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Bully: Difficulty Increase
Filesize: 65.02kB  Views: (1948)  Downloads (464)  Last Download: May 27, 2024, 12:08:11 PM 
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Description: Ever wished Bully was a little harder? This mod has you covered! :)
By simply swapping a few files in the game files, characters will be a little tougher to take down and attack and block more frequently during fights. Prefects and cops have a chance of spawning with paddles or slingshots, and little kids and girls now have a small chance to fighting back if you annoy enough. This mod also adds Bob to free roam with unique stats.
Another alteration is that male characters from all groups in school will spawn in the boys dorm (exept townies).

This was my first ever released mod for this game. Hope you enjoy! 8)

*Known Bugs/Issues*
-Some missions may take longer than normal due to the characters having more health that normal, and as such, some are likely to play the music and at some point, it stops.
-There is a chance that the top health bar may glitch, making it look like the boss you are fighting has a small portion of his total helth.

If you run into any other issues, please let me know by replying to this post.
Posted by: Razc01na December 15, 2020, 06:57:37 PM

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