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Author Topic: Decompiling .lur files  (Read 10036 times)

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Decompiling .lur files
« on: September 16, 2018, 11:17:38 PM »
If there's something I always wanted to do but never was able to was see how Rockstar did their scripts, so I can learn more and more about LUA coding. The thing is: LuaDec can't decompile it and Unluac has an error with Rockstar's .lur files for some reason. I really wanted to know how to, no matter how.


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Re: Decompiling .lur files
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2018, 02:58:30 PM »
I do not know if this is possible yet, as far as I know, few people have been able to do this. Most certainly if someone knows, will help you, it may take a while, more will.

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Re: Decompiling .lur files
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2018, 10:50:22 PM »
The scripts have long been decompiled. A modder by the name of Fred Tetra was the very first person that decompiled the scripts although his scripts that he sent me were very incomplete due to not having a fully working decompiler. His decompiler if memory serves was a modified version of LUADec and he never shared the sources of that with anyone.

I was the second person that decompiled the scripts and I managed to get nearly every line of code aside from a few minor things missing: mostly just locals and a few declarations here and there. Pablo from the Bully MP team (No clue if he is even still with the team as it has been a long time since we last talked) also managed to decompile them and shared what he did with me and I compared his results to my own and was able to fill in some missing blanks on my own script versions. He also shared with me the sources to his decompiler which I in turn literally rewrote almost fully from the ground up but never completely finished it as that was just before the time that I decided to retire from modding.

I still have my scripts and I can also release decompiled versions of the console versions too as I have decompiled those if anyone is interested. SWEGTA shared with me a couple of late beta versions of the game (WII) that I plan to decompile once I get around to it but that has been on the backburner due to too many things going on in real life plus the backlog of unfinished projects that I am kinda swimming in at the moment so it has not been high on my priority list. If I get the chance to decompile those I will only release those versions if he says it is okay since I recieved those from him and I will not go behind his back to release something that I don't have the green light to release as I was trying to assist him with a few things on a project of his and then things kinda skidded off track for me and I never finished my part of that.

But I can and will release what I personally have decompiled from the other versions of the game and will get all of that uploaded as soon as I can get everything neatly organized for everyone along with a few other things that I never got around to actually releasing that has been done for quite a long time now. Just bear with me and you will see a full decompiled scripts release that can be learned from and used by everyone.

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Re: Decompiling .lur files
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2018, 06:36:02 AM »
Looking forward to those decompiled scripts!
There are so many files I want to mess around with but can't due to them being very incomplete.

Offline Random Things

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Re: Decompiling .lur files
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2018, 03:39:32 AM »
The scripts have long been decompiled. A modder by the name of Fred Tetra was the very first person that decompiled the scripts although his scripts that he sent me were very incomplete due to not having a fully working decompiler. His decompiler if memory serves was a modified version of LUADec and he never shared the sources of that with anyone.

I was the second person that decompiled the scripts and I managed to get nearly every line of code aside from a few minor things missing: mostly just locals and a few declarations here and there. Pablo from the Bully MP team (No clue if he is even still with the team as it has been a long time since we last talked) also managed to decompile them and shared what he did with me and I compared his results to my own and was able to fill in some missing blanks on my own script versions. He also shared with me the sources to his decompiler which I in turn literally rewrote almost fully from the ground up but never completely finished it as that was just before the time that I decided to retire from modding.

I still have my scripts and I can also release decompiled versions of the console versions too as I have decompiled those if anyone is interested. SWEGTA shared with me a couple of late beta versions of the game (WII) that I plan to decompile once I get around to it but that has been on the backburner due to too many things going on in real life plus the backlog of unfinished projects that I am kinda swimming in at the moment so it has not been high on my priority list. If I get the chance to decompile those I will only release those versions if he says it is okay since I recieved those from him and I will not go behind his back to release something that I don't have the green light to release as I was trying to assist him with a few things on a project of his and then things kinda skidded off track for me and I never finished my part of that.

But I can and will release what I personally have decompiled from the other versions of the game and will get all of that uploaded as soon as I can get everything neatly organized for everyone along with a few other things that I never got around to actually releasing that has been done for quite a long time now. Just bear with me and you will see a full decompiled scripts release that can be learned from and used by everyone.

Looking forward to these scripts! Thanks.