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Author Topic: Custom Missions and Errands  (Read 2938 times)

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Offline AlphaTech

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Custom Missions and Errands
« on: January 12, 2016, 11:09:53 PM »
Okay so I decided to make a thread that lets many modders make Custom Missions. So basically all you do is sumbit a custom mission with a story of some sort or errand.

If someone could gather all the area codes in game with photos to use that would be good also. I only use the tenements and I know that gets boring after a while.

So just post a custom mission or errand then you make a video of yourself completing it. This will I guess build the custom mission and errand mods.

I know bully modding has kind of went sour as of now but if everyone just tries making a custom mission or errand that would be great.

It doesn't have to be top notch or anything just some simple bullshit to do. No Daboss not Bullshit Mod ... anyway post your open source projects. I'll post my idea's tomorrow of some fun custom missions or errands.

Daboss if you could get that RandomModelD under a tutorial post that would be great also. This will allow many to use free roam peds as mission or errand peds.

So all modders please join in the thread and post ideas even if you don't mission mod just post a script. It can be something like go to the stote for Ms.Danvers then return or Mission - Cutscene - Johnny : Lola I need u noaw. Lola : K tanks. Lol just simple missions w/e.

Even other members of the board can come up with somw unique stuff it doean't have to be scripted always just make a story then one of the modders can script it.

Here's an example of a mission I'm going to make tomorrow -

Algie : Um hi Lefty!
Lefty : What're you doin on are turf your pissin up the air!
Algie : I need your help! Look I'll pay!
Lefty : Alright whatdaya need fatso.
Algie : The dropouts took Bucky's super bottle rocket launcher and we can't retreive it.
Lefty : Seriously dropouts, how much we talkin?
Algie : 60$ We really need that Rocket Launcher.
Lefty : Alright I'll get Lucky, I want my money dork!
Algie : Sure no problem just don't hurt me!
Lefty : Alright pee-stain get goin.

-Go to the BMX Park and get Lucky-

Lefty : Hey dude I need a favor.
Lucky : What's it this time Lefty, always sumthin up wit you.
Lefty : Just listen, That Algie dork said the dropouts stole some bottle rocket's!
Lucky : Yeah, what does that have to do with us?
Lefty : Well he said 60$ for someone that helps get it back.
Lucky : Now you're talkin lets go!

-Go to the dropouts part of town-

Henry : Those student punks need their shit split!
Otto : Yeah they got it good time to show them the ropes!
Lefty : Alright Lucky we can do this we just need to go into the spencer shipping estate.
Lucky : What're ya scared!
Lefty : No just a bit nervous these guys are kind of psycho.

-Enter the Shipping Warehouse-

Duncan : Man those jerks are gonna get it!
Leon : Don't be such a wimp man up!

-Search around and find the bottle rockets-

Leon : Hey what the hell are tou doin here!
Duncan : Aw man time for some action!

-Defeat Leon and Duncan or Escape-

Escape -
Leon : Where'd they go, stupids kids!
Duncan : Damn I wanted to break that slick haired ones jaw!

Fight Win -
Lefty : Where are the bottle rockets you dumbasses!
Leon : Their upstair's fricken prick!
Duncan : Aw man don't feel so good.

