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Author Topic: Hobo Training Missions  (Read 35095 times)

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Offline DGAF

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Hobo Training Missions
« on: October 18, 2006, 01:05:18 PM »
Hobo Training Missions

Offline maniac*4321

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Hobo Training Missions
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 07:26:37 PM »
These are not missions you need to pass to beat the game,
so don't worry about trying to get EVERY transistor in
the game. There are a total of 6 transistors thru-out
the game to find. Each time you find one, bring it to the
hobo, and he will teach you a series of fighting techniques. :D

WARNING: extreme spoiler below:

After you have given him all 6 transitioners,
and learned all 6 fighting techniques, the hobo will float
away, up a laser circle thing.... into the sky. You shall
never see this mysterious hobo again.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 07:49:35 PM by maniac*4321 »

Offline ZanyD

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 07:41:31 PM »
These are not missions you need to pass to beat the game,
so don't worry about trying to get EVERY transistor in
the game. There are a total of 6 transistors thru-out
the game to find. Each time you find one, bring it to the
hobo, and he will teach you a new fighting technique:D
 spell-checked :p

Offline maniac*4321

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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2006, 07:46:04 PM »
Quote from: ZanyD;19321
These are not missions you need to pass to beat the game,
so don't worry about trying to get EVERY transistor in
the game. There are a total of 6 transistors thru-out
the game to find. Each time you find one, bring it to the
hobo, and he will teach you a new fighting technique:D
 spell-checked :p

You spelled more words wrong in your
"spell check" then I did in my original
post. IDIOT!:lol:
« Last Edit: October 28, 2006, 06:33:23 PM by maniac*4321 »

Offline ZanyD

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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2006, 09:10:10 PM »
You spelled more words worng in your
"spell check" then I did in my origanal
post. IDIOT!:lol:
actually,none of the words I spelled are WORNG. If you're gonna post walk-thrus....might as well have 'em spelled right.People are counting on you for information and a mis-spelled word doesn't really help anyone,does it? Altho your spelling is ORIGANAL. Do you know what a transistor is? I see you went back to fix some of the mistakes. Nice :p
   And it's still wrong....when you bring back a transistor---he teaches you one new move to add ...not a ''series'' per transistor....or transitioner.

Offline maniac*4321

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« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2006, 06:48:58 PM »
Quote from: ZanyD;19342
You spelled more words worng in your
"spell check" then I did in my origanal
post. IDIOT!:lol:
actually,none of the words I spelled are WORNG. If you're gonna post walk-thrus....might as well have 'em spelled right.People are counting on you for information and a mis-spelled word doesn't really help anyone,does it? Altho your spelling is ORIGANAL. Do you know what a transistor is? I see you went back to fix some of the mistakes. Nice :p
   And it's still wrong....when you bring back a transistor---he teaches you one new move to add ...not a ''series'' per transistor....or transitioner.

What a jackass you are,... I mean come on man
I am just trying to help the community, and you
have to go and post some unwanted "spell check"
that nobody cares about. They look on this page
for helpfull info on a level, not to see if someone
spelled something wrong. And I am a fast typist,
so I normally don't look for mistakes. Plus, why do
you even care? Are you some neat freak who sits
there looking for mistakes? And stop taking things
I call you like "idiot." You got mad that I called you
that, and had to respond with the same insult right?
So lighten up man, and go to a page where people
care about there spelling............

Offline ZanyD

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« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2006, 11:07:36 PM »
What a jackass you are,... I mean come on man I am just trying to help the community, and you
have to go and post some unwanted "spell check"that nobody cares about. They look on this page
for helpfull info on a level, not to see if someone spelled something wrong. And I am a fast typist,
so I normally don't look for mistakes. Plus, why do you even care? Are you some neat freak who sits
there looking for mistakes? And stop taking things I call you like "idiot." You got mad that I called you
that, and had to respond with the same insult right?So lighten up man, and go to a page where people
care about there :) spelling
Do you need a tissue? Some kind of hug?
..................I was also trying to help the community: by giving them a post that made sense. I wasn't trying to slam you. You could've came on here and said ''Oops! Yeah, I type too fast''. And I would've told you that the boards were dead and I just noticed some really wrong spelling...and we both would've laughed and been pals. But you gotta go on the offensive and call me names so hey....right back at ya.
.................How is someone helped when they say to themselves ''What the fuck is a transitioner????'' English is obviously your native language.... might as well use it correctly. And you originally said that ''the hobo taught you more than one move for every piece you gave him'' which is WRONG. Helpful info is one thing....but wrong info doesn't really help anyone,does it?
.................I'm not mad at all. In fact, I spend most of the time laughing while I reply to you. Someone DOES need to lighten up around here....but it ain't me.
................And--if ''nobody'' cared about the correct spelling, then why did you change your original post? Maybe to keep yourself from looking stupid? So obviously....YOU cared,right?
................I'm sure this bickering isn't what the guys in charge had in mind, so why don't you just 1) go back and correct your spelling because you care so much about helping the community and 2) just ignore me like I'm gonna ignore you. :)
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 12:22:06 AM by ZanyD »

