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Author Topic: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic  (Read 6170 times)

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Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« on: March 17, 2013, 12:32:28 AM »
This is going to be a short Fanfic I'm going to be working on, I plan on finishing this story up within, let's saaayyy.... 15-20 posts. (Don't plan on making it too long of a Fanfic)

This Fanfic follows Bryce Montrose and his life in Bullworth, I already have quite a few ideas in mind, so this may get updated regularly.

As always, any comments/questions about this Fanfic?.. CLICK ON THE LINK PROVIDED AND ASK/COMMENT THERE. (Don't post ANYTHING in this thread, AT ALL)

Enjoy! 8)

NOTE: I'm going to be posting this on for the lolcopters, not to mention that I always wanted to sign up there but never did so... So, don't be surprised if you see it there ;)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 05:27:58 AM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2013, 12:44:12 AM »
Bryce was working on the boxing bag, training for the big match that had been on his mind for weeks, he HAD to win this match.

Derby sighed and tiredly sat down on a couch, watching Bryce train.

“So, you do know the boxing match is tomorrow, yes?” Derby’s words were quite curt.

Bryce didn’t look at Derby; he wiped away the sweat on his neck and threw another blow at the boxing bag, and then replied to him eventually. “Indeed I do.” Bryce responded, as he continued working on the boxing bag.

It was late at night, and Bryce was determined to win this match-up, he declined a night out with his friends to the new and quite amazing restaurant recently opened up in the Vale, and trained instead. Derby had nothing better to do so he watched him train, perhaps to remind him on how important this boxing match was.

“You look weak at the moment, Bryce. Almost on the verge of being pathetic, I want to see passion. Do you even desire to win? I will not have yours, or my name tarnished. I have no doubt that you will win, you can do this. Don’t let us down; but you shall not have your name-“

Bryce wasn’t fond of the pep talk or the constant reminders, he already knew of the consequences that would happen if he were to lose. Bryce was already hitting tough times, with his father on the verge of being in debt, and Bryce being problematic due to his home life, Bryce being problematic had sometimes caused fatal negative consequences for the Preps. this could perhaps be his last shot to prove himself worthy to Derby and the others. He needs to impress Derby or else he feels that he'll be thrown aside like yesterday's trash. This could very much end up being a reality.
“Don’t worry.... I won’t have this, what’s his name, again? Joseph Oswald, I won’t let this ‘Joseph Oswald’ beat me in this match. You won’t have to worry about it, trust me.” Bryce replied.

"You just interrupted me. Don't ever do that again." Derby snapped, as he rolled his eyes. "I will not have your name tarnished because it's so close to mine, and many others. Our families are practically connected and if your name brings in bad reputation, well, you can say goodbye to the Harrington’s." Derby said.

“A-“Bryce said, before being interrupted.

“And it’s not even JUST you that can be problematic. It’s your father; he needs to get himself sorted at once. He is wasting away the precious inheritance he has on god knows what. But if you prove yourself not worthy, you may no longer be allowed with us. So, keep your head up, my friend.” Derby said.

After hours of training, Bryce went into the changing room to cool off and get changed. Bryce was confident that he would win tomorrow, he had to win. He WOULD win.
Bryce sighed as he gazed up and saw Derby enter the change room. Bryce was sitting down on a bench, sweating and panting heavily, as he had worked on the punching bag for at least a few hours.

Derby looked at him and smiled, “Good going, chap. I have no doubt that you will win. Get some rest.” He said, as he walked out. “Here’s the keys, lock up once you leave” He said, as he put the keys on the table and exited.

Bryce sighed after taking a shower and getting changed up. Bryce slowly walked out, grabbing the keys on the way out. He exited and locked the doors, and he made his way home.

Bryce was walking up the stairs tiredly, still exhausted from his long training session at Glass Jaw Boxing Club. He entered his bedroom and flung himself onto his bed, snuggled up into the bed covers and looked up at the ceiling, pondering over what could happen tomorrow.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 02:57:56 AM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2013, 05:56:02 AM »
“Come on, Bryce! You can do this! You WILL do this!” The Preps chanted, as they surrounded the boxing ring.

I got a fist smashed across my face, but I quickly responded with a hit to his gut and a punch to the temple, knocking Joseph out cold.

I stood over him, in victory, raising my hands up in the air in triumph, “GREAT JOB, MY DEAR FRIEND!” Derby yelled in glee, as he proceeded to enter the ring and congratulate me.

“Honey! Breakfast is ready! Come down here, sweetie!” Mrs Montrose yelled.
“Sweetie! Breakfast! Come on, hurry up!” She repeated.

My eyes opened, “Wow... Quite a great dream, must be an accurate prediction of what’s going to happen today” I grinned confidently. “Wish I wasn’t awoken so soon, though. Would have been nice to see how that dream played out... Oh well, I guess I’ll find out after I win today” I smirked.

“Honey! Breakfast is ready! Come down here, sweetie!” Mrs Montrose yelled.

I yawned, tiredly rolling out of my bed with the little strength I had.

“Sweetie! Breakfast! Come on, hurry up!” She repeated once again.

“God damn it mother, I heard you the first bloody time for Christ’s sake!” I muttered to myself angrily.
I made my way downstairs, and took a seat at the dining table, and dug into the food that was placed in front of me.

“So, honey. What are you up to, today?” She said with a big smile on her face.

I took a bite out of the food, and then responded, “Oh nothing, just going to relax with a few of the chaps down at the Boxing Club, nothing out of the usual” I responded. I never really told her much about the school life or any of the fights I participated in, as it would make her upset. Although, most of the other parents knew about what we did, but they just didn’t give a flying hoot about it at all, just as long as it didn’t harm their reputation.

“Well, I shall see you soon, mother. And, oh I forgot to ask... When is Father coming back from his ‘Business’ trip?”

“Oh, he may be coming back within a week or so, darling. Do you miss him?” She said.

“Err, Yeah... I guess.” I replied, as I headed out the house and headed off down to The Vale on my bike.

I looked up at the Boxing Club, and I felt a cold shiver rush threw my spine, I was confident that I was going to win, but in the back of my mind, I knew there was a slight chance that something could go wrong, leading to my loss.

“Well, time to show them whose boss. I’ll win this... I have to win this, and there’s nothing that will stop me from doing so!” I said to myself, trying to amp myself up.

I opened the doors, and saw a large number of other Preppies there, they were previously waiting for my arrival.

“Well, Bryce. Get changed, your opponent is coming soon.” Derby said.

“I’ll get onto it, chap.” I responded.

“Hey, don’t disappoint us.” He said with a serious tone.

“No chance of that happening, chap” I responded confidently.

“Alright, go get changed into your boxing gear, get prepped up for the fight chap, do whatever you need to do to get prepared, we’ll be watching once the fight occurs. Good Luck.” Derby said.

I exited out of the Changing Rooms, fully dressed up in Boxing Gear; I was amped for this fight. Nothing would stop me from winning; NO ONE would be able to stop the fighting machine, especially when I’m as amped as I am right now.

