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Topics - JessiLikesRainbows

Pages: [1]
Bullworth Experiences / Next Halloween at Bullworth
« on: October 05, 2010, 09:10:04 PM »
Halloween is almost upon us which got me thinking... What would the kids at Bullworth be for Halloween the next year? Here's what I'm thinking:

Ray - Mario
Gary - A king with a big-ass crown and a long, velvet cape
Petey - Frigo from "Adventureland"
Lola - A Hooters girl
Fatty - A juggalo (I can imagine him going through an ICP obsession, for some reason)
Pinky - A china doll
Jimmy - Decided he's way too cool to dress up

So, what do you think the Bullworth kids would dress up as?

Bullworth Experiences / Playing Frisbee with Zoe
« on: May 04, 2010, 09:58:56 PM »
Like usual, I was running around campus being a dick to the cheating bitches of Bullworth. Zoe was my current victim but I didn't feel like running away from the po-pos or the Prefects so I decided to torment here with taunts and other fairly harmless things. So I picked up a frisbee and threw it at her. To my complete surprise, she caught it!! She threw it back to me, but I had no idea how to catch it so the frisbee just hit me in the face and Zoe walked away.

I tried to recreate the experience, but I couldn't. I tried talking to students for a while, backing up, then throwing it, I tried just throwing it in their general direction, but nothing I tried worked. I've seen other kids around Bullworth playing catch with footballs and frisbees, but I just never thought Jimmy could do it himself.

So... Anyone else have this experience? Any know how to actually play catch with other people?

Bully 2 Discussion / Realistic Hopes and Expectations for Bully2
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:34:31 PM »
We all have our wishes for what we want to see in Bully2, but what are the things you think you can realistically hope and expect to see?

My realistic hopes:
-Same cast/characters (that's realistic, right? ^^;)
-Longer gameplay

My realistic expectations:
-Different cast/characters, town, and time.
-Much longer gameplay!

What about the rest of you? What do you hope or at least expect from Rockstar for Bully2?

Bully 1 Discussion / How to know if you're a Bully Super Geek
« on: October 31, 2009, 03:58:43 AM »
Happy Halloween, everyone!

I'll start.  

How to know if you're a Bully Super Geek:

1. If you once had a dream about playing Bully. Not a dream featuring characters from Bully, but a actually playing Bully.
2. If you automatically have a Bully quote ready for nearly every situation in your life.
3. If you painted your nails like this just in time for Halloween -

Please continue the list!

Bully 1 Discussion / Funniest/Sexiest/Most Annoying Voice Poll
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:26:20 AM »
Please fill it out and show us what you think! Think of the voices, not the dialogue said.

Character with the funniest voice:
Character with the creepiest voice:
Character with the cutest voice:
Character with the sexiest voice:
Character with the most annoying voice:
Character with the most soothing voice:
Your overall favorite voice:

Bully 1 Questions / How tall are they?
« on: September 10, 2009, 01:35:40 AM »
Seeing how tall the girls in Bully are compared to most of the boys got me thinking. How tall are the kids at Bullworth? Here's what I came up with (from shortest to tallest):

Kids - 4' 6" (136cm)
Petey - 5' 0" (152cm)
Jimmy/Short boys (Gord, Vance, Duncan...) - 5' 3" (160cm)
Gary/Average boys - 5' 4"-5' 5" (163cm-165cm)
Girls - 5' 5"-5' 6" (165-168cm)
Taller boys (Trent, Cornilious...) - 5' 7" (170cm)
Very tall boys (half of the Jocks, Bif, Prefects...) - 5' 10"-6' 4" (179-193cm)
Russell - 6' 8" (203cm)

Just throwin' this out there ^^ Any thoughts?

Bullworth Experiences / Bully Commentary
« on: August 23, 2009, 02:49:19 PM »
Many times when I'm playing Bully someone takes it upon themselves to commentate the game or make lots of comments about what I'm doing.

For example, I was on the roof of the Gym building hitting people with the slingshot when my Mom walked in the room and said, "Jesus, now you're SNIPING??"

Another time I was running around when my brother said, "Did you see that? Gord was being picked on! Jessi, defend your bitch!"

