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Messages - Miss Ordered

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Bully 2 Discussion / Bully 2 confirmed?
« on: November 11, 2009, 10:01:45 PM »
Actually, I was fearing that the people at Rockstar would make a sequel for Bully.  However, I was fearing this because sequels can kill series/invite hoards of rabid fans to fandoms.  However, sequels still have the possibility of making a series better, but I'm still concerned about how disappointing Bully 2 might turn out.  Examples: Manhunt 2 ruined the Manhunt series (It's actually not too bad, though.).  

Would it be about Jimmy's later years?  Would they just dump him for another main character and a new school?  Or perhaps they might redo Bully from the perspective of another character?

Either way, the thought of another Bully should have fans waiting.  I was actually quite surprised when I read this, because I read an article that stated that Bully was given high reviews but did not sell enough to warrant a sequel.  Well, they were wrong.

Can't wait to see how this turns out.  I hope they put in as much detail, if not more, on the sequel instead of half-assing it like many other developers have done.

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:49:00 PM »
245.  Nobody cracks jokes about race, even when the ethnicity ratio is grossly inaccurate compared to real high schools.
246. A bike can outrun a car.  (When Jimmy had to outrun the cops before fighting Johnny.)
247.  Attempted murder is allowed in Bullworth, but it will never really pull through to actual murder.  (There are many times that Jimmy could've been realistically killed.  Examples: throwing firecrackers/footbombs at other students, Norton chasing Jimmy with a hammer, Gary causing Jimmy to fall off the belltower during the final battle, anyone getting hit by a car, etc.)
248.  You can survive off apples and bananas.
249.  Students cannot play catch effeciently.  Well, at least with Jimmy...
250.  Snowball fights are considered actual fights.
251.  There is actually an announcer's table in The Hole, complete with a bell.

NES Archive / The Never Ending Story
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:38:13 PM »
"Fresh Meat Is DEAD Meat"  That's what the graffiti read.

"You must be Tony Calderone",  crooned the woman, who was wearing a dark, tight outfit. "I am Miss Danvers. Welcome to Bullworth Academy !  I'm sure you'll fit in quite comfortably here."  She led him through the Gates onto the School Campus.

A tall, ugly boy in a white shirt with acne and blonde hair smiled as he gestured menacingly at Tony, just as he passed the quad. Two other boys in white shirts slapped their fists into their palms behind him, wearing the same hideous smiles.

"Come along, now. You don't want to keep Dr. Crabblesnitch waiting. He's an amazing man”, Miss Danvers continued, walking swiftly towards the large School building.

Miss Danvers made no effort to slow down for Tony, galloping off to kiss the ass of her beloved Principal.  Climbing the steps and entering the School, he found himself in a grand hall.  Ahead, Miss Danvers was ascending another flight of steps that led to the School Office.  When Tony caught up, he was directed to an another Office in back of that, through double doors. 

Bully 1 Questions / whats your favourite part of town
« on: November 11, 2009, 02:01:54 AM »
I like snooping around in the school, although I enjoy getting occasionally lost in Bullworth Vale.  Sometimes, I'll even revisit The Hole for no reason.  Blue Skies Industrial Park makes me depressed.  I also like going to the pirate ship in the middle of the lake, but only if Vance is there dressed like a pirate!  :D

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: November 11, 2009, 01:58:09 AM »
237.  Students really do have specific eye-colors, which are not recorded anywhere.  Interestingly enough, two characters can have different shades of the same eye color.  So far, Bif is the only student with green eyes.
238.  Students all puke a green waterfall out of nowhere, mostly in the fountain.  Must be Edna's cooking...
239.  Everyone in Bullworth is neurotic, even the town therapist.
240.  Chad's dog bites you on the wrist, but Tad's dog (the one on his lawn) bites you on the butt.
241.  Tad Spencer lives across the street from Mr. Hattrick.  Dear god...
242.  It can be assumed all students have unique romantic greetings and unique dialogue when crying.  To bad both are are rare to stumble upon.
243.  Bullworth's football team is extremely understaffed.  I don't think Jimmy's pranking is the reason they lost The Big Game...

Bully 1 Discussion / Your Favorite thing to do in Bully
« on: November 11, 2009, 01:26:03 AM »
LOL... I'm gonna try that out, too!  (Well, as soon as my friend returns my copy!)

Usually, I just hide in trashcans and listen to what people say.  The Jocks have tendency to gather around one in the daytime.

I also like driving the moped/go-kart into the football field and running Jocks over.  Sometimes, I'll just ride Jimmy's bike around the school and run over little kids/prefects.  The prefects do an epic jump when they see you heading at them.  

