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Author Topic: DaBOSS's LUA Reference  (Read 21433 times)

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Offline DaBOSS54320

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DaBOSS's LUA Reference
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:28:02 PM »
Don't know LUA? Read my tutorial!

Last Edit: 4/9/2016 | Added text versions that you can refer to and more topics to visit at the bottom of this post.

Note: This topic isn't 100% finished, nor even close with the functions list. I will still update it with more information regularly.

Text Version: Copy this into Notepad++ and depending on your text style the text should all line up nicely.
 Action Nodes (from Scripts.img):
 Action Nodes (from BB members):

AddBlipForCar(Vehicle, BlipIcon, VisibilitySetting) | Returns created blip
AddBlipForChar(Ped, 0, BlipIcon, VisibilitySetting) | Returns created blip
AreaTransitionXYZ(AreaCode, X coord, Y coord, Z coord) | Move the player and his allies/enemies to a new area and/or position
BlipAddXYZ(X coord, Y coord, Z coord, BlipIcon) | Returns created blip
BlipRemove(Blip) | Delete a blip
CameraSetXYZ(X coord, Y coord, Z coord) | Set the position of the game camera
GameGetPedStat(Ped, Stat) | Returns the value of the stat of the ped
GameSetPedStat(Ped, Stat, NewValue) | Set the stat of the ped to the new value
GetStickValue(StickID,ControllerID) | Returns -1.0 - 1.0 representing how much the stick is pressed
IsButtonBeingPressed(ButtonID,ControllerID) | Returns true/false if the button specified was JUST pressed
IsButtonBeingReleased(ButtonID,ControllerID) | Returns true/false if the button specified was JUST released
IsButtonPressed(ButtonID,ControllerID) | Returns true/false if the button specified is being held down
PedCreateXYZ(PedIndex, X coord, Y coord, Z coord) | Returns created ped
PedDelete(Ped) | Delete a ped
PedDismissAllAllies(Ped) | Dismiss all allies of the ped
PedGetAllyFollower(Ped) | Returns the ped's ally follower
PedGetAllyLeader(Ped) | Returns the ped's ally leader
PedGetPosXYZ(Ped) | Returns the ped's position (3 values)
PedGetUniqueModelStatus(PedIndex) | Returns ped's unique model status -1 = Never Spawn, 1 = One Copy, 2 = Can Have Duplicates
PedHasAllyFollower(Ped) | Returns true/false if the ped has a follower
PedHasAllyLeader(Ped) | Returns true/false if the ped has a leader
PedMoveToXYZ(Ped, Speed, X coord, Y coord, Z coord) | Speed: 0 = Walk, 1 = Jog, 2 = Sprint
PedOverrideStat(Ped, Stat, NewValue) | Override the stat of the ped with the new value
PedRecruitAlly(Ped, Ped) | 1 ped can only have 1 follower, but that ped's follower can also have 1 follower to "chain" allies
PedSetEmotionTowardsPed(Ped, Ped, Emotion) | Set the 1st ped's emotion to the 2nd ped
PedSetInfiniteSprint(Ped, True/False) | Set if a ped can sprint forever
PedSetPedToTypeAttitude(Ped, Faction, Attitude) | Set the ped's attitude towards the faction
PedSetPosXYZ(Ped, X coord, Y coord, Z coord) | Set the position of a ped
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(Faction, Faction, Attitude) | Set the 1st faction's attitude towards the 2nd faction
PedSetUniqueModelStatus(PedIndex, Unique) | Unique: -1 = Never Spawn, 1 = One Copy, 2 = Can Have Duplicates
PedSetWeapon(Ped, Weapon, Ammo) | Set the weapon of the ped with the desired ammo
PlayerSetControl(Control) | Control: 0 = Controls disabled, 1 = Controls enabled
VehicleCreateXYZ(VehicleIndex, X coord, Y coord, Z coord) | Returns created vehicle
VehicleDelete(Vehicle) | Delete a vehicle
VehicleGetPosXYZ(Vehicle) | Returns the vehicle's position (3 values)
VehicleSetPosXYZ(Vehicle, X coord, Y coord, Z coord) | Set the position of a vehicle
VehicleSetColor(Vehicle, CarColor) | Set the color of a vehicle