After 15 or so minutes of training with Derby and the others, Joseph and a few of his, ‘Associates’ arrived, through the door. Joseph was fully dressed in his Boxing Gear, and he was ready for the fight.

“Welcome to the clubhouse, Err.... Joseph” Gord said.
“Yeah, thanks.” He said in a dull tone, “You guys ready for the fight?” He said.
“Indeed, one sec.”... “BRRRYYYCE! Your challenger is here, get down here and let’s get this bloody thing started!” Gord yelled.

I made my way to the boxing ring, I was nervous, but I was hiding it as good as I could, I entered the boxing ring, and stood there, anxiously, waiting for the fight to begin.

“ROOOOOOUNNNNNDDD... 1” The announcer said.

“Let’s do this.” I said, as I felt a big wave of adrenalin rush through my body.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 06:48:34 AM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2013, 07:23:47 AM »
Bryce had everything to lose, his father, wasting away the money he had. Bryce causing unnecessary problems for his fellow peers, all was going wrong for Bryce, and this could perhaps be his last chance to prove himself worthy... This was a high stakes match, the prize being $20,000 for the opposing challenger if Bryce were to lose, But it wasn’t just the money... Hell, the Preps already had enough of it, but it was their honor, pride, on the line, the way this fight was scheduled was due to past problems, the Preps did NOT want to lose. If Bryce lost, he would prove inferior to Joseph; but that was not the only problem. The Preps could not let this happen... And if Bryce lost, there could be severe consequences.

As the match started, Bryce made his way to Joseph, only hoping for the best.
Bryce was feeling tired, exhausted, a few rounds passed by and he was losing his strength by the minute. “The fighting machine... Is... Running out of gas...” He muttered to himself. Joseph was about as tired as Bryce; but, both were putting up one hell of a fight, both of these boys had had a thirst to win, and for good reason as well.

Bryce was sitting on the chair provided, after a round break.
“Come on, you can do this, Bryce! You keep missing the vital shots, go for his ribs, his body area, he’s not paying as much attention to that area, he covers his face, he isn’t blocking properly. Catch him on that, and you’ll pull this off! C’mon Bryce!” Parker said, as he squirted some water on to him. “DO this!” He said, as he patted Bryce on the back.

The bell rung and Joseph had made a little wink at Bryce, signifying that the end was soon, as Bryce stood up, he said to him, “You fool! I’m a fighting machine!”

Bryce threw a blow to Joseph’s head, which had connected, he took a step back, covering himself, and Joseph was slightly stunned, Bryce took advantage of, this, took a step forward and threw a furious uppercut to Joseph, flinging him back onto the turnbuckle.

“COVER UP, JOSEPH!! COVER YOURSELF, DON’T LET ‘EM BEAT ON ‘YA!!, C’MON, GET OUTTA’ THEIR!!” One of his ‘Associates’ screamed.

I was throwing vicious body shots with all my might, trapping him in the corner, I thought this match was going to be won, but I made a fatal mistake... Joseph saw a slight opening which allowed him to quickly regain posture, and by doing this, he threw a vicious right hook to my temple, and proceeded with a devastating punch to the mouth, knocking me straight onto the floor, followed by a vicious thump on the ring as my head hit it.

“10! 9! 8!” The ref said, counting down.
“C’MON, BRYCE!! GET UP!!!” Bif yelled.
“Ugh...” I muttered.... “5!! 4!” I slowly got up, “2! He made it, he made it!” The Ref said.
“That all you got?” Bryce smirked, as he wiped the blood from his mouth.
“Heh, you ain’t seen hafa' what I’ve got, kid” He spat.

The fight resumed, and Joseph threw a punch, Bryce was purposely blocking, letting him beat on him for the moment, it was a little trick he learned... Let them try to beat on you, and once their guard is down... Take advantage of it.

Joseph was throwing wild punches, but Bryce was blocking it, Joseph let his hands down a minute, and Bryce saw this and took notice... “BAM!” Bryce hit Oswald straight, smack down in his gut. “Ooof!” Joseph sputtered, as he held down on his gut in pain.

Bryce grinned, and did an uppercut, flying Joseph onto the floor. “Don’t even think about getting up, you silly, arrogant, naive... BRAT!” Bryce spat.

Soon enough, Joseph made his way up, grinning, spitting out the blood from his mouth.

“Cocky git!!” Bryce muttered.

Joseph threw vicious body shots to Bryce, Bryce had been spitting out blood... And then ‘BAM’ a wild left hook to the head... A cloud of black shadowed over Bryce as he flew onto the floor, which felt like the equivalent of falling down a bottomless pit... It was all the same to him at this very, dark moment in his life.

“10... 9... 6!!.... 4!... 2!!.....”  Bryce could hear this, but the sound just drained out.... Bryce was unconscious. 

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2013, 05:19:37 AM »
“Give us the damn check, I’m outta’ here. Nice fightin’ you all. ‘Kid put up a good fight, little cocky, though. Just like me, heh.”

“Yeah, whatever chap, get lost. You got the check”

“Alright, see you ‘round, eh? Maybe learn not to mess with us again, yeah? ‘Den this won’t ‘hafta’ happen. Unless you want us to crack some more skulls, eh?”

“Just leave, you got what you wanted, the ‘feud’ we had is now over. Get out of here, pauper!”

I heard all this but it was fuzzy, I was still in the ring, in semi-consciousness... And then I saw a familiar face looming over me, it was Derby.

“Get up you ungrateful, little leach!” He yelled.

“I—Ugh.... Ough....” I said in pain, my view was still fuzzy, and blood was dripping from my mouth.

“I SAID, GET UP!!” Derby yelled.

“I—I—I’m- Trying....” I muttered as I used the ropes to get me to my feet, still dazed, with my knees trembling with a mixture of pain and fear of what was about to happen.

Derby angrily approached me, grabbed me by the throat and pushed me back into the turnbuckle, screaming at me.

“YOU HAD ONE GOD DAMN THING TO DO, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD... Bryce.... I’ve had enough of your little shenanigans, causing us all the unnecessary problems in the past... ALL BECAUSE YOU’RE SAD ABOUT YOUR FATHER BEING A WRECK OF A MAN?... THAT HE’S GOING TO BE IN DEBT SOON?...” Derby screamed, with his hands still wrapped around my throat.

He lowered his voice, still in an angry manner... “You had one, tiny, little thing to do... Beat this ‘Joseph’ character... But you can’t even do that, can you, Bryce?... You’re a god damn disgrace and a... A... GOD DAMN LIABILITY!”

Gord was saddened over Derby screaming these obscenities at Bryce.

“Hey... Err, Derby... That’s- Tha-... That’s ENOUGH!!” He yelled, as he got slight courage to step in for his friend, before quickly regretting it.

Derby turned his head around, slowly; shocked that someone would even DARE interrupt him.
“Excuse me?...” Derby said in a low, intimidating choleric tone.

Gord was massively intimidated, he couldn’t believe what he’d just done; he didn’t want to get on Derby’s bad side. He’d seen it happen to other people before, and it wasn’t pretty, hell he was seeing it right now.

