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Author Topic: Bullworth Fanfic: The Constantinos Problem  (Read 2565 times)

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Bullworth Fanfic: The Constantinos Problem
« on: April 28, 2013, 11:43:38 AM »
Basically, a 'Full on', 'in your face' kind of FanFiction... I have BIG plans for this. im not original with 'names' at all by the way,

Anyways, enjoy.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 01:49:10 AM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth Fanfic: The Constantinos Problem.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2013, 12:01:26 PM »
NOTE: THIS IS SET IN THE 'NES' UNIVERSE (You know, the story that Chuck has been working on for the past few years? How could you miss?) I WILL BE TAKING MY OWN THOUGHTS INTO THIS STORY AND NOT EVERYTHING IN THIS FIC WILL BE CONSISTENT WITH THE NES. (If you haven't read the NES before reading this, I highly recommend that you do.) Anyways, on with the story!



It was another gloomy day for the pessimistic Constantious. Another day of living in a hell hole crammed to the rim with a pack of crazy lunatics, corrupted authority figures and a shitty school. It’s not like he could do anything about it, though. He was stuck here until he was going to graduate. Which wasn’t going to be for a long, long time. He just wishes his time here would hurry up so he could go somewhere far away, maybe an island in Hawaii, but he’d given up hope ever since he was dumped off at Bullworth. He’d gotten use to life in Bullworth over a long period time, though. That doesn’t mean he didn’t mind it, but he’d just gotten use to it.

Const recently formed an inability to sleep, which was really inconvenient. He lay in his bed with his eyes wide open, trying to think of something to do to take his mind off depressing thoughts. He hadn’t slept in four whole days. Const took off his blanket and stood on the floor of his bedroom dorm. He reluctantly looked up at his own tired face in the mirror, feeling ill and miserable. It's like looking at another fucking person staring back at him, and he knows he must be tired, and he knows he must need some sleeping aid pills or something, because his reflection glares angrily back at him and, in his own voice, informs him of how sick he really is.

I saw you looking at her, you sick pervert. Wish you were under the covers with your little girlfriend? How about those Bullies too, eh? You like it when they beat you up? Huh? What about you wanting to screw over Tony? I know you want to.

"No.... Stop lying...." Constantious croaks. His expression is tired, but the mirror-image of him is smirking and wide awake.

Don't lie, I know everything. We know everything.

It's more difficult than it should be to tell his own voice to shut up, so Const said nothing with a sorrowful look on his face, wishing that his ‘Mirror Reflected’ image would just go away. It was, unfortunately, quite regular when Constantious hadn’t been sleeping for a number of days for something like this to happen. He'd experienced it before. But it never got this bad. He tried to ignore it, but he couldn’t. Mirror Const's dark eyes shined menacingly at him.

There. Be at peace with what you are, a coward. You’re pathetic. He mocked, “Ohh, please don’t hurt me!! I did nothing to deserve this! Leave me alone!” ‘

"S-...Shut up!"

Yeah, you always take your abuse like a man, eh? you're too much of a coward to do anything about it.-'

"Be quiet!!!  Shut up right now!!!!" He yelled helplessly at his mirror image.

Him beating you to a bloody pulp, you did nothing to defend yourself. NOTHING!! COWARD!! Your “Boss” hasn’t done anything to protect you. You’re a coward-’

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

And you probably let them beat you up on purpose, because you’re scared, weak, a coward. You just take it while that Italian piece of shit does nothing. You can do something about it, you can take over. He’s nothing. He is NOTHING!!! HE SITS THERE WHILE YOU TAKE THESE BEATINGS? YOU THINK HE CARES ABOUT YOU? HE’S USING YOU, CONST. USING YOU. NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO-’

"Stop it... Stop...." Const pleaded.

You weak coward, gutless piece of crap. We both know you want to take over, we both know that you NEED to take over-’


Beat them to a pulp, beat them to an inch of their lives, Constantious. Don’t take it, next time, beat anyone who abuses you until they plead and beg for mercy. Hell, maybe even screw over Tony if you need to. What’s he done for anyone recently, huh? NOTHING. He’s a bad person. You need to stop his dictatorship. Stop his ruthless tirade of power.’