0   Show Secondary Tasks (Left)
1   Show Tasks/Objectives (Right)
2   Zoom in
3   Zoom out
4   Map Menu
5   Pause Menu
6   Melee Attack
7   Sprint
8   Jump
9   Grapple
10   Lock On
11   Previous Weapon
12   Weapon Fire
13   Next Weapon
14   Look Back
15   Crouch

16   Movement (Left = 1,Right = -1)
17   Movement (Up = 1,Down = -1)
18   Camera (Left = 1,Right = -1)
19   Camera (Up = 1,Down = -1)

Controllers A keyboard is counted as a controller. Any device that you can play with
0   Player 1 (The controller/device controlling Jimmy)
1   Player 2 (The first controller/device not controlling Jimmy)

0   Yellow X
1   Blue X
3   Big Yellow X
4   Dollar Sign
5   Orange Bell
6   Grey Bell
8   Save Location
9   Bike Lock
10   Shopping Cart
11   Bike Shop
13   Barber Shop
14   Clothing Shop
15   Golden Shop
16   Bike
19   Errand
20   Trophy
22   Tattoo Parlor
23   Hobo Mission
24   Red Star
25   Yellow Star
26   Red X
29   Yellow X
30   Blue X
31   Big Yellow X
32   Yellow Star
33   Red Star
34   Red X
35   Transistor
36   Rubber Band
37   G&G Card
38   Gnome

VisibilitySetting Affects how car/char blips appear | Car blips will not show vision cones
0   Invisible
1   Radar Icon
2   Arrow
3   Vision Cone
4   Radar Icon + Arrow
5   Radar Icon + Arrow + Vision Cone

0   Hate
1   Dislike
2   Ignore
3   Like
4   Love

0   Aggressive
1   Annoyed
2   Unfriendly
3   Dismissive
4   Very Scared
5   Scared
6   Intimidated
7   Friendly
8   Very Friendly

272 Race BMX
273 Retro BMX
274 Crap BMX
275 Police Bike
276 Scooter
277 Shop Class Bike
278 Blue BMX
279 Bicycle
280 Mountain Bike
281 Old Lady Bike
282 Racer Bike
283 Aquaberry Bike
284 Mower
285 Arcade 3
286 Taxi
287 Arcade 2
288 Dozer
289 Go Cart
290 Limo
291 Delivery Truck
292 Foreign Car
293 Regular Car
294 70 Wagon
295 Police Car
296 Domestic Car
297 Truck
298 Arcade 1

Vehicle Colors
0 black            
1 white            
2 police car blue      
3 cherry red         
4 midnight blue      
5 temple curtain purple
6 taxi yellow         
7 striking blue      
8 light blue grey      
9 hoods            
10 red1            
11 red2            
12 red3            
13 red4            
14 red5            
15 red6            
16 red7            
17 red8            
18 red9            
19 red10            
20 orange1         
21 orange2         
22 orange3         
23 orange4         
24 orange5         
25 orange6         
26 orange7         
27 orange8         
28 orange9         
29 orange10         
30 yellow1         
31 yellow2         
32 yellow3         
33 yellow4         
34 yellow5         
35 yellow6         
36 yellow7         
37 yellow8         
38 yellow9         
39 yellow10         
40 green1            
41 green2            
42 green3            
43 green4            
44 green5            
45 green6            
46 green7            
47 green8            
48 green9            
49 green10         
50 blue1            
51 blue2            
52 blue3            
53 blue4            
54 blue5            
55 blue6            
56 blue7            
57 blue8            
58 blue9            
59 blue10            
60 purple1         
61 purple2/blue      
62 purple3         
63 purple4         
64 purple5         
65 purple6         
66 purple7/grey      
67 purple8         
68 purple9         
69 purple10         
70 grey1            
71 grey2            
72 grey3            
73 grey4            
74 grey5            
75 grey6            
76 grey7            
77 grey8            
78 grey9            
79 grey10            
80 light1            
81 light2            
82 light3            
83 light4            
84 light5            
85 light6            
86 light7            
87 light8            
88 light9            
89 light10         
90 dark1            
91 dark2            
92 dark3            
93 dark4            
94 dark5            
95 blue11            
96 green11         
97 red11            
98 blue12            
99 offwhite         

