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Topics - peanutgreaser

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Discussion / i just found all 40 G&G cards **Spoiler**
« on: February 24, 2007, 06:11:12 PM »
Congratulate me on my new stupid outfit!!! i mean, seriously. they build so much up to it b/c they have u searching for them literally ALL OVER THE FREAKING TOWN and during the whole duration of the game and stuff, so they build up to it and then WHOOHOO u get an idiotic outfit, that everybody laughs at you for wearing anyway! Even the nerds! how dare they, i always jump them.

Bully 1 Questions / how do i leave a stink bomb in someone's locker?
« on: February 24, 2007, 06:04:09 PM »
i have HEARD that this is possible, but please dont be insulting if its a total lie.

I  REALLY REALLY want bully 2..cant we like, take a petition or sthg?? (lol)
tell me wat u guys think about having a bully 2, and if u want make ur own storlyline that would go w/ bully 2...i think it would be so much fun to do it all over again w/ missions and stuff!! i miss having missions and a story to go on!

Bully 1 Discussion / i truly dont understand why eunice kisses boys
« on: February 23, 2007, 08:43:48 PM »
i dont mean to be a cruel bastard, but to me she seems like the perfect lesbian!

i went to my stats and it said "swirlies given, 0" and im like what the heck is that??? :confused: and how do i give one??? the thing that irks me is they dont tell u abt these things:mad: are you suppossed to learn about/how to give swirlies? w/out this awesome board i would be nowhere..ok ok im a noob and just discovered this thing, but still.

heard that there are but i am already past the winter chapter does that mean i cant get them? (if they even exist at all?) and where would i get them? just wondering... haha lol i guess jimmy is heavy enough without snow pants making him look even

Bully 1 Questions / hottest bully character?
« on: February 22, 2007, 04:28:42 PM »
is there any bully character u think is hot? (lol) if u take a pic of someone u can see their face up close. i think peanut is atleast good looking if not hot.;) :p :lol:


ok, so i finished the last mission where you beat Gary and am now in endless summer. Somebody who has finished the game completely could you please tell me how many missions there are in all (if you check your stats it says how many you have completed, but it doesnt say out of how many.) Mine says i have completed 79 missions. is that the total # of missions? so i was just wondering if i will get to do anymore missions. i have 39 out of 40 G&G cards, 68 out of 75 rubber bands, and i did 2 or 3 side missions during endless summer that i had not completed during the story part of the game. Please try not to tell me anything besides just the number of missions (side ones included) just the total #..b/c i dnt want anything else to b spoiled. THANKS PPLZ!:D
:x: :cir:

i was in a bit of a hurry and i can understand if ppl didnt follow. All i want to know is this: when you are completely done with the game, how many missions does your stats say you have completed? all i wanted to know thankz again

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