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Topics - Weremuffin

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Discussion / Bully completed in 2:49
« on: March 14, 2011, 03:20:56 PM »
I haven't watched it yet, But I thought I'd post it here for anyone interested.

Bully 2 Discussion / Bully 2 is for Wii, PS3 and 360(?)
« on: November 11, 2010, 12:19:39 PM »
Been a while since I posted here.

I for no real reason I googled "Bully 2" and got a result at IGN's website.

Apparently they say it's for the Wii, PS3 and 360.
I don't recall it ever being announced for any of them.

Although one could assume they just listed platforms the first game was on.
But then why wouldn't they list Windows?

Any thoughts?

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Some tricks. (That I found?)
« on: June 05, 2010, 06:29:45 PM »
Not sure if I'm the first to find these. Probably not.
These were done with the Wii version, But they're likely to work with any other version. Maybe.

:: Bike Nitro ::
When pedaling as fast as possible if you suddenly hit the brakes and quickly resume pedaling, You seem to gain a temporary speed boost.
This is useful as if you buy an Aquaberry Bike use said trick, It seems to be just as fast as the best BMX(?) bike you can get from Shop Class. Minus Jumping though.

:: Bunny Hopping ::
As you likely know, The fastest you can go on foot is by rapidly hitting the Run Button. That's (a) on the Wii.
However if you intersperse Two Jumps in quick succession and finish it off with more dashing, then jumping, then dashing, etc.
You can cover much more ground. However once you get the Skateboard, There really isn't much reason to use this trick..
However in a Speed Run it would be useful for the first piece of the game.

:: Heaaaaadshot! ::
You probably already know that if you Egg someone's face, it will stun them for a few seconds.
Did you know if you shoot them with a fully charged slingshot, or any weapon at all, it does double damage?

:: The Time Warp ::
It's astounding, This trick allows you to warp to the start of the next school day.
If you get busted near the time you would pass out, You may get warped to the next day instead of your bed.
Where you get warped depends on who caught you, Outside school it'll be the School Entrance.
Inside school it'll be in front of the Principal's Office. It may be possible to get detention by using this trick.

If anyone knows any other tricks, Go ahead and post them.

edit: Added in the "Heaaaaadshot!" trick.

Introduce Yourself / Ahoy.
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:28:13 PM »
So apparently my tenth post is an Introduction one. Huh.

Anyway, Hiya, I'm Niffumerew, a.k.a Weremuffin.
You can call me Muffin if you want.

Anyway, Excuse my loquaciousness at times..
.. Actually, I don't really have an excuse for it. *shrugs*

Um, Yeah. Wow. This is probably the least wordy post I've posted yet.


Bully 1 Questions / Plot Required Missions?
« on: May 29, 2010, 05:40:16 PM »
I believe I have mentioned, But I am planning a Speed Run of this game.

I'm curious whether anyone has a list of missions that are required to progress the story, as it would likely not be a 100% run.
I will do a few other side missions, as they give some things that would definitely help in a speed run.

Also, Do tell me that the Nerd Challenge isn't required, That is definitely the most annoying mission in GTA & Bully combined.

New member here, But not new to the game. Planning a speed run, actually.

What? Right.
I believe this should count as modding, As it uses a cheat application(namely Ocarina) to temporarily modify the game to do other things.

Anyway. I've recently found a Levitate code for Bully: Scholarship Edition for the Wii.
It, as should be obvious, allows you to levitate.

I've found quite a few interesting things using this.
One Beta Area and bunch of Markers.

I know there are also beta characters in the game, But I don't know how to access them with the Wii version.

For anyone wondering what "Hidden Interiors" means, It's a term from Grand Theft Auto(particularly San Andreas which Bully obviously used as a base for it's game engine).
In San Andreas, If you enter the Ganton gym and kill everyone inside then spawn a Jetpack and stand on the exit marker, You can fly out and do all sorts of things. Mainly, Enter Interior Heaven.
Bully seems to have a very similar way of doing the interiors, But although I can enter other interiors, I can't figure how to load them.

Anyway, I've found a Beta Area in the School Building.
Although, According to Google I'm not the first to find it, there being at least one other person.
If you fly out of the lobby of the school and head towards the Principal's office, turn right to what looks like stairs and lower yourself in.
You will be inside a stairwell. This is not fully seen in the final game.
In the hallways you can see a door called "Roof Access", but you can't open it.
Going in here it's actually fully solid and rather detailed. Complete with a sign saying "To Roof ->" at the top pointing to a door out.
The sky box type bit around the other side of the door also reflects time changes like any other areas like it does.
It would of obviously been used in the final mission, Perhaps you were to actually chase Gary instead of it just being a cutscene?

Also, Beneath all interiors and some exterior areas there are little Triangle things.
They vary in color and often having some kind of markings on them, the markings being either text or random lines. In one case, a checkerboard pattern.
I theorize these are some sorta Markers placed by the developers.
The colors seem to represent an "Interior Heaven", Not fully sure of the markings.
One triangle seemed to say "im615" and another seemed to say "cera".

If anyone wants to help with the finding of beta areas and hidden interiors, You'll need a Wii with the Homebrew Channel(This is not piracy unless you use it as such.) with the Ocarina(Or was it Gecko something?) app.
Of course, You'll also need Bully: Scholarship Edition.
You can find codes for the Levitate and such on

If anyone finds something interesting, Do post it here with instructions on how to get to it.

A little note, The game seems to only spawn certain areas for certain missions or after certain missions.
e.g: The School's Roof Top will only fully spawn in when you're fighting Gary.
e.g: The Junkyard also only spawns for the fight with Johnny Vincent.
e.g: The Spud Machine Gun only spawns after the mission it appears in.

I do hope this topic is okay, I love the game and would love to see what kind of things the game is hiding away from us.
Hidden ability to jack cars? A hidden house interior with pictures of all of Jimmy's girlfriends and an angry man who attacks Jimmy on site?

I've got a bunch of notes, mainly triangle locations, but if anyone wants to read them, not sure why'd you want to though, just ask and I'll send them to you.

edit: Renamed to fit present content.

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