299   yardstick
300   bat
301   cherryb
302   baseball
303   slingshot
304   marble
305   spudg
306   supersling
307   brocketlauncher
308   brocket
309   stinkbomb
310   apple
311   brick
312   eggproj
313   snowball
314   yardstick_DMG
315   lid
316   potato
317   bat_DMG
318   dodgeball
319   W_Circuit
320   newsroll
321   spraycan
322   supermarble
323   twobyfour
324   sledgehammer
325   RBandBall
326   fireexting
327   bbagbottle
328   WCamera
329   SocBall
330   SnwBallB
331   Wftball
332   Wmallet
333   W_Comicbk
334   WBball
335   Wfrisbee
336   cricket_DMG
337   chemical
338   Wdish
339   Cigarette
340   W_bunchofpanties
341   pompom
342   wtrpipe
343   garbpick
344   W_Crab
345   WHatSVase
346   W_DeadRat
347   superglue
348   Wtray
349   BagMrbls
350   flask
351   chem_stir
352   Eyedrop
353   PlantPot
354   pVase_proj
355   dec_plate
356   pPlant_proj
357   cricket
358   Banana
359   Flowerbund
360   Psheild
361   W_bunchofphotos
362   FraffyCan
363   teddybear
364   SnowShwl
365   Grab_Beaker
366   Grab_Testtube_Right
367   Grab_Canister
368   Grab_Eyedrop
369   Grab_Testtube_Left
370   W_package
371   ChknLeg
372   kickme
373   oilcan
374   ratchet
375   torch
376   wrench
377   JBroom
378   AniFooty
379   W_Radio
380   barrel
382   cement
383   WBalloon
384   wtrpipeD
385   trophy
386   Boxcard01
387   CHShieldA
388   CHShieldB
389   CHShieldC
390   WHatVase
391   bbgun
392   W_charSheet
393   W_Candy
394   W_Itch
395   W_PGun
396   SuperSpudG
397   W_Fountain
398   W_Money
399   PooBag
400   WFtBomb
401   wtrpipeC
402   wtrpipeB
403   W_TPRoll
404   Umbrella
405   NerdBooks
406   W_Cane
407   W_Nacho
408   GOG_Player
409   DevilFork
410   PinkyWand
411   SSWhip
412   BoltCutters
413   NerdBooksB
414   NerdBooksC
415   NerdBooksD
416   NerdBooksE
417   Detonator
418   leadpipe
419   Tbone
420   W_Flashlight
421   AlgieJacCS
422   JBroom_DMG
423   W_JPhoto
424   ammo_scatter
425   Wgascan
426   WDigCam
427   fire_inv
428   W_Mug
429   Jimmy_Panties
430   PeanutUndie
431   W_ChocBox
432   W_diary
433   Stwins_bad
434   W_LabNotes
435   twobyfour_DMG
436   xmasgift
437   SK8Board
438   W_DrugBttl
439   drumstick
440   maracas
441   matchbox
442   matchstick
443   timstick
444   xylostick

