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Messages - possom2009

Pages: [1]

You can find a "Config" folder backup at

Er, I meant how do you remove the bloom/blur effect?

Thanks! Does anyone know how to disable the blur/bloom effects?

Um, how do you remove them?

Thanks! Does anyone know how to disable the blur/bloom effects?

I could simply remake it.
I do not know why people even want to remove it since I think it made the game look much better. :/
To install, replace default.dat in Bully Folder > Config > dat.

Thanks! Now I need to figure out how to remove the bloom effects from the game. When I'm inside a building its tolerable, but when outside there is a sorta glow effect on everything.

Hmm, pretty much. I have the ps2 version also. I'm not sure if the files on the ps2 disc would work for the pc version. I seem to remember someone doing that with GTA:SA,using files from the console version on the pc version.

From what I was told it removes the sky dome and removes bloom. Although I'm not sure about the last one. I realy need something to remove bloom.

Mod Releases / Re: Remove the ugly sky-dome
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:35:26 AM »
Can someone repost this?

All links I can find are dead. If you have it, can you post it somewhere?

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