"SHUT UP! I'm not doing that!!! He’s a good person!!! STOP!!!"

Ha! That's too good. Mirror Constantious has the impudence to look amused. His upper lip curled up with a devilish grin. ‘You love him don’t you? You pathetic, gutless sack of crap. You moron! You’ll never amount to anything in life, except for a punching bag for the ignorant masses. You spineless coward. You’re simply no more than Tony’s bitch. He doesn’t like you, he used you and he still does to this day. What makes you think that if you didn’t agree to being his “Ears” that he wouldn’t viciously beat you to a pulp as well? YOU’RE A COWARD. A SPINELESS COWAR-'

With an irate, torturous snarl, Constantious angrily charged towards the mirror with all his force and furiously lunged his right fist into the mirror. The glass shattered on impact, blood and glass goes flying in every single direction and the mirror crumbles into no more than a million different little pieces. Shards of glass flutter, cutting into his skin. Tiny specs of red form spots on his undershirt, immense blood was trickling from his left knuckles.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you! Bastard!!!!!" He growled, over and over. Now it’s just a meaningless explosion of hatred towards himself - the him in the mirror. He felt his right eye being flooded with, what seemed, to be blood, spreading, but he can't feel it any longer - he can't think. He claws at the shattered mirror and mutters. "Bastard... BASTARD!” He threw one final punch into the shattered mirror and fell onto his bed. The blood kept on flooding into his right eye and he didn’t know how, he continued wiping the blood off from his eye but the flooding wouldn’t stop blinding him. He leaned down and picked up a bit of glass that was previously attached to a mirror like it should have been and he looked into it. He was shocked at what he looked upon. A shard of glass was stuck near his eyeball, oh so close to his eyeball. He was lucky it didn’t make direct contact.

"Fuck," he muttered. His hands are shaking, too unstable for him to grip the the glass out. "Pull it out, Const... C’mon... You can do it....” With his wobbly hands, he grasped the glass between his fingers and pulled with power, releasing it from his eye with a grunt. “N-N-Need to toss out the glass...” He muttered to himself. “Need.... Need to get a towel...”


‘BBBUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZ’......That annoying alarm clock ringed throughout Constantious’s dorm room, shocking him. Const lay on his bed, tiredly groaning in agony. He had formed bags underneath his eye lids as he had been deprived sleep thanks to his recent case Insomnia. His face was somewhat pale and it just added more misery to his already miserable life. Seriously, he had enough problems, but he also had to have Insomnia as well? Not to mention that whole thing that happened last night, it absolutely shocked himself to know the extents of how far Insomnia could drive you over the edge, especially if you haven’t been able to sleep in four days, oops, now it was actually five days. He now had a noticeable scar over his right eye, and his right fist was stinging and slightly swelled. He should get that bandaged up soon. He still felt the effects of his outburst last night. Was he losing it?.... He needed to get some pills for this, and soon.

Const let out a frustrated grunt, rolling off his bed and standing up, yawning and stretching. With Insomnia, you’re never really asleep. Although you’re also never really awake either. When he’s in bed all night, he just stares up at the roof over his head for hours and hours until his alarm clock hits. He just ‘Zones’ out. The only form of ‘Sleep‘ he got in the recent weeks was him experiencing hallucinogenic moments, most of the time these were bad. However, sometimes, very rarely, they could be good and even somewhat relaxing, offering a rare alternative to sleep.

Const had never bothered to get changed out of his Bullworth Uniform, either. Even when going to sleep. It was just a waste of time in his opinion, and just added unnecessary work to his schedule. The only time he’d take it off was when he took a shower in the Locker Rooms at the Gym, or when he took a swim in the pool, which, finally, was filled up a few months back.

Constantious had exited out of his dorm room and was relieved to realize that it was a Saturday, a weekend. No classes whatsoever. That minor thing was enough to give him a sigh of relief, but, that was until, he also realized that today, new students were coming to Bullworth Academy. He let out a moan of annoyance. ‘Great, another bucket load of complete morons being dumped off into this shit hole of a school’ Const thought with despair. He sat outside of the front steps of the Boys Dorm, feeling the chilly wind blow through his face constantly. He didn’t mind the cold, he preferred it over hot air. He tended to think better when he was in the cold, but hey, he thinks good all the time, that’s what he thinks at least.