Index   Model               Name            Fighting Style
0      player               Jimmy            Player
1      DEFAULTPED            Jimmy            Player
2      DOgirl_Zoe_EG         Zoe               GS_Female_A
3      NDGirl_Beatrice         Beatrice         GS_Female_A
4      NDH1a_Algernon         Algernon         N_Striker_B
5      NDH1_Fatty            Fatty            N_Striker_A
6      ND2nd_Melvin         Melvin            N_Striker_A
7      NDH2_Thad            Thad            N_Ranged_A
8      NDH3_Bucky            Bucky            N_Ranged_A
9      NDH2a_Cornelius         Cornelius         N_Ranged_A
10      NDLead_Earnest         Earnest            N_Ranged_A
11      NDH3a_Donald         Donald            N_Ranged_A
12      JKH1_Damon            Damon            J_Striker_A
13      JKH1a_Kirby            Kirby            J_Striker_A
14      JKGirl_Mandy         Mandy            GS_Female_A
15      JKH2_Dan            Dan               J_Striker_A
16      JKH2a_Luis            Luis            J_Grappler_A
17      JKH3_Casey            Casey            J_Melee_A
18      JKH3a_Bo            Bo               J_Melee_A
19      JKlead_Ted            Ted               J_Striker_A
20      JK2nd_Juri            Juri            J_Grappler_A
21      GR2nd_Peanut         Peanut            G_Striker_A
22      GRH2A_Hal            Hal               G_Grappler_A
23      GRlead_Johnny         Johnny            G_Striker_A
24      GRH1_Lefty            Lefty            G_Melee_A
25      GRGirl_Lola            Lola            GS_Female_A
26      GRH3_Lucky            Lucky            G_Striker_A
27      GRH1a_Vance            Vance            G_Melee_A
28      GRH3a_Ricky            Ricky            G_Striker_A
29      GRH2_Norton            Norton            G_Grappler_A
30      PRH1_Gord            Gord            P_Striker_A
31      PRH1a_Tad            Tad               P_Striker_A
32      PRH2a_Chad            Chad            P_Grappler_A
33      PR2nd_Bif            Bif               P_Striker_A
34      PRH3_Justin            Justin            P_Striker_B
35      PRH2_Bryce            Bryce            P_Grappler_A
36      PRH2_Bryce_OBOX         Bryce            P_Striker_A
37      PRlead_Darby         Darby            P_Striker_A
38      PRGirl_Pinky         Pinky            GS_Female_A
39      GN_Asiangirl         Angie            GS_Female_A
40      PRH3a_Parker         Parker            P_Striker_B
41      DOH2_Jerry            Jerry            DO_Grappler_A
42      DOH1a_Otto            Otto            DO_Striker_A
43      DOH2a_Leon            Leon            DO_Striker_A
44      DOH1_Duncan            Duncan            DO_Striker_A
45      DOH3_Henry            Henry            DO_Grappler_A
46      DOH3a_Gurney         Gurney            DO_Grappler_A
47      DO2nd_Omar            Omar            DO_Striker_A
48      DOGirl_Zoe            Zoe               GS_Female_A
49      PF2nd_Max            Max               Authority
50      PFH1_Seth            Seth            Authority
51      PFH2_Edward            Edward            Authority
52      PFlead_Karl            Karl            Authority
53      TO_Orderly            Theo            LE_Orderly_A
54      TE_HallMonitor         MissPeabody         TE_Female_A
55      TE_GymTeacher         MrBurton         Authority
56      TE_Janitor            MrLuntz            CV_Male_A
57      TE_English            MrGalloway         Authority
58      TE_Cafeteria         Edna            Authority
59      TE_Secretary         MissWinston         TE_Female_A
60      TE_Nurse            MrsMcRae         TE_Female_A
61      TE_MathTeacher         MrHuntingdon      Authority
62      TE_Librarian         MrsCarvin         TE_Female_A
63      TE_Art               MsPhillips         TE_Female_A
64      TE_Biology            MrSlawter         Authority
65      TE_Principal         DrCrabblesnitch      Authority
66      GN_Littleblkboy         Sheldon            GS_Male_A
67      GN_SexyGirl            Christy            GS_Female_A
68      GN_Littleblkgirl      Gloria            GS_Female_A
69      GN_Hispanicboy         Pedro            GS_Male_A
70      GN_Greekboy            Constantinos      GS_Male_A
71      GN_Fatboy            Ray               GS_Fat_A
72      GN_Boy01            Ivan            GS_Male_A
73      GN_Boy02            Trevor            GS_Male_A
74      GN_Fatgirl            Eunice            GS_Fat_A
75      DOlead_Russell         Russell            B_Striker_A
76      TO_Business1         DrBambillo         CV_Male_A
77      TO_Business2         MrSullivan         CV_Male_A
78      TO_BusinessW1         MsKopke            CV_Female_A
79      TO_BusinessW2         MsRushinski         CV_Female_A
80      TO_RichW1            MsIsaacs         CV_Female_A
81      TO_RichW2            BethanyJones      CV_Female_A
82      TO_Fireman            ORourke            CV_Male_A
83      TO_Cop               OfficerMonson      Authority
84      TO_Comic            ZackOwens         CV_Male_A
85      GN_Bully03            Trent            B_Striker_A
86      TO_Bikeowner         TobiasMason         CV_Male_A