Ah, good times.

Bully 1 Discussion / How to know if you're a Bully Super Geek
« on: November 11, 2009, 01:19:51 AM »
LOL...  I did number 14, except it was during Halloween with my friends.  Coincidentally, I was dressed as a football referree!  

As for the guesses, I'll choose number 14 and 15.  :D

More to the list:

17. You wish real students were like students in Bully.
18. You've suddenly become interested in retro stuff.
19. You've modeled a school project after Bully.  (LOL...I had to make a school brochure for Spanish class, and I couldn't resist.)
20. You bother all your friends with a PS2/Wii into playing Bully.
21. Said friends actually played Bully and liked it.
22. You've literally started a local Bully club consisted of people you've lured into playing Bully.

(Steps 20-22 in progress...)

Bully 1 Discussion / Create your own Bully Character.!!!!
« on: November 11, 2009, 01:09:29 AM »
Name: Campbell Hewett
Age: 17
Clique: Jocks
Appearance: Tall and muscular.  Almost inhumanly attractive, with blonde hair and odd blue eyes.  Wears the same thing as Casey, which is why they don't get along.  Jimmy gave him a cut on his hand, but he's not mad.  Honest.  Oh, and Zoe called him ugly, so she's on his hitlist, too!  Wait...
Personality: God-awful fighter.  (Can't harm the face, you know!)  Extremely narcissistic and lacks decent judgment skills.  Generally shallow, manipulative, and mean.  However, he's extremely easy to make a fool of/coax into failure.  Every guy (and some girls) in school despise him, and the reason they haven't ran him out of school yet is because his tight group of fangirls will be on their tails for the rest of the semester.  However, it's implied that he's aware of his own dependence on his looks and that he might have some severe neurotic issues that he believes is normal.  In a place like Bullworth (or any school full of teenagers), it is.  Plays cornerback on the Bulls but wants to be quarterback, so he has a whole defensive line to guard his pretty face.
Bio: Got kicked out of his last school for being deemed a "distraction towards education".  Oh, and also for making that one guy...and girl...commit suicide.  Oopsie.

Bully 1 Questions / Who is your favorite faculty member?
« on: November 10, 2009, 08:40:42 AM »
I like Dr. Slawter.  In real life, I think I would do well in his class.  Plus, in my school, they don't give you a scalpel that is sharp enough to even slice the skin.  Last time I dissected, I had to cut the skin open with the scissors and tear the rat's chest open with my hands.  The real life jock I was working with left the room after I pulled its heart out with my fingers.


Bully 1 Discussion / Your Favorite thing to do in Bully
« on: November 10, 2009, 08:30:59 AM »
My favorite thing to do is snoop around and listen to what the other students say.  Some of their dialogue has a lot of WTH moments in them.

But they always frickin' notice me!  (I wish the black ninja suit made Jimmy invisible to students also.)

Bully 1 Discussion / Your Hardest Mission, Class, Errand Or Arcade Game
« on: November 10, 2009, 08:28:50 AM »
I found out what mine was.  Consumo on the Wii.  Seriously, it's harder than all the boss battles.

Bully 1 Discussion / Biggest W T F moment.
« on: November 10, 2009, 08:26:47 AM »
After watching my friend complete the "Save Bucky" mission on the Wii, Davis was all walking around while fading away.  WTF.

Sometimes, you can spot some of the Jocks doing a weird motion while sitting.  I saw a group of them doing it in unison on the PS2 version, and I was like, "WTF are they doing?!"  It looks like hysterical laughter, but I could be wrong...

Well, the Wii version is more glitchy overall...

Introduce Yourself / How'd you find
« on: November 08, 2009, 04:17:44 PM »
I searched up "Bully forum" and ended up with a crapload of sites about pitbulls.  But when I found this site, I lurked like a stalker for a few months.  :D

LOL...  I tried the same for the Manhunt (played both 1 and 2) forum.

Jocks: Casey Harris (No idea why.)
Bullies: Wade Martin (I like his voice/dialogue.)
Nerds: Cornelius Johnson (Lol...Steve Urkel.  Plus, he's polite.)
Preppies: Tad Spencer (So many problems!)
Townies: Zoe Taylor (Genuine, actually sees how fake everyone is in Bullworth.  She's also one of the few girls who doesn't cry when beaten up.)

I love the Halloween one!  It's kind of disappointing that only 2 students dressed up in every clique, but I can understand why seeing there are about 60 unique students!  

I also like Nice Outfit and The Big Game!  :D

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