Later I ran up the the Lighthouse Lookout and saw Zoe making out with Vance. To that my brother said, "In Bullworth your girlfriend doesn't break up with you, you just lose your turn."

What are the funniest comments or commentary you've gotten while playing Bully?

WARNING!! The following may contain spoilers!

What is the most unexpected moment you've ever experienced in Bully? A strange thing someone said to you, a weird conversation you overheard, a shoking turn in the story, anything but glitches.

An unexpected moment for me was when I decided to turn off the TV to piss off Melvin, who was watching it. When my back was still turned he sweep-kicked me and said, "Haha! Suck on that, NOOB!" Needless to say, I kicked his ass.

Another one was when I beat the shit out of Angie for making out with Gord at the make-out point. While she was rolling in pain on the ground she said to me, in a very out-of-character voice, "You may be tough now, but you'll come to a BAD end." It really creeped me out.

Among many other unexpected moments, the last one I'm gonna mention is getting expelled. Call me dumb, but I didn't see it coming until it hit me right on the nose!

Please share your most unexpected Bully moments!

Bully 1 Questions / Bully Slash?
« on: August 08, 2009, 04:29:45 PM »
Do you like Bully slash? Lets face it. Bully is a slash fangirl's (or fanboy's) dream.

Here's my favorite couples:
(You can hate me for these next two)

Please share your favorites!

Bullworth Experiences / Women holding hands
« on: August 02, 2009, 04:29:59 AM »
So I was playing Bully today, just goofing off and running around Bulworth when I witnessed something FANTASTIC - Two women holding hands! Finally, a little lesbianism in this already awesome game!

Anyway, here's a picture I took:

OMG, what is that in the corner? Another gay couple? I think YES! I've officially discovered Bulworth's gay district.

Has anyone else ever seen two women or girls holding hands or kissing before?

Bully 1 Questions / Bully: Pedophile Edition
« on: June 28, 2009, 11:22:14 PM »
I was talking to a friend the other day and he swore up and down that he was playing Bully and talked to one of the little girls when the kiss symbol showed up instead of the thumbs up symbol. And he was actually able to kiss her! He said his game froze up afterwards so it was just a glitch.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Ever seen anyone else kissing a little girl or boy?

BTW, does anyone else find it creepy that you can pinch the little girls' butts? EW. Just EW.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Really weird dog glitch!
« on: June 20, 2009, 05:56:27 AM »
Watch and learn, young ones:

Has anyone else ever had this happen to them?

Bully 1 Questions / Kissing Preferences?
« on: June 16, 2009, 11:03:31 PM »
So who do you like making out with the most? It's a great way to get health, after all ;)

I personally like kissing Gord. "You're such a sentimentalist! Thank you!" "For me? Oh, you shouldn't have..." "That might have been slumming, but I liked it!" "Mm, I feel so deliciously dirty now!" He cracks me up so much!  

I also like kissing Duncan and Vance. As for girls I like kissing Zoe.

Introduce Yourself / Late introduction is late.
« on: May 27, 2009, 07:04:37 PM »
Yes, like the title says this is a very late introduction. I really should have done this thread when I joined about a month and a half ago, but I didn't for whatever reason. So I'll do it now!

I'm Jessi, I live in Wyoming, USA (the state of NOTHING), and recently I have become OBSESSED with Bully. When the game first came out I saw a trailer for it on TV at a friend's house. I don't know if it was just the certain trailer I saw, but it made the game look awful and mean spirited! Then about three months ago my brother borrowed it from a guy he knew and told me about it. The first thing I said was, "Oh, THAT game." and didn't want to hear any more about it. But the more he told me about it the more fun it sounded. Later that day I played Bully for the first time on his PS2 and fell in love! The characters, the story, everything! Bully is actually one of the first video games I've ever played in my life! XD Also, my favorite characters in the game are Gary and Petey. I like Pinky, too! She's so sweet!

Well, I think that's enough of an introduction for now. Buh bye for now! <3

Bully 1 Questions / Petey in Endless Summer?
« on: April 11, 2009, 04:09:22 AM »
Why isn't Petey found in Endless Summer?

What do you think happened to him, anyway? Where the Hell is he?

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