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V2 Free roam Boss styles -Difficulty increase - Population change
V2 Bully Freeroam Bossstyles-difficulty-population
Filesize: 691.85kB  Views: (1848)  Downloads (602)  Last Download: May 31, 2024, 12:02:13 PM 
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Description: V2 version of my previous modd, it fixes some minor issues such as Ted sometimes T-posing in complete mayhem and a few other irregularities I overlooked in the files. It also adds three new difficulty scenarios.

This mini-mod puts together most of the commonly requested things by bully players. That being: the spawning of missing characters into freeroam, adding most of the missing boss-styles to most characters, increasing the difficulty of the game, and making it that different cliques spawn into places like the boy's dorm as well as some additional stuff.  I’m basically posting what I wish I could have found more easily when I first played Bully, which is an easy way to make the game even more fun and difficult.
To ensure that I cover everyone’s preferences as much as possible I’ve created multiple difficulty scenarios with different pedstats files, ranging from close to the base game to hard. In multiple of those scenarios, I’ve also added other optional additional choices such as having Peanut, Gord, and Norton’s mini-boss health and Bryce’s boxing Bryce health as well as the choice to have stronger versions of the Clique leaders in Complete Mayhem. I’ve also increased the number of Preppies spawned in Old Bulworth Vale and allowed other cliques to roam in the school area as well as other things. All to ensure that you could have the best gameplay experience that suits you best.

If you would like more information on all the changes made check out this post:

The files included in this mini-mod include an ide.img, which needs to replace the ide.img inside the objects folder inside your local Bully files. Within the difficulty section, you'll find many pedstats.dat files with different scenarios, choose on to your liking and use it to replace the og pedstats.dat file which you can find by opening the config folder and then the dat folder in your Bully local files. The PedPop.dat file can be found in the same place and can be replaced by the one inside this zip file.

The Population.dat file is a bit more tricky, you'll need an IMG-tool to insert it inside the Trigger.img folder located inside the DAT section. You'll need to open the Trigger.img file and replace the population.dat file inside of it with this one. This will increase the number of preps spawned in Old Bullworth Vale and allow other cliques like the jocks to spawn within the school grounds. If you feel uncomfortable messing with the files like this, that's completely fine, the rest of the mod works perfectly without it.

Here is a link to instal the IMG-Tool:
Keywords: Free roam-Boss Style - Difficulty increase - Population spawn 
Posted by: Micha February 18, 2021, 04:21:21 AM

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