“Wha- N-, No.... I..... I think you should just go... Err, a little easy on him, Derby... Please, let him go.” Gord pleaded in a calamitous tone.

All the other Preps were shocked at, not only Derby’s outburst of rage, but Gord’s courage to stand up for Bryce, especially when Derby was in this type of state that he was in at the moment.

Derby sighed, got his grip off Bryce’s neck and threw him angrily onto the ring floor with no care at all. He exited the boxing ring and made his way out of the Boxing Club, “I’m going for a walk... For Christ’s sake.” He muttered. “Clean that wretched mess up, I’ll deal with him later.” Derby sighed, as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“I think you already have...” Parker muttered under his breath.

“Ughh.....” I said, crawling to get out of the ring, with blood dripping onto the floor, Derby throwing him onto the floor also contributed to the damage done to Bryce.

Gord and Parker quickly entered the ring, coming to my aid.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey” Gord said in quick, caring tone. “It’s alright, chap... I shall get you fixed up, alright?...”

“Why are you even helping the bastard?” Bif said in a confused tone.

“Yeah, just leave him there. As Derby said, he’s a goddamn liability.” Chad said in a dull tone, with a large majority of the others agreeing with him.

“Hey, back off would you guys?... Leave him alone!” Parker said in Bryce’s defense. Only a small group of Preps would defend Bryce after this...

“Ta- Ta, you chaps feel free to help him, but we’re off.” Chad said.

“Bastards...” Gord muttered angrily under his breath, usually Gord was one to be a sheep in the flock, but Bryce was too good of a friend to just betray him.

“Let’s get you fixed up, shall we?” Parker said.

"My... My-... My training failed me..." I muttered, as my head hit the mat.

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2013, 02:59:30 AM »
My eyes flickered open; I was still slightly dizzy... It appeared that, I was... Sitting in a car seat?
“Hey, there, Bryce” Gord said in a caring, soft tone.

“Wha-, wha-... Why would.... Why would he do that to me?...” Bryce said, with a slight tear drop dripping out of his eye, he quickly wiped it away, before Gord could see it.
Gord didn’t know what to say in response to this. “Look, we just got you stitched up, alright friend? We’re taking you home.”

“Did, did....” Bryce stammered with his words, not really wanting the answer to his question, “Am... I getting kicked out?...”
“I, I... I don’t know, my dear friend. But you best get some rest, alright? Get to sleep; we’ll wake you up when we get to your home.”
“Hey... I see you got your driving licence, Parker?... Good job, chap.” I said wearily, as I drifted off to sleep.

I heard the car engine stop, but I couldn’t bother getting up, I was too tired.
“Come on, get up. We’re here.” Gord said, “Come on, lazy bones” he said in a playful tone. I couldn’t be bothered to reply with a witty come-back, so I instead let out a yawn.
“Well, may as well carry him inside, then.” Parker suggested.

“Ohhh... Fine.” Gord sighed. “Let’s get it over and done with, we may as well get him to his bed as well, I assume?” Gord said sarcastically.

Parker looked at him a little bit and tilted his head ever so slightly.
“Wha-... We, do? - Oh blast; I was being sarcast-.... Ugh, never mind. Come on, then.”

Soon enough, my head hit the comfortable pillow and I was going to get some very well needed rest, I’d think about everything else later, when my head wasn’t spinning and when I wasn’t getting screamed at.

“Oh, mercy me! What happened to him?” Mrs Montrose said.
“Umm, he passed out at a party, fell down a few stairs. It’s alright, though. We fixed him up, Ma’m!”
“Thank you two so much!” Mrs Montrose said, as the two boys exited out the door.

“You’ll never amount to anything; you’ll end up becoming a Blue Collar bum! Get out of my damn face, you little leach! Oh my, I may as well do it for you.” Derby grinned as he proceeded to throw me off a building.

“AUGHHHH!” I screamed. “Dear me! It’s just a dream Bryce... Just a dream.” I said to myself, the shirt I was wearing was now sticking to my back, thanks to all the sweat that had ran down my back during that absolutely horrid dream.

“Honey, get changed! It’s Monday, school time!” She yelled.

I was making my way to the Gym class, I had been getting ignored by my fellow peers, and they would most likely stay this way until Derby decided to ‘Forgive’ me.
I was fuming from rage, from a mixture of what Derby had inflicted on me, my home-problems, and losing that fight, I couldn’t take much more of this shit.

As I walked past the statue, I saw one of the Greasers walking behind me, following me. I had enough, snapped back around and confronted him.

“What do you want, huh?”
“Oh, nothing... Just havin’ a laugh over the fact that you got your little Preppy ass beat in that boxin’ match, heard that even Derby took out his little frustrations on ‘ya!” Peanut said, as he began an outburst of laughter.

I... Couldn’t take much more of this... I... I, would turn around and ignore him. Not going to do anything irrational... I was going to stay calm.

“Ey’ boys, Bryce’s dad is more of a failure than HE is!” Peanut said as he pointed to Bryce, he let out a huge, laugh, but I snapped. There was a red line, and he just bloody crossed it.

“NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN!!” I screamed as I threw a vicious uppercut to Peanut, and proceeded to rain a bunch of blows onto him while he was on the ground, trying to protect himself.

I quickly realized what I had done, and the other Greaser’s were looking at me, clenching their fists, ‘Oh No!!’ I thought, as I turned around and ran straight to the Harrington House.

“CHAPS!! CHAPS!!!” I screamed, “Help!!” Around 4 or so Greaser’s were on my tail, but when I got to the Harrington house, there were more than six of us, compared to the 4 or so Greasers.

The Greasers stopped straight in their tracks, and the Preps faced them. “You better take your hoodlum acts elsewhere, Greaser Scum, unless you want us to smack you all back to the 50s where you belong?” Chad said, in a low tone.

“You, you win this time! But... WE’RE GONNA’ GET YOU BACK, BRYCE.... WE’RE GONNA GET YOU ALL, BACK!” Norton yelled, as he was pointing at us, they turned around and left to their own turf.

Bryce thought for a second, ‘I really beat up that Peanut kid pretty bad... Oh no, they’re going to try and get revenge... I better watch myself... Look over my shoulder' Bryce said, quivering.

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2013, 07:51:07 AM »
As the Preps watched the Greaser’s stroll off into the distance, Chad turned around slowly and confronted Bryce.

“What in the bloody hell where you thinking, man?!” Chad yelled.

“I- I- Peanut over there... He, he was asking for it!” Bryce yelled back, “He... He GOT WHAT HE BLOODY DESERVED!”

Chad grabbed Bryce by the collar and pushed him back onto the wall, still holding Bryce by his collar. “YOU caused that fight. Sure... We’d smack those Greaser’s like you did, but NOW is not the god damn time!! You bloody idiot!! ONCE AGAIN, YOU MANAGE TO CAUSE US EVEN MORE UNNECESSARY PROBLEMS! Derby was right; YOU’LL END UP LIKE YOUR FATHER, A BLOODY FAILURE!” Chad yelled, with a harsh tone.