Offline maniac*4321

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« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2006, 01:11:42 PM »
Quote from: ZanyD;19636
What a jackass you are,... I mean come on man I am just trying to help the community, and you
have to go and post some unwanted "spell check"that nobody cares about. They look on this page
for helpfull info on a level, not to see if someone spelled something wrong. And I am a fast typist,
so I normally don't look for mistakes. Plus, why do you even care? Are you some neat freak who sits
there looking for mistakes? And stop taking things I call you like "idiot." You got mad that I called you
that, and had to respond with the same insult right?So lighten up man, and go to a page where people
care about there :) spelling
Do you need a tissue? Some kind of hug?
..................I was also trying to help the community: by giving them a post that made sense. I wasn't trying to slam you. You could've came on here and said ''Oops! Yeah, I type too fast''. And I would've told you that the boards were dead and I just noticed some really wrong spelling...and we both would've laughed and been pals. But you gotta go on the offensive and call me names so hey....right back at ya.
.................How is someone helped when they say to themselves ''What the fuck is a transitioner????'' English is obviously your native language.... might as well use it correctly. And you originally said that ''the hobo taught you more than one move for every piece you gave him'' which is WRONG. Helpful info is one thing....but wrong info doesn't really help anyone,does it?
.................I'm not mad at all. In fact, I spend most of the time laughing while I reply to you. Someone DOES need to lighten up around here....but it ain't me.
................And--if ''nobody'' cared about the correct spelling, then why did you change your original post? Maybe to keep yourself from looking stupid? So obviously....YOU cared,right?
................I'm sure this bickering isn't what the guys in charge had in mind, so why don't you just 1) go back and correct your spelling because you care so much about helping the community and 2) just ignore me like I'm gonna ignore you. :)

You talk way too much. I get your point o.k........
And I wasn't trying to be offensive, you just took
it that way. So lets just forget about it, o.k. man?
And I went back to change my mistakes because
I wasn't just ganna let them stay like that,.. ya know?
I guess I o u a sorry. Now if we can just move on w/
our lives,... and stop trying to correct peoples spellin'
'k? :)

Offline Minorkid

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Hobo Training Missions
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2006, 01:39:09 PM »
where do u find the hobo

Offline ZanyD

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« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2006, 02:08:57 PM »
When his icon have to walk thru the parked bus on the way to Shop class. There'll be a yellow marker to step into. :)

Offline Minorkid

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« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2006, 02:28:40 PM »

Offline Minorkid

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« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2006, 03:05:21 PM »
where are the transistor radios

Offline milesr

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« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2006, 04:51:31 PM »
"And I would've told you that the boards were dead and I just noticed some really wrong spelling..." Oh no the worlds going to end due to wrong spelling on a forum for a ps2 game

Zaney d
Dis is a forum for game wit mostly 12 - 18 year olds hoo really dont giv a shit about der spellin.

I left some grammar/mistakes for you to correct.
Have fun
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 04:52:36 PM by milesr »

Offline ZanyD

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« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2006, 06:00:04 PM »
:lol:   Fuuny stuff

Offline maniac*4321

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« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2006, 06:23:47 PM »
Quote from: milesr;19776
"And I would've told you that the boards were dead and I just noticed some really wrong spelling..." Oh no the worlds going to end due to wrong spelling on a forum for a ps2 game

Zaney d
Dis is a forum for game wit mostly 12 - 18 year olds hoo really dont giv a shit about der spellin.

I left some grammar/mistakes for you to correct.
Have fun