87      TO_Hobo               MrGrant            CV_Male_A
88      Player_Mascot         Mascot            J_Mascot
89      TO_GroceryOwner         MrOh            CV_Male_A
90      GN_Sexygirl_UW         Christy            GS_Female_A
91      DOLead_Edgar         Edgar            DO_Striker_A
92      JK_LuisWrestle         Luis            J_Grappler_A
93      JKGirl_MandyUW         Mandy            GS_Female_A
94      PRGirl_PinkyUW         Pinky            GS_Female_A
95      NDGirl_BeatriceUW      Beatrice         GS_Female_A
96      GRGirl_LolaUW         Lola            GS_Female_A
97      TO_Cop2               OfficerWilliams      Authority
98      Player_OWres         Jimmy            Player
99      GN_Bully02            Davis            B_Striker_A
100      TO_RichM1            MrBreckindale      CV_Male_A
101      TO_RichM2            MrDoolin         CV_Male_A
102      GN_Bully01            Troy            B_Striker_A
103      TO_FireOwner         Nate            CV_Male_A
104      TO_CSOwner_2         MrCarmichael      CV_Male_A
105      TO_CSOwner_3         NickyCharles      CV_Male_A
106      TE_Chemistry         MrWatts            Authority
107      TO_Poorwoman         MissAbby         CV_OLD
108      TO_MotelOwner         Mihailovich         CV_Male_A
109      JKKirby_FB            Kirby            J_Striker_A
110      JKTed_FB            Ted               J_Striker_A
111      JKDan_FB            Dan               J_Striker_A
112      JKDamon_FB            Damon            J_Striker_A
113      TO_Carny02            Freeley            CV_Male_A
114      TO_Carny01            Dorsey            CV_Male_A
115      TO_CarnyMidget         Hector            CV_Male_A
116      TO_Poorman2            Osbourne         CV_Male_A
117      PRH2A_Chad_OBOX         Chad            P_Striker_A
118      PRH3_Justin_OBOX      Justin            P_Striker_A
119      PRH3a_Parker_OBOX      Parker            P_Striker_A
120      TO_BarberRich         MariaTheresa      CV_Female_A
121      GenericWrestler         Bob               GS_Male_A
122      ND_FattyWrestle         Fatty            GS_Male_A
123      TO_Industrial         Chuck            CV_Male_A
124      TO_Associate         Ian               CV_Male_A
125      TO_Asylumpatient      Fenwick            DO_Striker_A
126      TE_Autoshop            Neil            Authority
127      TO_Mailman            MrSvenson         CV_Male_A
128      TO_Tattooist         Denny            CV_Male_A
129      TE_Assylum            MrGalloway         Authority
130      Nemesis_Gary         Gary            B_Striker_A
131      TO_Oldman2            Krakauer         CV_OLD
132      TO_BarberPoor         MrMoratti         CV_Male_A
133      PR2nd_Bif_OBOX         Bif               P_Striker_A
134      Peter               Peter            GS_Male_A
135      TO_RichM3            MrSmith            CV_Male_A
136      Rat_Ped               Rat               AN_Rat
137      GN_LittleGirl_2         Melody            GS_Female_A
138      GN_LittleGirl_3         Karen            GS_Female_A
139      GN_WhiteBoy            Gordon            GS_Male_A
140      TO_FMidget            Brandy            GS_Male_A
141      Dog_Pitbull            Pitbull            AN_DOG
142      GN_SkinnyBboy         Lance            GS_Male_A
143      TO_Carnie_female      Crystal            CV_Female_A
144      TO_Business3         MrMartin         CV_Male_A
145      GN_Bully04            Ethan            B_Striker_A
146      GN_Bully05            Wade            B_Striker_A
147      GN_Bully06            Tom               B_Striker_A
148      TO_Business4         MrRamirez         CV_Male_A
149      TO_Business5         MrHuntingdon      CV_Male_A
150      DO_Otto_asylum         Otto            DO_Striker_A
151      TE_History            MrWiggins         Authority
152      TO_Record            Floyd            CV_Male_A
153      DO_Leon_Assylum         Leon            DO_Striker_A
154      DO_Henry_Assylum      Henry            DO_Striker_A
155      NDH1_FattyChocolate      Fatty            N_Striker_A
156      TO_GroceryClerk         Stan            CV_Male_A
157      TO_Handy            Handy            CV_OLD
158      TO_Orderly2            Gregory            LE_Orderly_A
159      GN_Hboy_Ween         Pedro            GS_Male_A
160      Nemesis_Ween         Gary            B_Striker_A
161      GRH3_Lucky_Ween         Lucky            G_Striker_A
162      NDH3a_Donald_ween      Donald            N_Ranged_A
163      PRH3a_Parker_Ween      Parker            P_Striker_B
164      JKH3_Casey_Ween         Casey            J_Melee_A
165      Peter_Ween            Peter            GS_Male_A
166      GN_AsianGirl_Ween      Angie            GS_Female_A
167      PRGirl_Pinky_Ween      Pinky            GS_Female_A
168      JKH1_Damon_ween         Damon            J_Striker_A
169      GN_WhiteBoy_Ween      Gordon            GS_Male_A
170      GN_Bully01_Ween         Ivan            B_Striker_A
171      GN_Boy02_Ween         Trevor            B_Striker_A
172      PR2nd_Bif_OBOX_D1      Bif               P_Striker_A