-Leave the Warehouse-

Omar : What the hell!
Lefty : Crap it's Omar let's get the hell outra here!
Lucky : Yeah sure!
Omar : Get back here now!
Edgar : Where the hell do you thin you're goin!
Lefty : Guess its time to fight!
Johnny : Lefty, Lucky oh crap!
Lefty : Johnny good thing you're here!
Johnny : I'm gonna break your face!
Omar : Not so fast Johnny!
-Defeat Omar-
Omar Defeated
Johnny : Alright Edgar time to settle this once and for all.
Edgar : Bring it on!, If you die oh man I hope you do!
-Edgar Runs-
Edgar : I'll get you next time Johnny boys get him!
-Back to Lefty-
-Defeat the Dropouts-
-Dropouts Defeated
Johnny : What're you guys doing here in the first place?
Lefty : Algie said he'd give us 60$ for getting their Super Bottle Rockets.
Johnny : You guys are nuts 60$, I'll make it 200$
-Ricky Runs up-
Ricky : You guys aw man The dropouts just started an open war with us!
Johnny : If it's a fight they want! I'll tell Norton to find his Hammer!
-Go to New Coventry-
War Ensues-
Edgar : Comeon boys into this building!
Lefty : You're not gettin away comeon Lucky!
Johnny : Comeon greasers lets teach these Dropouts not to mess with us!
Johnny : Lefty it's 500$ noe, they better borrow from the rich fund turds.
-Enters Building-
Edgar : Boy's get them all now!
Epic Fight-
-Go after Edgar-
Omar : Heh kid you're way out your league time to die!
-Defeat Omar-
Lucky : I have him get Edgar!
Edgar : Alright so you got me!
Edgar : Pickup the pipe slick haired bitch!
Lefty : You're gonna pay for that one!
-Defeat Edgar-
Edgar : I just don't have a pipe bitch!
Defeat Edgar!
Lefty : Time to go shows over hey I like this place!
Lefty : I think I'll call it The Tenements yeah sounds awesome!
Johnny : Lefty are you okay!
Lefty : Yeah let's get that 500 $
Hal : 500$? All the meat I can eat!
Lucky : Hal, get your mind off food for once!
-Returning to Algie-
Algie : Thanks Lefty you're a noble lad!
Lefty : Yeah about the funds its 500$ now.
Algie : That's a lot of money but I guess Earnest can talk to the preps leader.
Lefty : Oh you mean Darby, know what give us the 60 $ will get the 500$ personally!
-Mission Completed-
Scrips coming soon!

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Re: Custom Missions and Errands
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2016, 10:53:05 AM »
I would like to see some custom missions/errands too, and like you said it doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something with a bit of creativity that can bring a out a lil fun or even just a laugh. I don't really think people should/would post them here though since they would probably be better off making their own release topic, but I do agree that it would be nice if more people were to make custom missions. As it stands right now most people focus on making fighting styles or making playable NPCs, which is fine for a little while, but I do wish people would get into creating mods with a bit more creativity. It doesn't necessarily have to be a mission (but a mission would be a pretty good choice) but just something with a bit more to it than what has already been done before.

It's fine that people like styles and all, and I do understand the appeal in them, but it really would be nice to see something different that gives you a bit more to do and a bit more to experience. There aren't many active script modders out there though, so I doubt any big changes or revivals will be happening to our community anytime soon. Maybe with the release of Bully MP since that mod seems to be reaching more Bully fans, more people will come and even try to play some single player mods and seek an interest in making their own. However... just because there isn't a lot of people I don't think that's a reason we should give up.

We don't have a huge community here, but it's a nice community in my opinion. We all know each other so it makes for a good atmosphere (at least now that tensions have gone down and some certain members that like to stir up trouble left), and there still are some active modders. It's up to us to keep pushing, and having fun doing it. The modding community probably won't see any huge growth but, that's really not what it's about anyways. We can still keep supporting each other and having fun making new breakthroughs and making fun new content.

I got a lil off track there, but I did wanna discuss modding a little bit. I don't think people will be posting any missions here (we got the release section for that), but it is nice to discuss it and hopefully get some people inspired to make their own.

Offline AlphaTech

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Re: Custom Missions and Errands
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2016, 12:39:06 PM »
I understand that to but this thread is just for making simple custom missions and errands open source. A big mod like Pete's Missing or The Cure is for release threads but this is just an idea thread for people to make their own simple mission. Doesn't have to be something big story wise just a simple beat em up or find something.

Well do you think you could make a custom mission story as I did? Once you post a story make it a mission and play it. Other members can do the same here. If any modder wants to make a story custom mission they can do it privately then release it.

-Just make a random story then either I or you can make a script for it and play it.-
-As for bigger story missions this thread is not for that.-