Well, Me Hearties.....
I'm looking at some girl names for the story, and thought I'd try our girls out here.
Specifically, I was thinking about introducing some of your names....Roxie, Emily, Binky, Hayley, Jimmette.....I'd alter them a bit, natch, like to....Roxy, Emilee, Hayleen....Binky and Jimmette are not real names, so would probably leave them as are.
Some of the girls I'm going to introduce as the members of the new 'Reform Girl Clique' that is due to arrive at Bullworth any day now. (Jimmette is a Nerd girl, I know). The name of the Clique I haven't decided yet, so I could use suggestions.
Fact, I need a few more girl names than that, about 7 all told. So, any suggestions there would be helpful also.