
Bully Modding Section => Bully Modding => TUTORIALS => Topic started by: Rambo7 on July 16, 2013, 07:44:13 AM

Title: [Tutorial] Scaling Mesh (Small/Big)
Post by: Rambo7 on July 16, 2013, 07:44:13 AM
First I found this by accident, when I am trying to learn how to import model from MadHattrick, and I think MadH know about this too.
This scaling can be done to make smaller or bigger model.
In this tutorial, I make all thing bigger.

Things u need:
-imgtool, download from gtagarage
-nifskope, search google

Okay let's start:
1. Extract the model you want to scale from the world.img (u just need the .nif file), eg. apple.nif
2. Open the .nif file
3. Click that black arrow until u find the nitristrips, nitristrips: mean "the mesh of the model", in this example there are two mesh, the apple meat and the apple leaf
4. Right click your mouse to the nitristrips, and click transform > Scale Vertices,
5. The scale window will appear, Change all the x,y,z to smaller or larger number, in this examples I input 10 for all the x,y,z to make it bigger
6. Make sure to change all the nitristrips scale, in this example there are two nitristrips, so change both of it in same scale value
7. Then just Save the .nif file
8. And import with imgtool back to world.img

Here is the screenshot:

Imagine if we scale character model like jimmy to godzilla size,
Even crabllesnitch now can be bullied by jimmy
Ps. I haven't try for the character scaling, cauz I don't know which file name it is, and I think u need to scale the outfit that character wearing too, not just the character model to make it bigger or smaller
That's all
Thanks  8)
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: -мα∂нαттяι¢к- on July 16, 2013, 07:59:33 AM
Good Job! I found this too a while ago. I've never gotten it to work with characters, but I can try
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: Rambo7 on July 16, 2013, 11:22:24 AM
Thanks, learned from the best guru
For the character modding, I think u need to move the model in nifskope too so it will be above,
Just look at the apple in my previos screenshot where I throw apple at algie, the apple just inplant inside the ground, not above the ground
Same with character I think, if we manage to make it bigger, the character foot or his lower body will be inplant in the ground, so need to move it before in nifskope

And here is the meteor ball and appolo rocket, that I keep talking about,
I am scaling the ammo bigger
Here's the screenshot:
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: SWEGTA on July 16, 2013, 05:23:11 PM
Great job!
This is one step forward in model editing :)
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: DaBOSS54320 on July 16, 2013, 06:15:17 PM
Cool mod, I did this too.
Nice tutorial...
Characters don't work for me either.
You can do it to rats though.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: c00ld0c26 on July 16, 2013, 06:46:47 PM
I actually just found this out like a day before you made this tutorial.
Cool anyway... but I wanted to be the one to make a tutorial.

You cant make a tutorial on everything u know :P
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: DaBOSS54320 on July 16, 2013, 07:15:25 PM
^ I know I can't do a tutorial on everything and I don't want to.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: c00ld0c26 on July 16, 2013, 07:28:48 PM
It means that no one can make a tutorial about everything...
There will always be other memebers that will do that before u.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: DaBOSS54320 on July 16, 2013, 08:04:44 PM
^ I know no-one can do everything and that's not what I'm doing.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: -мα∂нαттяι¢к- on July 17, 2013, 04:50:07 AM
Great job!
This is one step forward in model editing :)

Model editing is already possible, if you create teh texture. Which isn't hard as nifskope can export the UV map for you.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: Rambo7 on July 18, 2013, 11:11:23 AM
Check this out,
I manage to enlarge crabblesnitch, but this is not character, I just changed apple model with crabblesnitch model
Yesterday, I had a little talk with madhatrick, he alreadry try to scale the skeleton, and the result is the skeleton and the model become larger in nifskope, but when we load the model in the game, the character still the same, & I did this too and the result is the same
That huge old fart that I changed with apple, is the same process like previous tutorial, the different is I change the apple with crabblesnitch without the skeleton animation.
And I think just this nitrishape that will enlarge the character, cause I do it with that "crabblesnitch that I change with apple" and it work that old fart just become larger, but cannot move
Hope someone will figuring out this puzzle sooner
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: DaBOSS54320 on July 18, 2013, 11:19:37 AM
You don't only change his skin size but you gotta change his skeleton too.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: Rambo7 on July 18, 2013, 11:36:37 AM
The thing is
-it's funny when I try to scaling the model/nitrishape (head & the other) the ninode skeleton is not getting scale, so just the model getting bigger not the skeleton node, it is still small,
-But when u scale the skeleton, it's a different story, both the  model & the skeleton will get larger, so the skeleton scaling affect both the skeleton and the model
See the logic here;
so if I scale the model & the skeleton; the result will be back again like the above picture I attach, but it is more bigger, just do it and you will now what I am talking about
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: DaBOSS54320 on July 18, 2013, 11:39:12 AM
Well then don't scale the model in the first place, JUST the skeleton.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: -мα∂нαттяι¢к- on July 18, 2013, 11:40:36 AM
You can't enlarge the skeleton joints one by one, it distorts the model.  You can enlarge just the model, and the skeleton stays intact with animations still working. however ingame nothing changes. You can also Transform/edit the first line, NiNode, to enlarge everything including skeleton. Again no change ingame. I'll continue to talk with Rambo7 and try to figure it out.