“Hey, twerp, get out of the way!” A voice hissed from behind Constantious. Before he could react, he felt a shoe being pushed up against his back and felt the shoe launch off of it, making him tumble down the one or two steps onto the ground with a slight thud. The person who did this was now laughing in pure delight.

Const looked up and saw, not surprisingly, a member of the Bullies. It was Trent, along with Davis. “Hey, get up!” Davis yelled at the downed Constantious.

He did so out of intimidation, standing there and looking at the two Bullies with fear embracing him. “You know the drill, wimp. Give us your cash and we don’t beat the hell out of your sorry ass.” Trent said with a grin.

The ‘Wimp’, the ‘Pessimist’ had enough of all the abuse he had dished out on him all the time, this had to come to a stop. He always wanted to be stronger, both physically, emotionally and mentally. Although he was never capable of doing so. “Hurry up twerp!” Davis said impatiently. “Cough it up, before you regret it!”

“You shouldn’t be messing with Tony’s right hand man.” He threatened back with fake confidence. “You’ll really regret doing that. Trust me.”

The two Bullies looked at each other and let out a jolly good chuckle. “This twerp actually thinks Tony will do fuck all!” Trent laughed. “Listen kid.” Davis said, directing the attention back to his victim. “Tony’s glory days are over. He doesn’t do fuck all for this community anymore. Sure, he can keep up the illusion that he keeps authority at this school, but does he nowadays? No. You know why?... Because he’s a little depressed wimp who doesn’t give a fuck about what happens anymore. Now, give us your fucking cash and we won’t kick your ass to the curb.”

'You're not going to take that are you?...' The voice said. 'Come on, don't give them your money. Don't do it.'

Constantious suddenly felt a rare occurrence of courage, of bravery. This was not something that ever happened usually. It could only mean one thing... He was not going to give his money to some punks who demand it. He wasn’t going to take this abuse. He was going to fight back.

“You want my money, eh?” Const said in a unsteady, but still condescending tone. “Heh, come and get it.” Constantious swung his right fist into Davis’s head, and with the absolute force of the punch, he fell to the ground and his head whacked against the ground. He was unconscious. Trent was shocked, he looked down at the injured Davis, and snapped his head back up, giving an unearthly glare at Constantious, gritting on his teeth and looking enraged. Constantious had completely regretted what he’d just done. His instincts told him to run like hell, and he did just that.

“YOU’RE GONNA’ REGRET DOING THAT, PUNK!” Trent roared. “GET BACK HERE!” Constantious ran for his life, trying desperately not to be caught by up by Trent’s fury. If only he’d outran him. Suddenly, he gasped as wind escaped throughout his panting breath, and the next thing he knew, Trent was on top of him, throwing punches into the abdomen of the helpless Constantious.

You’re a coward. Do something about it.’ A voice said suddenly. With each sentence, the fists of Trent kept digging deeper and deeper with each punch. ‘Are you going to let them beat on you, Const?’ The voice said in a teasing manner. ‘He isn’t defending his facial area. Capitalize. CAPITALIZE ON IT CONSTANTIOUS!! CAPITALIZE!!’ The voice screamed. “AUGH!!!!!!” Constantious jolted back up and threw a barbaric head butt, colliding his head with Trent’s and knocking him to the ground. He stood up on shaky legs and he looked down at Trent. He lay there, moaning and muttering under his breath about "Revenge".... Const looked horrified at what he'd just done, he shouldn't of been a hero. He should of just given the money to him. But he didn't. Const stumbled away from the scene and out the exit of Bullworth Academy, looking over his shoulder.

"Oh shit, oh shit..." He muttered to himself, still trying to make his way to Bullworth Town as quick as he could to get away from the scene he had just caused.

'Good job. Really showed that prick who's boss.' The familiar voice said. 'Showed him a glimpse of your... How do you say? True colours, eh? '

And off to Bullworth Town he went. He needed those pills, and soon. This ‘Voice’ in his head, his ‘Mirror Image’ sure as hell won’t do him any good.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 12:14:04 AM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth Fanfic: The Constantinos Problem
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2013, 11:48:00 AM »
Constantinos’s hands were shaking, he was mumbling to himself and he was in a panic. He just assaulted two Bullies. If this was back when Tony would actually do something, he could get away with it. Hell, if it was back when Tony actually did something, the school would be peaceful again. None of this would be happening in the first place.