Bryce felt rage taking over his body, he couldn’t control it. “GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!” Bryce screamed as he proceeded to push Chad straight onto the floor, Bryce was leaning over Chad and was about to let the rage take over him, deep down, Bryce wanted the rage to take over... To let out his frustrations on Chad, just like he did with Peanut, but the other group of Preps stopped him before he got the chance, and then Bif came out of the Harrington House with a big frown, most likely hearing all the commotion.

“Whoa, whoa whoa.... You’re both, bloody pathetic! Stop with all this mind numbing nonsense, would you? Chad, don’t act like you’re the bloody boss around here, YOU’RE NOT!! And Bryce?... Come over here, NOW!” He yelled.

Bryce made his way over to Bif, “Fucking idiot...” Chad muttered, as one of the Preps gave him a helping hand to help him up.

Both Bif and Bryce were making their way up the second story of the Harrington House, Bryce assumed that he was getting sent to talk with Derby. Bryce walked past Gord & Justin who were playing Poker on one of the tables, Gord looked at Bryce with a worried look on his face.

Eventually Bif leaded him to Derby, who was sitting in a chair, he looked at Bryce for a few seconds, and grinned slightly.

"Take a seat, would you, Bryce?" Derby said in a dull tone. "We've got some things to talk about, kiddo."

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2013, 05:26:40 AM »
Bryce reluctantly took a seat, Derby made him feel uneasy.

“Listen, I’m sorry for how I did it, but I’m not sorry that I DID do it.” Derby said, referring to when he had a fit at Bryce, Derby sure didn't feel any regret for it. That was obvious.

“Anyways, don’t worry, you’re not getting kicked out, but you WILL be, unless you don’t prove yourself worthy” Derby said, as he rubbed his hands together.

“I thought I already proved myself unworthy at the boxing match...” Bryce said, in a low, dull tone.

Derby laughed slightly, “Oh, oh, oh... You did, among a mixture of other things. But I’m giving you ONE more chance to stay with us for the moment, but... If you don’t want to, by any means, leave right now.” Derby replied with a nonchalant grin. Derby knew that he had Bryce in the palms of his hands.

Bryce was reluctant as to find out what was on Derby’s mind, but he went along with it, “What do you have in mind, Derby?” He said, rubbing his index finger on his forehead in unease.

Derby had a faded grin at the sight of Bryce’s nervousness, “Well... We previously had a deal with those Grease balls before you knocked Larry, otherwise known as Peanut, down on his Blue Collar ass.”

“Yeah... I- I-, I’m sorry... I kind of forgot... About the, errr, deal...” Bryce said scratching his chin, “Umm.... What’d I have to do, though?”

“We’re delivering a package to them in a few days, you’ll be delivering the package down in New Coventry, and you will also have a... ‘Partner’ to come down with you... The Greasers are expecting the delivery; they’ll be giving us something in return.”

“Errrr.... Whose my so called... ‘Partner’, Derby?”

“A Townie Bum, named Leon, the Townie’s are getting some of the cut, I included them to get rid of any animosity burning between us, those Townie's and I came to an agreement, you never know what those blue collar bums will do. Leon will explain the rest when you meet him yourself.”

Bryce nodded, but quickly realized the insanity of this deal, “Wha-... What if those Greasers get cold feet and ambush us! You know we can’t trust them Derby! What makes you think that they won’t just ambush us, take the package and keep the one they were suppose to give to us?! You can’t trust those damn criminals for god’s sake!!” Bryce yelled, as he smashed a fist on the desk.

Derby had an annoying grin on his face, but it faded away when Bryce got enraged. “What in god’s name are you doing? Sit down, and relax. Trust me Bryce, they won’t do that, what makes you think those scum aren’t thinking the same as you are?” Derby slid his hand on Bryce’s shoulder, “I assure you... They won’t do it.”

Bryce reluctantly nodded, “Alright...” He sighed, “When are we doing it, to be precise?”

“In four days, but remember, you have to do this. If you don’t, you’re going to be kicked out like Yesterday’s trash as fast as you can bloody blink... Anyways, we’re going to do some training at the boxing club, feel free to come along.”

“I may do that... Chap.” Bryce said.

 “Alright, get out of my face bloody face, then.” Derby replied dismissively.

Bryce stood off his chair and made his way out with a smile on his face. “After this, everything will be back to normal... At least at school.”
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 08:42:50 AM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2013, 06:48:24 AM »
“Hey chaps” Bryce said in a bright tone, as he entered the Boxing Club. Most of his peers gave him a dirty look and continued doing what they were doing, Bryce wasn’t going to be officially apart of them until he goes ahead with the delivery. What was so important about this delivery anyhow, why do I need to do it?... Whatever, I’m not going to ask too many questions, I just know that once I do it, I’ll be accepted and everything at school can go back to normal for me.

“Hey, Bryce. Come train with us, would you?” Parker suggested, “Yeah, we don’t mind” Tad continued.  Bryce knew that at least a few of the Preps still backed him up, Bryce and Tad were good friends, usually bonding over their ‘Daddy’ issues. 

After the chaps had trained for awhile and relaxed up in the trophy room, they were going to leave.

“The maid of this place is on a leave, she’s pregnant... Psh, she could still work, it’s no bloody excuse... And to think we pay her the minimum wage! She doesn’t even deserve that." Sighed Derby, “Well... Someone has to clean this place up, and... Bryce, I’m afraid it’s going to be you, no one else should, you deserve it more than anyone else in this room.”

“Me?...” Bryce didn’t want to clean this place up, but he didn’t really have a choice if it came straight out of Derby’s mouth. “Umm.... Yeah, okay, I’ll do that...” Bryce said, trying not to seem annoyed.

“Alright, here are the keys. Lock up once you’re finished, it’s the trophy room that needs the most cleaning.” Derby said, “Alright chaps, let’s get out of here.” Derby said, as they all left.
“See you soon.” Parker mouthed to him, on his way out.

Bryce sighed as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I must look like a bloody pauper... Cleaning up this damn place.” Bryce said, in an annoyed tone, as he pulled out his iPod and started listening to some tracks, it made him more inspired to clean this place up and to get the hell out of there.

Bryce had been sweeping the floor, and fixing up the bar, putting all the whiskey, whine and others all in a perfected row.

Bryce took his earphones out and turned off the music, and as he did, he heard a large thump, sounding like a door just slammed.

The place was closed, none of the others would come back to help him, not even Parker or Tad, they had better things to do.

“J- J- Just the wind, you fool. Getting paranoid...” It was silly, nobody was there, Bryce was a big boy anyways, and he could take care of himself. No need to fear silly things like the Boogieman or any other nonsense, right?... It was Just the wind... Just the wind, nothing else.

Bryce made his way over to the Trophy Cabinet, with a damp wet cloth in hand, he got out the keys to open up the trophy cabinet, and very carefully, he opened it. “Seems to be in order” he remarked. “And bloody excellent, no dust!” Bryce said with a grin.

Bryce closed the glass case, and he saw something in the mirrored reflection... It was a face.
He suddenly got a shoulder lunged into his gut, this violently forced him back onto the trophy cabinet, shattering the glass on immediate impact.  Bryce couldn’t see who it was, but he noticed that the person was a slightly tall, male figure, carrying a big plank of wood... Now he realized why he couldn’t see who it was, he was wearing a mask.

As Bryce was making his way up, the attacker threw a fist to Bryce, but Bryce dodged it, and the attacker smashed his fist onto a big shard of glass.

“AHHH, BLOO- FUCK!!” He screamed, Bryce noticed that the voice sounded weird, but he didn’t take too much time to reflect on it.

It had been too dark to see anything clearly, and Bryce had smashed into the doors. They should have opened as soon as he went into them, but they fucking didn’t! How in the bloody hell did the attacker put those bars down so quietly? 

As Bryce tried opening the door, he felt a big wooden plank hit him in his side, and he let out a yelp, wheezing for air.

“You... Sto-...” Bryce let out a cough, but he quickly continued, “I swear to god, I’ll-“ He let out another huge cough.

“Do what, trust fund baby?” The attacker laughed.

The attacker stalked forward, picked Bryce up by his hair and viciously threw him across the room like a ragdoll.

“Dirty piece of crap! Of course you had to sneak up on me, can’t fight me like a ma-...” He let out a big cough... “Can’t... fight me like a man, eh?” He continued, just barely giving a smug smirk. “You’re a fucking coward.” He laughed, “A BLOODY COWARD!!!” he yelled, as he let out a mixture of a jolly good laugh and a bad cough.

The attacker let out a lazy laugh; he glared down at him, trying to intimidate him.  Bryce’s head felt horrible, he wondered if a piece of glass went in his head or something.

The attacker picked Bryce up by his scruffy collar that was covered in blood, and while Bryce had been getting lifted up, he screamed "Get your hands off me you damned dirty dog!!!" And Bryce had proceeded to throw an uppercut to the Attacker.

The attacker stumbled back onto the long table that was connected to the windows that had overlooked the boxing ring, the attacker was dazed, trying to slap himself back into reality, Bryce felt a huge adrenalin rush taking him over, he couldn't stop it.

“FUCKING BASTAAAAAAARRRRDDD!!!” Bryce screamed as he ferociously lunged at the attacker, he smashed through the table and both of them went flying out of the window, “SHIIIIIITTTTTTT” They both yelled. Both boys had viciously plummeted onto the ground below. Both of them not being able to move, Bryce was moving in and out of consciousness, with a dazed view... All fuzzy...

“Shiiiiiittt.....” He muttered, Bryce tilted his head to the right, and saw the Masked Man slowly crawling out of the Boxing Club.

Both of them were in no condition for anymore fighting, but Bryce slowly tried to catch up to him. “Get..... Get... Your little coward.... Ass back here...” Bryce muttered, he managed to grab onto the Attackers leg. But with one little bit of strength in the Attacker, he viciously kicked Bryce in the face. That was all that was left in the tank and Bryce fell flat on his face, he slightly gazed up and saw the Attacker crawling off into the distance.... Bryce then shifted into unconsciousness.

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2013, 04:31:08 AM »
“Good morning, Bryce.” The hot Nurse said, with a smile.

“Where am I?” Bryce said, opening his eyes.

“You’re at the Bullworth Vale hospital, darling”

“Great...” He sighed, “When can I get out of here? How long have I been out?”

“You’ve been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past three days, dear”

‘Oh shit!’ Bryce thought, the deal was tomorrow, he had to talk to Derby about this, and quick
“Whe-... When can I leave?”

“You will be leaving today, if you feel well enough to do so. We fixed you up a little bit while you were out of it, it could of been a  serious injury, but nothing long term will come out of it. A sprained wrist, ankle, multiple cuts and bruises on your body and a little bit of glass went in your head, we managed to take it out. But you will be having severe headaches for the past few weeks; we’ve prescribed some pills for you to stop the headaches from being too bad... You will be able to walk, crutches aren’t necessary, but take it easy.”
Bryce glanced down at his left arm, and he saw that it was in a cast.

“Annnd... Of course, by now, you’ve noticed, that your left arm will have to be in a cast for a few weeks... Your left arm is recovering and quite fast, but this is for your own safety.”
Bryce sighed, more problems for him.

“Oh, and don’t forget, that cast is quite hard, be sure not to do anything silly with it, it could knock someone out for god’s sake. Anyways, you best get going to sleep; I’ll wake you up when you can leave.” She smiled, as she made her way out of the room.

“I really have to go speak with Derby; I can’t miss out on this deal... I need everything to go back to normal at school, I can’t miss this one.” He sighed; as he let his head hit the pillow.

"And who the fuck did that to me?... I'll get the bastard back, I'll be letting Derby know about this... And uncover who would dare attack me in OUR territory... Bet it was one of those Greaseballs... But why would they attack one of us before the deal?.. Was it revenge for my vicious attack on Larry?... Even if it was, would they sacrifice the package they so desperately wanted just to attack me? " Bryce sighed, but than he grinned slightly, "Showed the bastard who was boss, though. Showed the mystery bastard not to mess with me, BRYCE! The unstoppable fighting machine!" Bryce acted as if he was rehearsing this this in front of a huge crowd, and Bryce had managed to fill his ego up as long as the Trump Building.

Even though Bryce was enraged by this, he was still proud of how he successfully fended for himself, but Bryce was out for revenge.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 04:38:09 AM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2013, 09:28:19 PM »
Bryce had been permitted to leave the Hospital, and as soon as he did, he immediately made his way over to Glass Jaw Boxing Club, looking for Derby.

“Hey, where’s Derby?” He yelled.

A few of the Preps ignored him, until Justin approached him, “He’s at the Harrington House, you probably shouldn’t be going to school today, you know. I heard about the attack, I hope you recover soon... The windows, trophy cabinet and a few other objects were destroyed, got them all replaced though, you have a lot of bravery for spearing that guy through the window.”
“Yeah... I'm surprised they fixed everything up so fast. Anyways, whatever, it’s not like I need to go to classes anyways... My father arranged for me to get perfect marks this year...” Bryce sighed. “Anyways, thanks...  But I’m going anyways."

Bryce entered the Harrington House, looking for Derby, eventually he found him, packing, what seemed to be a big suitcase bag of some sorts.

“Derby... Derby” Bryce panted, as he ran to him as fast as he could, with a slight limp. “I- I- I’m here... I... Err; I don’t think I’ll be able to make the deal, tonight... I got attack-“Bryce got cut off.

“Yes, I know you got attacked.” Derby snapped, “And that’s bloody unfortunate... And, I promise you, Bryce. We will find out who did that, but for now, I can’t allow one small alteration to stop us from making this deal.”

“But... But, but someone else can do the deal, you know I’m in no shape or form to do something like this” Bryce responded with a nervous tone.

“WHY NOT?” Derby yelled, “What’s the danger of making this one little deal? If you’re scared of them attacking you, it won’t happen. I already convinced them not to try anything funny after your attack on Larry. I promise you Bryce, they wouldn’t dare attack us, they so desperately want this package, and they won’t do anything, I promise you that. You give them this package; they give you their package, and then bam, that’s all. It’s over, and everything can be normal for you again, Bryce.” He reassured him.

Bryce was slightly nervous, but his mind was at slight ease. “Sounds easy enough, I guess.”

Derby stood up and patted him on the shoulder, “There’s my boy. Anyways, the deal is tonight, at 10:30PM. You shall be meeting Leon at around 9:00, at the In-And-Out Motel, then when it’s time, follow Leon, you’ll be making the deal at the train tracks. Leon'll will give you some more information on the deal when you meet him at the Motel."

Derby handed him the suitcase to his right hand, as he obviously won’t be able to use his left for a few weeks or so.

“Report back to me once the deal is over. See you soon.” Derby said, as Bryce walked off into the distance.

It was now around 6:00 PM, and it was a few hours until the deal was going to happen.

“Nothing bad will happen, I’ll just get the deal done and over with, and everything will be back to normal.” Bryce said, trying to make his mind at ease. “It’s... It’s going to be as easy as cake.” He muttered, “Easy as bloody cake....”
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 12:01:39 AM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2013, 01:01:03 AM »
It was late at night, dark, raining, and Bryce was feeling uneasy, but at least he could now run and walk faster than he could before, he was recovering, and fast, it was his left arm that was the main problem, now. Bryce made his way over to the Run Downed Motel, which would occasionally be a hangout for the Bullies.

He looked around, and he saw a few students, mostly Bullies, slouched on the ground smoking, what seemed to be, Cannabis.

Bryce then saw someone that seemed to be a Townie, leaning against a wall, and smoking a cigar.

“You’re Leon, yes?”

“Yep, I’m Leon, alright. You got the stuff, kid?” Leon replied, while puffing out the smoke from his Cigar.

“Yeah, it’s right here in this bag.” Bryce replied.

Leon looked at it a little bit and then nodded, “Aight, let’s make our way to the Coventry Tracks and get this deal over with.” Leon said, “And hey, you don’t need to carry that. I’ll hold it for ya”

As we made our way to the Tracks, which was where the BMX Park was, a few of the Coventry Townsfolk gave us dirty looks; Bryce purposely didn’t wear his Preppy Uniform so he didn’t stand out too much. Leon & Bryce were now at the Train Tracks, waiting for the arrival of the Greasers.

“Fuck, it’s midnight. Where the hell is Derby?” Leon exclaimed.

“Huh?... It’s just me and you, not Derby.” Bryce responded, cocking up an eyebrow.

“Nah man, Derby was supposed to be doin' this deal with me, along with someone else, which obviously musta’ been you. So, where is he?” He said again.

“Derby didn’t tell me, he must have had something else to do, I guess” Bryce said.

Leon let out a groan, “Oahh, this sucks, but at least we got the stuff, right?” Leon said, as he held up the big bag, “We can do the deal ourselves.”  Leon said, as he threw his Cigar on the floor and stomped on it.

Bryce got a little bit suspicious, “Let me see the bag, Leon” Bryce said, as he took the bag off him and started to unzip it to see its contents.

“Check it out” Leon said as he slapped Bryce on his shoulder, “The Greasers.” Leon continued.  Around eight or so Greasers came walking down to the Tracks, led by Norton. Bryce stopped what he was doing and looked up, Bryce then handed the bag back over to Leon, not actually seeing if what was in it was legit or not.

“Where’s Derby?” Norton said.

Leon walked slightly closer to them, “He ain’t here. I’m doing this.” Leon said in a strong tone.

“I don’t like last minute changes...” Norton remarked, as he walked closer to the two boys, “Gimme’ that bag!” He said, as he proceeded to make his way over to Leon to take it from him.

Bryce slightly raised his voice “You got the stuff in that bag?” Bryce said, pointing to the bag that Peanut was holding.

Norton looked at Peanut, who was holding the other bag; Peanut walked up next to Norton, ready to give Bryce and Leon the bag after Leon gives it to them first.

“Here” Leon said, "All the dope's in it"

Norton gazed down into the bag, and then looked up at both of the boys with a sinister look, which quickly turned to rage.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Norton said, spreading out his arms. “YOU TRYIN’ TO BURN US?” He yelled.

Bryce and Leon looked at each other in shock; they both nodded slightly and knew what to do.

Bryce walked up to Norton, who was standing next to Peanut, with the rest of the Greasers slightly behind them.

Bryce said in a soft tone trying to calm him down, “Hey man, we were just supposed to bring the shit to you an-“ Bryce suddenly whacked Norton over the head with his hard arm cast, and Leon pushed Peanut to the ground, Peanut had stumbled onto the other Greasers which knocked around three or so of them down. Which gave the two boys a slight head start, they both ran as fast as they both possibility could.

“GET THOSE FUCKIN’ SNAKES!” Peanut yelled, as the rest of the Greasers tailed them.

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2013, 08:20:07 AM »
“SHIT, RUN FOR IT!!!” Leon yelled, as the two boys frantically ran down the tracks. As they ran straight, they noticed what seemed to be a dead end, until they made a sharp right turn and realised that it wasn’t a dead end, it was an exit to the main street.

“Shit!!! Let’s get to that alleyway, quick, Leon!” Bryce yelled to him. Both boys ran down the street and made a sharp turn to the left, and jumped into the shadows, where the Greasers wouldn’t be able to see them, especially not in this weather and time of night.

“WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY GO?!” Peanut yelled. “Keep lookin’ for those bastards, we’re going to show those little SNAKES to never mess with us AGAIN! Spread out, crew. Find the bastards.” Peanut commanded.

“No wonder Derby didn’t show! It was a set-up!!” Bryce said in an angry tone, throwing his arms up in the air, Bryce was fuming with rage.

“We’ll deal with Derby later, for now... We need a way outta’ this shit.” Leon whispered back. “Stay quiet; these guys got a heavy set, man... Can’t take ‘em on ourselves, stay low, kid...”

The Greasers now inhabited the streets, bloodthirsty to get their hands on the so called, ‘Snakes’, Leon and Bryce had to be careful... Real careful.

The two boys hid in the shadows, with their hearts pounding. Bryce was paranoid that one of the Greasers would hear his heart beat and find him.

“Hiding like rats?... Not surprising coming from a bunch of cocksuckers like you!!” A Greaser yelled in an awfully intimidating tone. The Greaser was closing in on the area of where Leon and Bryce were hiding.

“Hey... Look, a brick...” Leon whispered, as he crouched down in the shadow and picked it up, “I’ll throw it over there, when the chump is investigating, knock the bastard out with your cast.”
Bryce nodded.... A loud breaking sound occurred, and a Greaser immediately turned around and investigated where the noise was.

The Greaser ran over to where the noise occurred, “C’mon! This is bullshit, something musta’ made that noise!” The Greaser said in an angry tone, looking around.

Bryce crept up behind the Greaser, flung his arm back to the right, and viciously threw it to the left, which, unfortunately for the Greaser, was where his temple was located. Bryce proceeded to smash the Greaser’s face against the wall and drag him back into the shadows, where he wouldn’t be spotted by the others.

Leon glanced down, “Aight, once that Greaseball up there turns around, quickly run over across over there to that wall.” Leon said, as he pointed to the wall across from us. “We’ll hide behind there.”

The two boys quickly made their way over and hid behind the wall, with Leon in front, and Bryce behind, staying quiet and hiding behind the wall.

Bryce picked up a glass bottle and threw it onto the ground near them, another Greaser immediately made his way over to investigate.

“Whoever you are, if you ain’t my blood, you’re goin’ down! Just as soon as I find you!”
As soon as the Greaser kept walking forward, past them, Leon crept up behind him, and prepared to bushwhack him. As Leon was preparing to ambush him, he tripped on a rock of some sorts and he had nearly stumbled to the ground. The Greaser turned around as fast as a lightning bolt.

“Oh shit!” The Greaser sputtered, if the Greaser alerted the others, Leon & Bryce were going to be dead meat. Bryce made his way over to Leon, to help him with the Greaser.

Just as soon as the Greaser was about to scream bloody murder, Bryce smashed him in the stomach with his arm cast, bursting the wind out of him, the Greaser had enough trouble breathing, let alone screaming for help.

Leon provided the finishing blow and did an uppercut to the Greaser, flinging him back into a pile of trash.

“Let’s move up, kid... Be on the lookout, we’re goin’ to Blue Skies.”

Bryce and Leon were near the Bridge that would allow them to make their way to Blue Skies, but they had a little bit to go through before doing so...

“I don’t care how long it takes, gettin’ your blood on my hands is worth it!” A Greaser yelled, while stalking around, looking for the boys.

“I thought youse was heavy man! I thought you dudes gotta’ rep! Get out here, and let’s see who has balls!”

Bryce looked at Leon, nervous look on his face, “Let’s stick to hiding, I got a bad feeling about what will happen if we get made.”

“Stay calm, kid... Don’t do nothin’ rash.” Leon whispered. “We’ll make it.” Leon reassured him.
Bryce and Leon ran for it, running straight for the bridge crossing from New Coventry to Blue Skies. “Come on! Come on!” Leon yelled, as the two boys made their way to the Bridge.

The two boys panted, resting against the bridge structure to rest, they were panting, and taking a rest in the middle of the bridge, either because they couldn't run anymore, or they just felt like taking a rest.

“That was bullshit man! Why were we set up!?” Leon yelled, as he flung his hands up in the air and started breathing heavily.

Bryce gazed up, “Look...” Bryce said, “We ain’t out of this yet...” Bryce muttered to Leon.

“End of the line you little faggots!” Norton yelled.

“Yeah, end of the line!” Peanut repeated.

It was too late for Leon and Bryce to turn around and go to Blue Skies; they’d have to fight their way out of this.

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2013, 02:55:34 AM »
The four boys charged at each other head on, furiously, with Norton going after Leon and Peanut going after Bryce.

“C’mon you sunva’ bitch! Backstabbin’ snake!!” Peanut yelled, as he threw a right hook, Bryce effectively dogged this and planted his right fist into the guts of Peanut.

Peanut had stumbled back, but the rage inside of him must have taken him over, Peanut ran furiously at Bryce, lunging his shoulder into his stomach, which was effective, but also took both of the boys flying to the ground. This caused immense pain on the left arm of Bryce. Peanut continued his reign of furiousness by planting blows on Bryce, which the Prep had just barely managed to block.

Peanut was on top of Bryce, continuing his rain of furious punches at the Prep, in an act of desperation, Bryce lifted his head up and bit down hard on Peanut’s ear, in what seemed to be, an unbreakable lock.

Peanut let out a large yelp of pain, “AUGHHH!!! Fuckin’ bitch!!!” Peanut, who felt teeth being clenched into his left ear, screamed in pain. Peanut quickly responded, and he immediately dug his thumb into the eye of Bryce, digging it further and further, and Bryce continued hardening his lock on Peanut’s ear.

Bryce, who was now the one yelping in pain, let go of his grip on Peanut’s ear, grabbed him by his hair, and smashed his head onto Peanut’s face, which was an effective head-butt. Peanut fell off of Bryce onto the ground, clutching his hands on his face and ear.

Meanwhile, Leon and Norton were both putting up a livid fight, which could have gone both ways, until Norton managed to get Leon in a rigid bear hug, tightening his grip on Leon, who was struggling to get out.

Leon tried to squirm his way out of the grip, but to no avail. Norton, after finishing him off with the bear hug, proceeded to wrathfully throw Leon onto the ground, knocking him out cold.

“That’s what you get for trying to screw us over!!!” Norton yelled at the downed Leon, who was now a bloody mess, likewise with Norton... Both of them put up a great fight, but Norton ultimately got the upper hand with the bear hug.

Bryce groggily stood up, with the assistance of the bridge structures which he used to pull himself up with, he saw Norton standing over Leon, and he unsteadily walked over to Norton, ready to knock him out.

Bryce grabbed Norton by the back of his head, grabbing a handful of his hair, and he angrily ran at the bridge, with Norton in front due to Bryce’s grip on his hair/head, Norton got smashed against the bridge structure and fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes, Norton’s face was a bloody pulp. He lay there, lolling his head back and forth.

Bryce glanced down at Norton, and shakily made his way over to the unconscious Leon.
“Hey, hey, get up man... Get up” Bryce said, as he slapped Leon a few times to wake him up, this proved unsuccessful.

Bryce was scared that the other Greasers would come rummaging to the bridge and would beat the boys to half an inch of their lives.

Bryce grabbed Leon by his collar and dragged him across the bridge and in to Blue Skies, with any power in him that he had left.

Bryce laid Leon against a wall, and sat next to him on the ground, waiting for him to wake up. Hell, maybe he’d be forced to sleep outside all night next to an unconscious Leon.

After 20 minutes or so, Bryce had nodded off; he was actually sleeping on Leon’s shoulder. Bryce didn’t dare wonder off into Blue Skies himself, he had no knowledge of it first person, so he waited for Leon to awake.

“Hey, yo, man... Get up” Leon said, “I’m... I-I-I’m....  Wha-, what happened?” Leon said, puzzled.

Bryce flickered his eyes open, “Oh... Umm... Norton and Peanut caught us; we fought our way out of it... I... I was waiting for you to wake up... You-You-You alright?...” Bryce said as he looked at Leon. Leon had taken quite a lot of damage, he had blood squirting from his nose, and he had cuts and bruises around his face.

“Err, yeah... I’ll get fixed up by the others... Listen, usually I’d leave you hanging, but err, you seem different. I’ll be givin’ you a place to sleep tonight, a house I share with two other dudes, they’re cool, and they’ll understand that you ain’t bad if I convince em, fo-... Follow me.” Leon said, as he got to his feet.

"Leon, I'll... I'll help you there, you won't be able to walk there with your own strength, alright?.. I'll help you."

Leon had too much pride, but he eventually accepted the fact that he'd need some help getting there.

"Alright, alright..." Leon sighed.

Bryce, who was following the directions of Leon, eventually got to a house that looked quite dire on the outside.

“Ey, yo! Levi!! Malik!!!” Leon yelled as he knocked harder and harder on the door.

“Aogh.... Who is it?...” The person said in a tired tone.

“It’s Leon, bro. Open up!” He said.

The person opened the door, wiped his eyes and immediately slapped out of his tiredness. “Oh!! Leon! My man! Come in...... Wait, who’s this guy?”

“Hey... Don’t worry Malik; he’s the guy who did the deal with me, but... It didn’t go to plan; we got set up, bro... I’ll explain everything, but this guy is good, he won’t be doin’ anything funny.”
Malik hesitated, but he ultimately agreed and let him inside.

Leon explained everything to Malik, and Levi, the other person who he shared the house with.

“Dayum, man... That’s fucked up, what are we gonna’ do?” Malik said.

“I dunno, for now... I’m glad I got outta’ there in one piece... Kinda” Leon remarked.

“Ey, I’m goin’ to bed.” Malik said, “Yeah, me too.” Levi continued. “That Bryce kid can crash out on da’ couch. We’ll think bout everything tomorrow.” Levi said.

“See you in the morin” Leon said as he headed off to his bed.

“Goodnight.” Bryce sighed as he jumped on the couch and drifted off to sleep.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 09:06:02 PM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth: Bryce's Downfall Fanfic
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2013, 10:29:33 PM »
“Hey, Bryce, wake up man!” Leon said to Bryce, who wiped his eyes and was half asleep.
“Wha... Why? It’s so damn early...” Bryce responded wearily.

“Yeah, that’s why. You oughtta’ get outta’ here before the sun rises up, before dem’ Greaseballs wake up, then you won’t be able to get past New Cov.”

Bryce hesitated, but then he replied, “I, well err... Could stay with you, right? If... If I, screwed up or something? If I couldn’t get past?”

Leon let out a chuckle, “I don’t think so, a Prep stayin’ with us Townies? I doubt Fox will let that happen, not to mention the other guys here would flat out say no.”

“Fox? And I’m not a Preppy anymore.”

Leon nodded, “Yeah, our leader. Edgar left Bullworth permanently, went to live a new life. Who knows what he’s doin’, but yeah, Fox is a good dude and all, but he still has bad blood with most of the kids from Bullworth, especially the Preps... And sorry, yeah, you ain’t, but, still... He’d say no, you were a Prep and he doesn’t trust em... Even if you’re not a part of em no more”
Bryce was irritated by that, but he understood deep down why he would, hell, he was now a victim. “I don’t blame him.” Bryce said.  “I’m going to get this sorted out..."

"I bet Fox'll be glad to help with that, kid." Leon interrupted.

"I swear to god, I’m going to wreck that little backstabbing bastard...” Bryce said, referring to Derby. “How do you Townies get past New Coventry, then?” Bryce continued.

“Well, like you will. We leave early if we want to sometimes, but sometimes we travel in packs, they’ll give you hateful looks, but they won’t attack you if you’ve got, say... four or so guys goin’ with you.”

Bryce nodded; he would deal with Derby soon, very soon.... He was enraged by what happened, it all came together now... Derby was the one who set up that attack on him in the Glass Jaw Boxing Club, so he would be weak when he got set up in the Deal, lessening the chance of him getting away, but little did Derby know what hell he just brought to him. Bryce would try and get revenge, soon. Very soon.
“Alright Leon.... I, I appreciate it. If I were you, I’d have left me.” Bryce smiled, trying to give off some humour.

“Heh, Y’know kid, I probz would of... But, err, you’re different from the others, you ain’t seem as snobby as the others, you seem... like a good kid. Of course this all doesn’t mean zip comin’ from a delinquent like myself, but I wanted to get it off my chest ya know?”
“You’re a good guy as well, Leon. Anyways, I better get out of here, before the Greasers wake up and the sun comes out.”

“Good luck kid, maybe we’ll get in contact again... That Derby kid is gonna’ get whats comin’ to him. Fox ain’t gonna’ be very happy about being fucked over.”

"See you, Leon." Bryce said as he exited.

Bryce’s heart was racing, he crossed the bridge and was now in Greaser Turf, the same Greasers who probably would have beaten him to an inch of his life if they got their hands on him and Leon last night. But it would all be sorted out, the Greasers would know that Derby was behind the set-up, and Bryce was just an innocent victim in this all... Hopefully.

Bryce cautiously sneaked his way in and out between the buildings, in case a Greaser would pop of out nowhere. Bryce eventually got near the underpass, as he peeked out from the wall he was hiding from he saw two Greasers walk straight past him, they were so close that when they walked past him he felt wind blow onto him when they strolled past.

“Shiiii.....” Bryce said under his breath as they walked past him, he was breathing heavily; they were right in front of him. He felt a wave of fear rush through him like a wave.
“So... Those fuckin’ punks burned us out last night, smashed my beautiful face against a wall, I’m gonna’ mess them Preppy Fucks up.” The Greaser said.

“Yeah, think Derby was behind it?” The Greaser replied.

“I dunno, most likely... But who says that the little preppy fuck decided to go solo with those Townies and tried to get it all for himself?... We’ll find out soon.”
Bryce slowly made his way out, and ran to the Underpass, he successfully got out of there undetected and was now at Bullworth Town.

“That was a close one...” Bryce muttered, as he let out a sigh of relief. “Derby, you little piss pot.” Bryce said in rage.

Bryce was now in Bullworth Town, he immediately got as far as away from New Coventry as he could, and he leaned against a wall and got his cell phone out to call his home phone.

He flipped out his phone and punched in the numbers, waiting for a response as the phone rang.

“Hello?” The low toned voice said.

Bryce was stunned, “F-F-Father?” He stuttered.

“Bryce! Where are you, son?” He said concerned.
“Where’s mother?” Bryce said, ignoring his question.

“She’s not here son, she left a few days ago. It was important, she won’t be back for awhile, I managed to come back early from my business trip.”

“How did it go, father?”

“Well, son... I... I’ll need to talk to you face-to-face, Bryce. I’ll be at home waiting for your arrival...”

“Umm, o-okay? Goodbye, see you soon, father.” Bryce sighed.

Bryce was officially kicked out of the Preps Clique, but he still lived in the Vale just like any one of them. But for how long?

Bryce didn’t plan on telling his father about what Derby did, he would deal with him by himself, he would BRING, HIM, DOWN. He didn’t know how, but he vowed for revenge, vowed for a way to get rid of that bastard once and for all. Little did Bryce know, Derby had some things planned for Bryce as well.

Just what was in store for Derby and Bryce?