Rambo7: Good job on the model swap. You  can do some cool stuff with this. One thing I did was turn the baseball carnival game to a football game. Changed the baseball to a football. Then took jock football player models (removed skeleton and made them smaller) and replaced them with the baseball players, to make recievers and defenders.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: DaBOSS54320 on July 18, 2013, 11:46:46 AM
^ Oh, no wonder my giant Jimmy head wasn't working XD
I tried it on other peds too...
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: Rambo7 on July 18, 2013, 11:50:44 AM
@Daboss; Dude, I think i said it already, it doesn't work, the model in game still small

"Yesterday, I had a little talk with madhatrick, he alreadry try to scale the skeleton, and the result is the skeleton and the model become larger in nifskope, but when we load the model in the game, the character still the same, & I did this too and the result is the same"
I just try to give clue & idea,
when I remove all the skeleton animation & change it with other obj and  scale it, u can just scale the nitrishape to make it bigger,
So the nitrishape is one of the key for the puzzle, if someone want to make character larger.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: DaBOSS54320 on July 18, 2013, 11:53:43 AM
Maybe it's because they get adjusted to being set to Small Medium Large Huge in coding?
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: -мα∂нαттяι¢к- on July 18, 2013, 12:01:54 PM
My thoughts exactly, DaBoss. I'm thinking maybe its overwritten by the characters setting in ide. Can't be sure though.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: ultrasbully on July 18, 2013, 12:58:32 PM
giant earnest


Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: -мα∂нαттяι¢к- on July 18, 2013, 01:50:58 PM
How did you succeed in doing that?
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: ultrasbully on July 18, 2013, 03:51:01 PM
As example i use Johnny model.
open the GRlead_Johnny.nif
look for 16 NiNode Txt Dummy [75]
right click on it then choose transform,edit then change the scale to what you want and save.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: -мα∂нαттяι¢к- on July 18, 2013, 04:22:24 PM
yup, that worked. Good job, I'll test for Jimmy
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: ultrasbully on July 18, 2013, 06:30:18 PM
thanks..but sometimes the model back to normal size in game.dont know what the prob..
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: DaBOSS54320 on July 18, 2013, 07:03:01 PM
^ Nice work.
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: Rambo7 on July 19, 2013, 01:52:20 AM
Glad that someone actually make it,
And I think I know why I never success before, cauz I just focus on to make jimmy bigger, and never actually try it with the other student character.
And I try it, and like you say it is quite unstable, sometimes when the larger student interact (like say hi, etc) with people or Me (jimmy), sometimes it will just shrink back to its original size
But for the apple that I change with crablesnitch, where I just edit the scale for the nitrishape, it really stable even if I interact with it, like grab the apple crablesnitch or throw it, it never going small
But when I just scale the ninode like the picture below, not the nitrishape, the apple just unstable, it sure it is big when I don't interact with it, but it will gone when I grab it
For the character model if we just scale the nitrishape it just don't make the character larger at all, but we need to scale the dummy to get a larger character but it is unstable somehow
But I think this is good enough already
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to become smaller or bigger
Post by: xbetstyler on July 21, 2013, 03:56:10 PM
how to make it work for jimmy?
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to Become "Smaller or Bigger"
Post by: Rambo7 on September 11, 2013, 05:05:48 AM
Ladies & Girls, I present to u,
"Godzilla Jimmy" swimming into the Titanic Ship
LOL; at last I made it  :euro:
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to Become "Smaller or Bigger"
Post by: jimmyho on January 21, 2014, 10:47:26 PM
Has someone find a better way to scale the student model?
This method here still not quite good, the student can grow smaller again
I had a thread asking how to make algie tall like jocks, but still no help, and this tutorial is the closest I could get
Someone know how to scale it in better way?
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to Become "Smaller or Bigger"
Post by: Toni C. on May 08, 2015, 03:17:21 AM
so anyone has better way to make it stable?
Title: Re: [Tutorial] Scaling Model to Become "Smaller or Bigger"
Post by: DahCobra33 on May 08, 2015, 01:52:30 PM
Ma' gawd...
Made me remember of that WFC Optimus Prime you made