Fuck.’ He thought to himself. ‘This school... Is a hell-hole again,’ ‘All of Tony’s followers don’t have the balls to say anything or they are either to sheep-like to say otherwise against his power... That has to change..’ He once again thought to himself.

Constantinos always upheld the belief that Tony is now no more than a power-hungry dictator. He’s let the place rot. He doesn’t involve himself in it, but he sure as hell knows about it. He just doesn't seem to care. He's allowing it.

‘He’s let this place rot. Let it rot back to what it once formerly was. All the others who helped save the school? No more than what they were before Jake’s arrival. None of them ‘Changed’, they only ‘change’ when it suits them… ISN’T THAT FUCKING RIGHT?!'

Constanantinos looked behind him, to make sure he wasn't being followed... Paranoia seemed to be taking over. He soon indulged back into his angry thoughts.

‘What has everyone become?... This American greed takes over everyone. Only I am sane.’ The boy thought to himself grudgingly. ‘Karen? Laurent? Nick? Sheep. The clique leaders? No more than greedy, bullying pieces of shits… Back to what they were. NOTHING… Has come out of this.’ Constantinos’s thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he bumped into a figure walking towards him, he jumped in a startled manner, fearing that he just walked into an ambush.
“Woah, woah… Frightened there, eh?” The figure grinned, raising out his hand for a handshake. “I’m Jonathan Krantz. New student at the Academy.” The figure was somewhat tall and handsome; he had dirty blonde hair and had a distinctive scar across his left scalp that diagonally formed down to the corner of his eye.

Constantinos reluctantly shook his hand. “Oh, um…. Yeah, right. Okay… Um, welcome…. To BULLWORTH! Best place on earth!” He jumped up and down. “You’ll fucking love it here, you’ll just love it.” He smiled, patted the new student on the back and laughed. But the laughter was short-lived when a raspy voice erupted behind Constantinos.

“You thought you could get away with assaulting my friends, Mr. Brakus?” It was Wade, along with Ethan and Tom. “You must’ve underestimated us, punk.”

“Oh… Come on guys…” His voice cracked. “It was nothing. Honest. I’ll never happen again, okay?”

“ Trent and Davis are spending the next few nights in the infirmary. We intend to repay that favour back. And besides.... I thought you were Tony’s right hand man though, eh? "The big bad boss who won’t take shit from anyone" ? Look how that’s turned out.” Wade laughed.
Jonathan, the new student, stepped in. “Now, now… What is all this… Quarrel about, mm?” He swiped his tongue around his lips and smiled. Constantinos was now cowering behind the new student. All Constantios could think is, 'I'm fucked.'

“You must be a pretty happy person with that little smile you got glued on your face there. And it’d really make me and the others smile if we could whack it off. Now LEAVE, I won’t ask again,"
“Just because a person smiles all the time, doesn't mean their life is perfect.” Jonathan countered with a blank expression. “I don’t really appreciate all this fuss.” Although he wasn’t a stereotypical Englishmen, he seemed to be using rather posh words. Maybe that was just him being a smartass.

Ethan and Tom let out a chuckle, clenching their fists and they absolutely couldn’t wait to bash at least one of their skulls in.
“What the fuck is this? I do not ask twice for a fucking favour! You leave, fresh meat. And we won’t touch you. And I won’t ask once more… GET. OUT. OF… MY FUCKING FACE!”
“COULD YOU PLEASE, stop… Swearing?” Jonathan’s face seemed to be boiling up.
“Did you just give me an order?” Wade questioned with a grimace.  “Did you just give me a fucking –“
“WHAT ARE YOU, FUCKING DEAF?!” The new student shouted. The absolute force of those words and the overall tone made Constantinos jump in total fright, and shocked the three Bullies.
Wade let out a sigh. “You know, I didn’t want to do it this way. But you’ve left me no choice. Ethan, hand me the bat will you?” Within seconds, Wade was armed with a baseball bat. “I wanted to save this for the wimp over there. But you know what they say, eh? 'Two birds, one stone',” Tom let out a laugh at the sight of Constantios's obvious worry. Wade was smacking the bat on and off against his hand to intimidate him. “Leave. Now.” Wade’s tone was dead-serious.

