.

Another key component to Bully, its developers say, is its complex social network built around the game's five cliques. The way you interact with a particular member of a group affects the way they treat you during the game.

So an overreaction by the media, or downplaying actual concerns by the videogame press? One thing's for sure -- we won't know till we get our hands on the game later this year.

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