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Author Topic: The Scooter And The Football Field  (Read 1549 times)

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The Scooter And The Football Field
« on: August 13, 2009, 04:12:43 AM »
Normally, I don’t like the Scooters….The damn things are hard to maneuver, hard to turn, and just too frigging SLOW….So, as far as the street is concerned, they SUCK….But one thing you can do on the Scooter that you can’t do on the Go-Kart is PUNCH…Just like on the bike….

After knocking a Town Adult off the Orange Scooter, and losing the heat by hiding on the trail behind the school, I had Jimmy take the Scooter down to the Football Field where I drove around and practiced driving by and punching kids just for the pure hell of it….And found  I have a little more control back there, in a larger area….So then, I started running the Scooter from one end of the field to the other, where I practiced making Quick Stops  & Turns…It’s quite easy, hit the brake and turn at the same time, and the Scooter will do a 180, pointing you back from the direction you came…Then give it the gas right away and you’re off…..

So, Ok…Let’s go punch a girl and bring on the Prefects….Ahh, here they come…and let’s run them all around the Football Field, one end to the other, and, HEY, let’s punch them as we go by….And HEY, let’s see how many times we can punch them before we knock them out….

I ran Jimmy around like this all day into the night, parked the Scooter at ten till 2 Am, then slept in the Jock’s Save House, woke up and did another day doing the same thing….I f you get good enough at it, you won’t get busted, and it is just so GODDAMN FUNNY….

Note, I did this with the Orange Scooter, I didn’t try the shit White one from the Carnival….I don’t like giving up one of my favorite bikes (The fast BMX or the Mountian bike) to have it…Wondering if there is difference in ability with different Scooters as there is with different Bikes ??


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The Scooter And The Football Field
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2009, 11:34:46 AM »
I think all scooters are the same. Bikes are the only things that have differences in performance.  I did that thing in the football field a long time ago, but not for the "funny factor" but it just immediately came to me once while trying to avoid the fuzz. It is funny though, next time you do this Chuck, try adding fire crackers, stink bombs and eggs to the mix ;)