“Everybody calm down, I’m simply a new student walking with my friend. Is that such a problem?”
“Are you, fucking deaf?” Wade, now mimicking the student’s earlier words replied angrily. He raised up his bat as a final warning.

“Friend, did you simply get carried away with your dramatic gesture, or are you pointing your weapon at me with lethal intention?”

“LAST… FUCKING… CHANCE.” He now reached his limit. He was ready to go all out on this little bitch who would go against his word and have the attitude kept intact while doing so.

“Oh very well…” Within in seconds, Jonathan sprinted towards Wade, kicking him in the abdomen uppercutting him, causing the redhead to fling back to the ground. Snatching his baseball bat off of him in the process. “WHAT THE FU –“ Were the only words Ethan could blurt out before being whacked in the side of the head with a Grade – A Baseball bat. Tom dropped to the ground, looking at his two fallen comrades. Now trembling in fear.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The student chuckled at the fallen Bullies. "I guess more of you will be taking a trip to the infirmary. Big fucking surprise, eh?" The new student approached Tom, now cowering on the ground.

“You tell all your friends… To never fuck with me or him again. Capuche?”
Tom only let out minor moans and sobs. Suddenly, he felt the end of a bat smash into his stomach, instantly wounding him and making him gasp as he fell flat on his face.

"Oh boy, boy, boy... You pieces of shits just couldn't listen could you? You have to have your own fucking way. That's pretty messed up, bro. You should really take other people's thoughts and feelings into consideration."

"..... F - F - Fuck you..." The Bully muttered.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Now putting his face close to Tom.


"No, what the FUCK did you just say?" Jonathan yelled, now grabbing the Bully by his hair.

"Nothing... I swear."

"That's what I fucking thought." The blonde scoffed as he shoved his head back to the ground. He looked back at Const, who, not surprisingly, was totally shocked at the events that just spun out. "Look at 'em! Just look at it! It's a fine piece of fucking work, eh? Watta' you think about this? Amazing. Fucking... Spectacular. You know, I've always wanted to be an Artist. This is a good starting point. Don't you think?"

Tom let out another groan, struggling to even breath and letting out moans of pain.
“W – W – Why aren’t you laughing anymore like you were back there? Is this not fun anymore? Have I failed to entertain you?” He now towered over the Bully. The new student seemed to be enjoying his suffering.
“N – No…” Tom groaned. “I’ll…. I’ll tell them, okay?... Please don’t hurt me…”
Jonathan grabbed the Bully by his collar and stared him in the eye. “Get the fuck out of here you piece of fucking trash.” And with that, he violently kicked the Bully away and watched him desperately trying to run away, only to see him collapse to the ground.

"You tell your friends who did this to you." Jonathan said to Tom, before turning around to face Const.

“Let’s get out of here, uh?...” Jonathan smirked to Constantinos. " You know... Before the Townsfolk find trash littered over their streets. I heard there's these big fucking fines for things like that over in Singapore."
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 10:52:16 PM by Evolution »

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Re: Bullworth Fanfic: The Constantinos Problem
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 05:48:27 AM »
Constantinos looked down at the motionless bodies with shock. 'What has he done?!' he thought to himself in a panicked daze. His mind instantly clouded with dark thoughts about what those Bullies would do to him. From beating him to a pulp to throwing him down into the Bullworth River. Who knows what they’d do if they were angry enough? What has going to happen to him? These Bullies could do anything in their irrational state of mind! Constantinos needed to talk to Tony. To get this bullshit sorted out. He wasn't getting ANY protection whatsoever. When hearing his name, it was always: 'Constantinos, Tony's Bitch. The snitch.' among other things. They wouldn't of dared to have touched him back in the day, but now?... They will gladly kick the shit out of him, not only because of him getting no protection, but these cliques will kick the shit out of anyone they please. They're all taking advantage of how rotten the school has once again become. Drug dealings, bullying, fighting, corruption. All of these factors, once again plaguing Bullworth.
As for Jonathan, he seemed to be embracing his work for the moment. Not at all concerned or the least bit worried about the events that just spun out. In fact, he still had a smile on his face and seemed rather happy. He seemed to be really... Enjoying it. Constantinos on the other hand, wasn't enjoying it one little bit. His paranoia seemed to increase by the second. He went out into town to try and get away and avoid things like this happening, to protect himself, and perhaps get something to get rid of his sleeping problems if he could get something from the hospital for his health problems, but no. This had to happen.

