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Author Topic: My Ideas for Bully 2  (Read 1812 times)

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Offline Doc Whatever

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My Ideas for Bully 2
« on: October 27, 2013, 10:41:06 PM »
Hi. First post on here. Just been thinking about the sequel lately and here's a few things I'd like to see.

1. Better ped spawning.
It's been said a hundred times over, but it gets annoying when you maim Algie by the library just to see him perfectly healthy, waddling his way into the main building. Have them stay de-spawned for at least a few minutes.

2. More aesthetically pleasing textures.
Yeah, the dirty, washed out textures in the game are definitely fitting to the whole theme of "worst school in the country," but there's a limit, you know? Give me something interesting to look at. You can only walk over the same unwashed and littered sidewalk so many times before someone has to pay for it.

3. A rival school.
Not really a complaint, but how neat would it be to sneak off the campus to throw a stink bomb into someone ELSE'S dorm, huh? And the football team would finally have someone to play against besides an angry boy in a mascot outfit.

4. Better mini-games.
In a game devoted to punching people until they fall down, I was kinda disappointed that the only mini-games they had to offer were shooting galleries, mash the button or bike/go-kart races. How about a Fight Club or Defend the Castle type game?

5. Sports!
This kinda goes with the mini-games point, but I'd love to see some other sports besides dodgeball and wrestling. Maybe play a scrimmage game of football with the jocks, or play a pickup game of baseball.

6. Other protagonists.
Not really too strong on this one, but maybe a different protagonist for a DLC or something? Maybe that beta-animations kid with the sweatshirt makes a return in Bully: Before Hopkins.

7. Multiplayer.
I'm pretty big on this one, but only if it's done right. First off, I think character creation would be essential. Nothing too over-the-top like Saint's Row or APB. Just a few simple facial features, hair, and clothes. Maybe a clique option that makes certain cliques attack and others defend you in a fight. Co-op missions would be pretty fun. Two guys running around straightening out bullies, how rad is that? Something I'd really like, though, is free roam multiplayer. Not too open world, like GTA or RD:R, just taking place in a small town like Bullworth where players can run around and knock each other out. Perhaps some competitive missions or clique wars?

8. More chatter.
One time, I was idling in the boy's dorm and noticed that around every 60 in-game minutes, Jimmy would say something completely irrelevant, like the rest of the NPCs. ("I wonder what Mom's doing right now..." "Who's the hottest girl in school? Hmm..." "I should probably be doing something right now.") I think it's interesting to hear the character's thoughts and opinions on things more often, and some extra lines for the NPCs are always great.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. More to come.

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Re: My Ideas for Bully 2
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 03:24:01 AM »
Fine points there.  I would add, that with the large amount of voice files, I'd like to hear the characters speak a larger variety of dialogue....It's buggy to hear the same things over and over again. 

Offline Doc Whatever

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Re: My Ideas for Bully 2
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2013, 04:54:35 PM »
Agreed. With the amount of files they recorded, it seems like a waste to only use a select few.

Thanks for the reply!