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Author Topic: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.  (Read 17056 times)

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Offline UltimateGamer9

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I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« on: September 25, 2015, 11:22:10 PM »
AfterLife is at it again. He posted a video about "UltimateGamer9's Mod". But that's his mod. He used his mod to accuse me. I think he could be right. He said "A retard that steals other people's ideas and codes. He said he's the best modder. Then he said"DaBOSS54320 released a tutorial, all you did was copy and paste tutorial then edit a few lines to yours so called "mod". I'm very sorry I can't release anymore mods. I can't release Local Multiplayer Mod again  :'(. I think I'm gonna have to stop releasing mods again. He could be right this mod was supposed to be The Dream Is Dead's mod. That's all I want to say. Have fun with Local Multiplayer Mod v2.5.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 11:25:41 PM by UltimateGamer9 »

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2015, 12:33:07 AM »
So everyone. I just cancelled the mod. I'm very sorry. Even for myself. So hopefully this will make him happy.

Offline nicefunfungirl

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2015, 12:47:01 AM »
Welp,I've officially lost my shit after this.

I've been waiting since hmm? The 7th maybe for the v3 mod?
Finally realize i can become a beta tester somewhere in the duration
Try to beta test but turns out after a whole bunch of fucking grief,the script just needed to either be put inside code or be fucking put on pastebin (check the last message)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 12:52:09 AM by nicefunfungirl »

Offline UltimateGamer9

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2015, 01:11:08 AM »
You don't understand. AfterLife said I copied DaBOSS54320's tutorial then edit a few things. To make it different. I'm very sorry I had to cancel the mod.

Offline UltimateGamer9

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2015, 01:19:11 AM »
And AfterLife is much more superior. While I took everything here. Yes, I am a retard that takes ideas :'(. So I'm leaving B-B tomorrow in my time zone. Anything to say before I leave?

Offline MadmaN

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2015, 01:23:24 AM »
I don't know. But, enough is enough!

@ UltimateGamer9.......


Time for me to be blunt and to the point.........

Why in the world are YOU even paying attention to the crap that AfterLife is even saying? All he is doing is being a bully. Plain and simple. And you are being the victim by allowing him to get to you.

I have been watching you very very carefully since you came here to BB, and personally, I think you have been doing your best by actually trying to learn something and just having some fun releasing your own version(s) of whatever mod that you feel like releasing.

YOU are NOT a retard, leech, thief or anything else. YOU are a modder who is a member of the Bully Modding Community and one of the few that seems to actually get the whole point behind modding in general.

It is NOT about the fame or glory or any of that nonsense. Modding is about having fun and making friends....maybe even learning something new in the process. It is also NOT about who is better then whom.

Think of it from my perspective if you will.....When I came here, I was a complete unknown to everyone here. There was NO modding community at that point and mods were just a theoretical thing being discussed by the members here along with a bare handful of hex edit mods being traded in secret on youtube. I took charge since I seen a community where I could help out and light the way for everyone to hopefully follow. I introduced everyone to the joys of lua modding after my friend Fred Tetra was nice enough to share what he had managed to decompile even if the scripts were largely incomplete. He never asked for anything in return and I have not either. I never asked for the level of fame that I apparently have gotten, but being in the position I am kinda comes with the job so...I got used to that and moved on with trying to help people out.

You may want to think about something here m8. If AfterLife is bullying you online.....this is called cyberbullying btw....and if this is going on via youtube....then the simple solution will be to just totally avoid looking at ANY video he makes.....NOT pay any attention to anyone else trying to get YOU to pay attention to HIM.

You can also just leave youtube and make a channel on twitch and give yourself a fresh start there. Youtube is full of mostly trolls anyways. I never pay attention to the comments and I really don't care one bit about anything someone says about this or that I have done.

Take it from me man....I have been 'around the block' way more times then I care to count, but I still keep on pushing ahead. Want to know why I do this? It is because I have a tight circle of friends that lend their support to me whenever I need it and I do the same back to them when I can. Many here that communicate with me daily can back me up on this one. I don't care one bit about anything another person has to say about me. I know the quality of my work and I am happy with where it is at. If someone doesn't like it....oh well. Their loss...not mine... If they want to accuse me of stealing this or that...then is their OPINION...but unless they can back those accusations up with hard facts that can be proven over and over....then all those are...are just opinions that don't hurt me at all. You may want to try and think the same.

Doing a mod from a tutorial does not make anyone a thief. All you are doing is just trying something out to get the feel for it...and putting YOUR own spin on what has already been done. Hell, I do things like that all the time. I take something that has been done before, do my own version of it and if it is good enough to share with people, then I release it.