173      GRH1a_Vance_Ween      Vance            G_Melee_A
174      NDH2_Thad_Ween         Thad            N_Ranged_A
175      PRGirl_Pinky_BW         Pinky            GS_Female_A
176      DOlead_Russell_BU      Russell            B_Striker_A
177      PRH1a_Tad_BW         Tad               P_Striker_A
178      PRH2_Bryce_BW         Bryce            P_Grappler_A
179      PRH3_Justin_BW         Justin            P_Striker_B
180      GN_Asiangirl_CH         Angie            GS_Female_A
181      GN_Sexygirl_CH         Christy            GS_Female_A
182      PRGirl_Pinky_CH         Pinky            GS_Female_A
183      TO_NH_Res_01         MrBuba            CV_OLD
184      TO_NH_Res_02         MrGordon         CV_OLD
185      TO_NH_Res_03         MrsLisburn         CV_OLD
186      NDH1_Fatty_DM         Fatty            N_Striker_A
187      TO_PunkBarber         Betty            CV_Male_A
188      FightingMidget_01      Lightning         P_Striker_A
189      FightingMidget_02      Zeke            G_Striker_A
190      TO_Skeletonman         Alfred            CV_Male_A
191      TO_Beardedwoman         Paris            CV_Female_A
192      TO_CarnieMermaid      Courtney         CV_Female_A
193      TO_Siamesetwin2         Delilah            CV_Female_A
194      TO_Paintedman         Drew            CV_Male_A
195      TO_GN_Workman         Castillo         CV_Male_A
196      DOLead_Edgar_GS         Edgar            DO_Striker_A
197      DOH3a_Gurney_GS         Gurney            DO_Grappler_A
198      DOH2_Jerry_GS         Jerry            DO_Grappler_A
199      DOH2a_Leon_GS         Leon            DO_Striker_A
200      GRH2a_Hal_GS         Hal               G_Grappler_A
201      GRH2_Norton_GS         Norton            G_Grappler_A
202      GR2nd_Peanut_GS         Peanut            G_Striker_A
203      GRH1a_Vance_GS         Vance            G_Melee_A
204      JKH3a_Bo_GS            Bo               J_Melee_A
205      JKH1_Damon_GS         Damon            J_Striker_A
206      JK2nd_Juri_GS         Juri            J_Grappler_A
207      JKH1a_Kirby_GS         Kirby            J_Striker_A
208      NDH1a_Algernon_GS      Algernon         N_Striker_B
209      NDH3_Bucky_GS         Bucky            N_Ranged_A
210      NDH2_Thad_GS         Thad            N_Ranged_A
211      PRH3a_Parker_GS         Parker            P_Striker_B
212      PRH3_Justin_GS         Justin            P_Striker_B
213      PRH1a_Tad_GS         Tad               P_Striker_A
214      PRH1_Gord_GS         Gord            P_Striker_A
215      NDLead_Earnest_EG      Earnest            N_Ranged_A
216      JKlead_Ted_EG         Ted               J_Striker_A
217      GRlead_Johnny_EG      Johnny            G_Johnny
218      PRlead_Darby_EG         Darby            P_Striker_A
219      Dog_Pitbull2         Pitbull            AN_DOG
220      Dog_Pitbull3         Pitbull            AN_DOG
221      TE_CafeMU_W            Edna            Authority
222      TO_Millworker         McInnis            CV_Male_A
223      TO_Dockworker         Johnson            CV_Male_A
224      NDH2_Thad_PJ         Thad            N_Ranged_A
225      GN_Lblkboy_PJ         Sheldon            GS_Male_A
226      GN_Hboy_PJ            Pedro            GS_Male_A
227      GN_Boy01_PJ            Ivan            GS_Male_A
228      GN_Boy02_PJ            Trevor            GS_Male_A
229      TE_Gym_Incog         MrBurton         Authority
230      JK_Mandy_Towel         Mandy            GS_Female_A
231      JK_Bo_FB            Bo               J_Melee_A
232      JK_Casey_FB            Casey            J_Melee_A
233      PunchBag            PunchBag         B_Striker_A
234      TO_Cop3               OfficerMonson      Authority
235      GN_GreekboyUW         Constantinos      GS_Male_A
236      TO_Construct01         McInnis            CV_Male_A
237      TO_Construct02         McInnis            CV_Male_A
238      TO_Cop4               OfficerWilliams      Authority
239      PRH2_Bryce_OBOX_D1      Bryce            P_Striker_A
240      PRH2_Bryce_OBOX_D2      Bryce            P_Striker_A
241      PRH2A_Chad_OBOX_D1      Chad            P_Striker_A
242      PRH2A_Chad_OBOX_D2      Chad            P_Striker_A
243      PR2nd_Bif_OBOX_D2      Bif               P_Striker_A
244      PRH3_Justin_OBOX_D1      Justin            P_Striker_A
245      PRH3_Justin_OBOX_D2      Justin            P_Striker_A
246      PRH3a_Prkr_OBOX_D1      Parker            P_Striker_A
247      PRH3a_Prkr_OBOX_D2      Parker            P_Striker_A
248      TE_Geography         TEMP            Authority
249      TE_Music            TEMP            TE_Female_A
250      TO_ElfF               TEMP            GS_Male_A
251      TO_ElfM               TEMP            GS_Male_A
252      TO_HoboSanta         TEMP            CV_Male_A
253      TO_Santa            TEMP            CV_Male_A
254      TO_Santa_NB            TEMP            CV_Male_A
255      Peter_Nutcrack         Peter            GS_Male_A
256      GN_Fatgirl_Fairy      Eunice            GS_Fat_A
257      GN_Lgirl_2_Flower      Melody            GS_Female_A
258      GN_Hboy_Flower         Pedro            GS_Male_A

