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Messages - x_BOREDOM_x

Pages: [1]
Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Has Bully 2 Been Confirmed?
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:04:02 PM »
I know people at Rockstar and they've assured me that Bully 2 will be released at the same time as GTA XX.   :ajajaxh5:

i find it hard to believe that theyll release bully when they release gta 20... :neen:

Bully 2 Discussion / Has Bully 2 Been Confirmed?
« on: June 15, 2013, 10:15:44 PM »
I was searching around online and found a couple of things that are said to be hints about bully 2 coming out.i found that the soundtrack maker is making the soundtrack for bully, but that was in 2009 O_o
then i found that in game informer, they made a whole page on rockstar games, and bully was included in that. this was in febuary. and the video i saw it on the guy said "why make the whole page about bully and not grandtheft auto?" so i figured it was a hint
then a couple years ago rockstar games said they havent forgotten about bully.
then i read it was supposed to a "secret project"

i just want to know if anyones confirmed these rumors or if youve heard anything else. and when do you think it will come out? because honestly i have no idea at all. they started working on thesound track in 2009. then in 2010 they said its coming out in 2013. its 2013 and nothings been said. do you think rockstars next project is bully??

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What We Would Like To See In Bully 2
« on: June 15, 2013, 10:04:44 PM »
IF YOU READ ALL THIS YOU ARE AWESOME! GO READ IT! XD you probably wont its long but attempt :3

Id like to see bully 2 come out after grand theft auto 5 more than any other game. i know bully will probably get some harsh reviews by critics but who cares. they need to make bully 2.

i hope bully 2 has jimmy as the main character again. and hes in a new school like college or something. its been 7 years since the original bully came out so why not have him age in the time?

and maybe add a cell phone where you can access a map, cheats, call in back up (people from other cliques), and other things like in grand theft auto.

id also like to see new cliques like

Thugs- guys who think their tough stuff, and have the bad boy reputation. girls like them for that. and they do alot of illegal things. like shoplift, vandalism, theft, truancy, violence, and if possible in bully2, steal cars that are left unlocked or running by stupd people.

Goths/Emos- the group that seems quiet to everyone, but is secretly an evil mastermind of people planning vicious things against everyone else. and they lie to jimmy and get him to do tasks that jimmy thinks is for something else but is secretly helping them with their evil. and jimmy will find out about it and fight the head emo in the group in an epic boss battle.

Computer Geniuses- they can hack into the schools systems and change peoples grades, teachers salary, and peoples punishments that are filed in the system. they could give jimmy a cell phone thats high tech and awesome as a reward for task. they also would be planning horrible things that lead to no good using computers and technology. they could be like planning on hacking into the system and shutting it down so school is out forever. and the teachers know about it. and they pay jimmy to stop it.

robotics nerds- they could be a nerd group that stays after school claming to be working on robots for the robotics competition but secretly making a killer machine that would take over the school, beat up any enemy, and defeat all teachers. and jimmy tries to stop it.

Normal people- these people could be normal kids not in cliques and they are good for side missions and stuff.

Girl cliques- there could be cliques with girls. like preppy girls, nerdy girls, greaser girls, cheerleaders. they could be having a girl clique war between them along with the regular story. and jimmy tries to make peace. XD

Druggies- these are just people on drugs and are drunk. and they use jimmy to find stupid ways to make money to buy drugs. like that santa drunk in the bully scholarship edition. and they give  jimmy a cut each time. this is a better way to earn money than cutting grass.

future gangster XD- like thugs but worse. they have fire cracker guns or machine spud guns XD and they shoot random people, shoot cops, break into stores, hotwire cars, vandalize, and beat people up. they could all hate jimmy at one point, and hed have to fight the whole clique. thugs and future gangsters are like sworn enemies trying to be worse than the other. so there could be a war between them too

different sports cliques- like a lacross clique, football clique, soccer clique, basketball clique, baseball clique. they all try to be more competetive with eachother. and they all try to see whos stonger and who can fight better. and jimmy could try to make peace with them. and again an epic boss battle.
along with the original cliques like preppy, and greasers. those will be the only two original ones because the others (nerds and jocks) will have differnet catagories of them.

I would like to see better and more advanced weapons. not autamatic machine guns or anything, that would just ruin the feeling of you being at a school with cliques and trying to keep peace.
i say keep the original weapons and add new ones like a fire cracker launcher, numbchucks baseballbat, brass knuckles, old tools like wrenches and stuff you can pick up in the garage and throw and hit people with, weapons you can find hidden around the map that if you find will be available in your dorm room. and anything else that fits in the feeling of being in school.

i would like to see a way bigger map size. maybe like 5 times bigger. with a bunch of areas on the map dedicated to where the cliques hang out. and other spots where its just a normal area.
id also like to see jimmy being able to enter more buildings. like almost all of them. maybe even have a mall with shopping centers and things like that

and in those buildings you can buy stuff. steal stuff. and possibly get a job at the burger joint. and more clothing stores with more of a variety of clothes. and wayyyy more clothes than in the original bully.

id like to see you being able to steal cars, motocycles, bikes, skateboards, scooters, and stuff like that. and being able to steal stuff from stores.

also you can get arrested and you have to escape jail. and maybe more pranks that you can pull on anyone you choose. more fighting moves. maybe when you do a task for a clique they can teach you some moves in the style the fight in.

the missions need to be more interesting. they need to have different lengths, they need to have more missions than the last time, more story missions too. speaking of the story, they need to have a really interesting story, and they need to make it longer and maybe have more than one clique fighting to take over the school.

maybe the choices you make in the game can effect how the game ends! so when you finish the game you can go back and get a whole new outcome.

id like to see jimmy be able to go to resurants and eat and drink and go on dates with girls. maybe you can have a realtionship with them! and u have to talkto them more and more to get them to start liking you then you ask them out.

things need to be more expensive. because in the original bully you had so much money yopu couldnt spend it. so make things more expesive so you have to work to get what you want.

they need to have more classes. most of the ones they had originally but new ones and new ways to complete them.

i liked the asylum missions unlike some people so have more of those but maybe more complex then just getting mr galloway and johnny out of it. you need to have more eater eggs like the pirate.

maybe even a hunger bar? where you have to eat so u dont pass out. and the ability to stay up all night instead off passing out at 2. maybe you could go to parties and crash them and stuff


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