DaBOSS releases his work as opensource. This means that anyone can take anything he has released and do whatever they like with it. Changing a few lines from something on a tutorial and releasing it is still modding. It is NOT theft. AfterLife is just blowing smoke at you and messing with your head.

People like AfterLife glorify in hurting other people just because they are miserable themselves. I should know, I was a bully myself once way way back when I was in 3rd grade .... so I have a somewhat unique perspective on why bullies do what they do. I was miserable and it felt damn good back then to make other people I could feel better about myself. That was before I had a very very serious change in heart about that and vowed to be the bully's bully.

I ask you to reconsider and release mods in order to please YOU. What everyone else thinks about YOUR mods is irrelevant because as long as YOU are happy with YOUR work...then in the end....that is all that matters.

Sorry for this long assed reply to your topic and I know most people skim the majority of what I write due to being too lazy to actually read, but if you need someone to simply talk to in private about all of this, fire a pm off to me and we can chat on steam and I can explain things a little better and even tutor you with your mods. I do think you are on the fast track to being a good modder and I really don't like to see someone just up and quit when the going gets tough.

I NEVER quit. No matter what. This is something that a LOT of people here know me the most for. 


And AfterLife is much more superior. While I took everything here. Yes, I am a retard that takes ideas :'( . So I'm leaving B-B tomorrow in my time zone. Anything to say before I leave?

If AfterLife is so much superior, then why can't he return here? You are more superior to him because you have the balls to try something you never did before.

As I said above, I can tutor you with lua if there are some things you want to learn. I have NO problem with this. I have taught quite a few of the modders here how to code with lua and I can certainly teach you some new tricks as well.

Trust me man...Do NOT just give up and quit like this. You have a community here that WILL support you. I know I will no matter what has nothing to do with my admin position here....but just because I was once like you too. I started in game modding way back in 1991 after the release of Doom 1 for dos. I also had people trying to blow smoke up my ass about this or that being crap...or this or that being stolen from xx person or xx mod...whatever.

Everyone HAS to start somewhere. You can't just get up one day and smack yourself on the head and say: "Well DUH! I will create the biggest and most awesome mod to trump all others!" It just simply doesn't work that way. It just takes a bit of time in order to find your groove with modding. This is the same for anything you try to do either for the first time or something you try to do over and over in order to get better at it. There will always be people that try to bring you down and if you allow yourself to go down and give up...then that person gets exactly what they want.

Besides, why be afraid of AfterLife? He can't do a thing to you anyways. All he is is just a wannabe that thinks modding is all about the whole glory thing. I never seen it as glory...and I have done game modding SINCE 1991. That is 24 years I have been doing this. Been doing Photoshop for the exact same amount of time too and I have not stopped yet. Heh.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 01:34:52 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

Offline UltimateGamer9

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2015, 01:37:07 AM »
Ok.... really big post. But I don't have Steam. I have Facebook and Youtube only. But why is AfterLife saying everything in opposite? Like "leecher/leeching" whatever that is. But what is up with him?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 01:39:05 AM by UltimateGamer9 »

Offline MadmaN

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2015, 02:02:57 AM »
Ok.... really big post. But I don't have Steam. I have Facebook and Youtube only. But why is AfterLife saying everything in opposite? Like "leecher/leeching" whatever that is. But what is up with him?

I do apologise for the length of the post...that is also something else I am kinda well known for.

To put this in another perspective for you. AfterLife seems to think he is the sole authority over the modding community. He is NOT.

If anyone is the sole authority over the modding community as it is...that would technically be me since I am the one that pretty much restarted the community in the direction it has gone so far. AfterLife is just one of those few that seem to think that fame and their position in whatever community they are in as being the most important....and barking orders to everyone else while never following those same rules themselves.

While I can't prove this...I do suspect it though, I do believe AfterLife like several I could mention...but I won't....was attempting to compete with modders like myself...DaBOSS....SWEGTA and others who have gone and made names for themselves. He likely wanted to do the same in order to 'bask in all that heavenly glory' and thing is....While I can't personally speak for anyone else, I have never tried to make any name for myself. It simply was just something that happened as a side effect of doing something I loved.

I and the rest of the staff here hold the final word on anything authority related dealing with the modding community. AfterLife does NOT.

You have to stand up for your principals and never let anyone get you down or stop you from doing something that you want to do.

This is the lesson I have TRIED to teach everyone here when I took charge of the modding community back when I laid down the groundwork for the model that I wanted the community to use. It is unacceptable for ANYONE to bash someone who is simply trying to learn to mod.

