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Messages - BDX777

Pages: [1]
Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What should be included in bully 2
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:12:17 AM »
They should add Okatus (Otakuses? Otaku? Otaki? I forgot what that term was called where there's more than one...)
and Bamfs.

Also they should up the ante, maybe push the boundaries a little, it's like toned down GTA, maybe tone it down a bit less? I think they should use euphoria, allow you to customize your bike, and your board, and maybe add those classic old school fish-fin skateboards, allow you to buy a car, make the game more moddable, actually optimize the game... add more rooftops, enhanced skateboarding gameplay mechanics (Simple functions like pressing B while in air to kick flip (I choose B because it's the same as the jump button on the skateboard, so it would make sense to do a kick flip while pressing B again before you hit the ground) and Y to grind, no bailing though, it's not a skating game.), better stealth elements, Spore-like DIY weapon creation (Like making a crossbow from office or school materials), and toned down notoriety. (Even more toned down than GTA 4, so you can actually get away on foot. Unlike in GTA 4 where YOU MUST DRIVE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!)


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