Not everything here was completely found by just me. Credit goes to the bully board community, as I got some of the information from various members.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Check out one of the following topics! Note that these topics do not dive into as much detail as I try to, and they may get a few small details about LUA scripting wrong, but overall they still serve as good references in my opinion.
 by Shrimp:
 by c00ld0c26:
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 03:24:32 PM by DaBOSS54320 »

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Re: (LUA) Bully Function Reference
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 05:13:10 PM »
Very informative.

I think there should be someone to translate this into Spanish for like Brazilian modders.

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Re: (LUA) Bully Function Reference
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2014, 08:14:57 AM »
This is very informative.
I'll sticky it.

Offline BT x MaDsKiLlZ

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Re: (LUA) Bully Function Reference
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2014, 11:18:46 PM »
Description: Sets a screen effect of inside the Gym on 'The Gym is Burning'
Parameters: true/false
Return Value: Enabled if true, disabled if false
Submitted By: BT x MaDsKiLlZ

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: (LUA) Bully Function Reference
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2014, 06:41:25 AM »
I'm glad you bumped this topic. Totally forgot about it and haven't added anything for a lil while.

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Re: (LUA) Bully Function Reference
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2014, 04:55:00 AM »
Thanks for the information .

Offline DaBOSS54320

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DaBOSS's LUA Reference - Update
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2014, 05:51:57 AM »
Finally restarting this topic. Now instead of just function reference, it will be a reference for all things a LUA modder could want. Blip icon IDs for example are also included now.

I realize I still have a lot to add, and will continue to edit this topic in good time.

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: DaBOSS's LUA Reference
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2014, 02:13:53 AM »
sexiest topic ever.  :D

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Re: DaBOSS's LUA Reference
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2015, 09:05:44 AM »

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: DaBOSS's LUA Reference
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2015, 08:26:06 PM »

Offline denizthebest

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Re: DaBOSS's LUA Reference
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2015, 11:44:33 AM »
Nice information boss.

Offline mhdt

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Re: DaBOSS's LUA Reference
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2022, 05:15:45 PM »
Only AE:
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