Think of it this way m8....Do singers and songwriters bash other singers for doing covers of their songs? Hell no they don't. If anything, most feel honored by that. While that material may belong to someone else, they are putting their own spin on that material and thus giving it a slightly different feel. Modding is no different. Nor is art.

AfterLife is also someone that I call an Elitist. Elitists in general...are all asshats and think they are better then everyone else at whatever they do.

I myself have never thought of myself as superior or better then anyone here. Hell...I may have started the current model of the modding community...I may have introduced everyone to things like lua as well as letting out details about the game internals...but I am not better then anyone here. If I were to call anyone here better then me...I would have to say on mod creativity alone and skill...DaBOSS would easily blow past me on that. Sure...I may have done lua longer then he has.....but he IS better at it then I am since he keeps himself motivated and keeps on practicing his coding skills. I myself rarely code anymore since I have been trying to get away from it (after doing programming for roughly 26 years I just want to do other things) and concentrate on the three things I love above all else....Writing...Art (ps and 3d) and helping people in need. Those are the things that I consider myself to be better at.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 02:05:15 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

Offline UltimateGamer9

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2015, 02:13:58 AM »
Thanks MadMan  :D.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2015, 02:27:09 AM »
Not a problem m8.

Just doing what I do best. Helping people out.

Plus...I just can't stand to see someone entertain thoughts of quitting. I never have...never will either. I just never went to that school og I don't know how to give up.

It is just like I tell my close m8 Red.....

"Break my arms and I still got my legs. Break my legs and I will use my tongue and dick and crawl along. I never stop."

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2015, 02:35:51 AM »
BOSS released his work open source, and actually does most of the time, if not all the time. Please have a look:

as you can see, he said anyone can modify it. And the least you could actually do is just do what i do. You could say "Based off work from DaBOSS and The Dream Is Dead" or "Special Thanks To" or "Help from".

That's what I do if someone helps in mine. But I'm sure Boss won't mind. He's not going to get mad, plus he even released the source. When you release a source, you're allowing anyone to modify it.

Now, about AfterLife...

Long story short: He is evading ban. I don't know how to put this, and he might not want me doing this. But he is really mad over being banned on BB. BUT I still don't think he should be allowed back at all yet.

If you disagree, please have a look at these logs:

Can't forget this one(my fav):

"i evaded on bb"

He's been taking it out on everyone. He's just pissed at everyone.

I have no problem with you (ultimategamer9), but he hinted the reason he doesn't like you: he thinks you got him banned because you brought up the subject of a possibility of his alt accounts(WHICH WAS TRUE).

he's been telling me all about it, and how he got his TOR browser to try it again and again.

New post while I posted. But what Mad said.

So, hopefully this clears up the reasons of his anger... Just ignore him is the least i could say.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 02:37:36 AM by Unknownsoldier »

Offline UltimateGamer9

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2015, 02:46:23 AM »
So he hates me that way? But I never did anything to him.

Offline SWEGTA

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2015, 02:46:55 AM »
There is no sense in throwing in the towel of what some whiny bitch on Youtube does.
I don't know Afterlife or have any problem with him, but this is just a poor display.

I side with Mad on this one.

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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2015, 02:57:46 AM »
So he hates me that way? But I never did anything to him.

Little saying for ya m8,

"He who tries to please everybody pleases .nobody."

Don't worry about whether or not this or that person hates you. I myself have a LOT of enemies ..believe it or not....but this is due to another part of my background that still kinda haunts me till this day......due to being a former hacker....but I was a greyhat hacker rather then a whitehat or blackhat. Needless to say...I have a rather large amount of people that royally hate my guts and would love to piss on my grave if I were to ever die.

I simply don't let it get to me. I concentrate on those who are worthy of my attention and friendship. Friendship is something I take very seriously due to my own personal code of honor that I strictly bind myself to. Anyone here that knows me will back me up on this one too.

Only focus on those that are nice to you and enjoy being around you and enjoy your work. The people that have nasty things to say about you....just turn your back on them and simply ignore them.

This is just like another saying that has a long history with the internet: "Don't feed the trolls!"


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Re: I am very sad and in a bad mood. Need to tell you something.
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2015, 03:03:28 AM »
: he thinks you got him banned because you brought up the subject of a possibility of his alt accounts(WHICH WAS TRUE).

Actually, We on the staff knew about this before anyone even mentioned anything. I myself knew of the alternate accounts at the same time that King Cobra found out about it. King Cobra and I talk on almost a nightly basis and we keep a close eye on things like this. Chuck and Chrissy are also keeping an eye on things too. This is our job as staff here. Plus, I know several ways to find out the real ip of anyone using a proxy or vpn anyways. I will however NOT state how I do this as a good magician never gives away his secrets.... 8)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 03:15:50 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »