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Author Topic: B-B's 100% Completion Club  (Read 143217 times)

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Offline T-Bone

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2011, 12:16:04 AM »
My first 3 were on ps2! I just managed to stumble over them because the first 100 took me about a month!


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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2011, 12:16:22 AM »
I'll have to take a pic of mine.

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2011, 02:11:29 AM »
I'm not gonna post any 'Proof' pics.  I did mine back in 2008 + 2009, three 100% games, even did all 50 errands on each.  You all are just gonna have to take me at my word on this.  I don't have any picture phones, so it would be kind of hard for me to do it anyway. 

If that ain't good enough, then I don't know what to tell you.


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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2011, 11:05:13 AM »
What? No camera? :p

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2011, 11:47:38 AM »
Yea I thought you had a camera, Chuck?

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2011, 02:30:28 PM »
All right, just this once, I will allow Chuck. Because I'm pretty sure he has. He's mentioned it a long time ago.

But I'm going to need someone else to give the okay before I add him.

Offline Hayley

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2011, 02:33:10 PM »

Nah, it's all good with me. :)

Offline Dave

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2011, 02:34:01 PM »
So he will be added!

Oh wait, he already did, but got the date wrong. . . .

Sorry Chuck, I gotta sort it.

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2011, 03:32:32 PM »
Do whatever.  Oh, I have cameras, all right....Ones that cost me big years ago, that I still use, and zoom lenses for them (one of them was a thousand dollars).....But they are all film cameras, and not digital. 

I eventually get what I shoot made into Jpegs and put on disc.  I like this system because it gives me an 2 extra physical backups, negatives and disc.  And believe me, that has come in real handy sometimes.

I know I will have to go digital one day....Already it's getting hard to find quality film....But a real good digital for what I do is running $800-$900.  When the time comes, it comes, but perhaps the price will come down somewhat before then.

As for the phone, my phone is just that...A phone.  No frills.  I got it 6 years ago, it's a Nokia, and I've never had a problem with it, ever.  I've only replaced the battery once.  I've nearly lost it several times, but it's still here, old faithful.

I was brought up to believe that you take care of what you have.  I suppose that's why all my video games are all in their cases, unscratched and ready to play anytime.  Or why my original PS1 and PS2 consoles have never given me a speck of trouble since they came out of the box.  The old adage, 'Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without' certainly applies to my outlook on things. 

Do I miss just picking up a phone and taking pics of just any ole thing ?  Not really.  It's never been that big a deal with me.  I take my shots artistically, with a lot of attention to natural light and shadows to produce works I can be proud of.  And, since I can't see them right away, I have developed a sense of what will make a great shot when my eye is at the viewfinder.  It is, alas, a dying art.

Offline Hayley

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2011, 03:43:34 PM »
Beautiful words there, Chuck. I really mean it.

I was able to take this picture with a cheap $100 digital camera… but I’m not sure if that’s up to your standards.


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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2011, 05:58:22 PM »
ooohh! Pretty! I have to say, my digital camera ain't worth a grand, but I can sometimes take some nice shots with it.

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2011, 10:38:24 PM »
I took a nice shot of the Black Hills from Rushmore a long time ago, maybe around 13 years old.... I might try to find that, and scan it to show you. I know it's framed somewhere...

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2011, 10:40:28 PM »
My sis got this pricy camera for her birthday a few months back. She takes wicked nature pics.

Me? I'm not much of a photographer. I don't have the eye for it.

Offline T-Bone

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #28 on: July 20, 2011, 10:45:01 PM »
This is close to what I have now. It has AMAZING quality and zoom! And it has panorama so I can take wider shots... I love it!

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2011, 10:55:19 PM »
This is what I have....A Tamron 500mm Lens....

One of these puppies can bring a 16-foot tall object in at full frame from 2100 feet away (4/10 mile).

Cost is $ 979 + Tax.