“Well, come on!” Jonathan snorted. “Don’t just look at them. I mean – I know it’s a fine piece of work and all, but we should be hauling ourselves out of here, no?”

“Yeah, yeah. Right.” Constantinos looked around anxiously, hoping no one saw. He quickly skidded off with Jonathan and left the scene. “What has he done?” He muttered to himself. "What... The fuck has he done?!!?!" Constantinos gritted down on his teeth to prevent himself from screaming in public.
The two quickly left the scene as quick as possible, walking down Bullworth Town to avoid being sighted at all costs. They made a right turn and were now in an alleyway. Constantinos put his thumb in his mouth and started biting hard, trying to calm down his nerves by any means. "No, no, no, no..." With every word, his tooth down harded on his thumb. He was walking around in circles and he was still a nervous wreck. This only made Jonathan furrow his brows in confusion.
"What's the matter? I mean -" He asked.

"'What's the matter?' 'What's the fucking matter?!'" Constantinos said to Jonathan, grabbing him by his shirt and shaking him up and down in complete anger.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Jonathan questioned, backing off from Constantinos's weak grip.
Constantinos sighed in frustration and started walking around Jonathan. "I go outside of this place, to escape the misfortunes of being beaten to a pulp, to escape from that hellhole. And you just had to ruin things, didn't you?!"

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"Oh, I don't know... Those three idiots you beat up?! Do you have any fucking idea what they'll do to me?!"

"You just said it. They're no more than idiots. They, my friend, are small fish. I'm sure there are larger ones in the tank, if you get my drift, eh?"
“What's wrong with you?!” Constantinos yelled as he faced Jonathan. “Do you have any fucking idea what they’re going to do to me? ANY?”
This only made the new student chuckle. “Won’t the prefects do anything? It’s their job, right?”
“The prefects?!” He shrieked in reply. “THEY DON’T DO SHIT!”

"What about the people running this place? They by all means must do something though, right?"

Constantinos smashed his face into the palms of his hands and rubbed up and down, in a stressful manner. "Don't get me started..."

“Why not?” The blonde snickered.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!“ Constantinos once again questioned. "I'm walking down the street; meet you, some random guy I don't even know. Some bullies want to beat me up, and you wreck them down to a pulp??"

"I'M the one who attacked them, so calm your fuckin' head and relax. They'll be coming after me anyways, which I doubt after what I did to them." Jonathan said honourably.

"What the fuck is your agenda? Huh? What’s your game?"

“Listen mate, I just fucking saved your ass and you ought’ to be grateful. Now, calm the fuck down and listen to me.” His voice was dangerous. “I've been at this school for a few hours and I've already seen how much of a shithole it is. Seen horrible things happen within the tiny bloody time-span that I've been here, and do you think I want to fall victim to that?” Constantinos's heart beat was increasing. "I don't want to fall victim to it, and I sure as hell don't want to be the one inflicting it on others."

"Oh really?" Constantinos was now putting his hand on his hair and gripping it roughly, trying to control his anger. "Then WHY did you seem to be taking SOOOOO much pleasure when beating those guys up?"
The handsome blonde guffawed snidely. "Who wouldn't enjoy beating up those cunts?"
Constantinos sighed. “They’ll only come back for more, you know. They won’t let up. We’re fucked, you know...”

“You know why I highly doubt that?”

“Why?” He replied gruffly.

“Because I won’t be so nice to them next time.” This statement only served to ramp up Constantinos’s already increasing paranoia. “Let’s get back to the academy, eh? We’ll discuss more once we’re there.” Jonathan smiled. “We need to talk.”

“No... I need to talk to Tony…” Constantinos muttered to himself.
