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Author Topic: Stuck Scooter & Frozen Jimmy  (Read 5189 times)

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Offline BloodChuckZ

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Stuck Scooter & Frozen Jimmy
« on: June 11, 2014, 04:13:52 AM »
Some odd things happened when I was playing free roam yesterday.  I had Jimmy over at the tennaments, just screwing around.  Mr. Smith was riding by on the Orange Scooter for some unknown reason, so I shot him off of it with the Spud Gun and stole the Scooter.

I eluded the Cops in the streets and alleys of New Coventry for awhile, then took off for the Vale after that, via the North Bridge.  Strangely, the trouble meter went quiet, although I had no helmet on.  After a while, I started punching Town Peds on the main Vale drag, then scootered across the South Bridge towards the school, this time with the Motorcycle Cop after me, trying and failing to wreck me.  I took the Parking Lot road into the school and headed for my favorite place to play with the Scooter, the Football Field.  The Motorcycle tried to wreck me on the way, but I atrfully dodged him, and Carl the Prefect, on the way.

Arriving at the Football Field, I started doing my usual, going from one end to the other and skidding a 180 to turn and back the other way.  Only this time, the Motorcycle Cop was there, trying to wreck me.  Finally, he cut me off and forced me into the benches near the entrance to the outer grounds of the Observatory.  Knocked off the Scooter, I ran Jimmy to the big rocks that sit outside the Observatory walls and Jumped up on them, since Jimmy can’t be busted there.

All 4 Prefects and the Cop showed up (without the Motorcycle) there, so I picked them off, one by one.  Finished, I ran back to where the Scooter was.  It was wedged into the bench somehow, still upright.  I really wasn’t paying attention to just how it was wedged, and hopped Jimmy back up on it and attempted to move it.

But it was stuck, and I couldn’t.  I revved it forwards and back, but it wouldn’t move.  And neither would Jimmy, I found out.  I couldn’t get him to dismount the Scooter, he was stuck there as well.  So, I waited the 6 hours left on the clock until 2 AM, and when Jimmy passed out, he fell backwards off the Scooter.

Morningtime, I was in the same spot.  I looked then to see just how the Scooter was stuck, since it was still there.  To my surprise, the open part of the Scooter (were the legs and feet go) was wedged UNDER the Bench Board. 

I though to get a pic of this, as it was so odd.  So, I flipped over to the Camera and took a shot.  Alas, my photo album was full, so I had to go delete one.  I was getting ready to take another shot, when that fucker Kirby ran over, leaped on the Scooter, and stole it.  He had no problem getting it ‘unstuck’.  Enraged, I shot him off the Scooter and ran to reclaim it.

So...I took the rest of the morning riding back and forth on the Football Field.  The way to bring the Prefects down was to punch a girl, and lucky for me, three were on the Field in their Cheerleader formation (Mandy, Angie, Christy), so I plowed into them with the Scooter and started punching.  Two Prefects came, and I began one of my favorite games, running the Scooter up and down the Field, skidding 180s and riding past them, punching them.  (It takes a REAL long time to knock them out this way, but it’s fun).  Strangely, the Girls also stayed on the Field, so I was riding by and punching them too, until I knocked them out.

I kept riding like that until about 4 PM on the clock until the Prefects (Edward & Seth) finally knocked me off the Scooter by the Goalposts (by the Clubhouse)....Well, not really knocked off, as Jimmy wound up in a standing position, with his arms away from his sides at a 45 degree angle, frozen.  I couldn’t move him.

I was still able to run the Camera angle around 360 degrees and soon discovered why Jimmy remained frozen....His left leg was partially stuck in the rear fender of the Scooter.  The Dual Shock was was going off all this time and wouldn’t stop.

Edward and Seth just circled around Jimmy, unable to bust him.  This went on for hours.  At 7 PM, the Dual Shock stopped suddenly.  The strange scene continued until 2 AM, Jimmy frozen and Edward & Seth circling, until Jimmy passed out.  Come the morning, we awake in the Football Field, Prefects and Scooter gone. 

What a Trip.  ;D

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Re: Stuck Scooter & Frozen Jimmy
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2014, 08:25:12 AM »
Sounds like you had fun.

Why can't I get anything that insane to happen for me...?

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: Stuck Scooter & Frozen Jimmy
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 10:54:06 AM »
Run around and cause as much mayhem as you can, that's why this happens I think.

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Re: Stuck Scooter & Frozen Jimmy
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 07:32:23 PM »
Hilarious. Wish I could have seen that. :P

Bigfoot, I don't have much luck with shenanigans happening either. :(

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Re: Stuck Scooter & Frozen Jimmy
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2014, 05:47:12 PM »
Man, Chuck...
You really know how to get yourself into big adventures :P
I gotta return to some good ol' unmodded Bully gameplay soon.

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Re: Stuck Scooter & Frozen Jimmy
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2014, 11:53:41 AM »
Punching people on the football field while riding the scooter sounds like fun.