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Author Topic: The Bullworth Never Ending Story  (Read 339110 times)

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Offline BloodChuckZ

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #60 on: December 31, 2009, 09:30:58 AM »
Tony started punching those numbers. Nothing happened. He tried different combinations. Still nothing. Laurent, watching him, said, “You know, There’s about a thousand different ways for those numbers."

Tony looked up. “How do you know that ?”

“It’s Math, my friend…You should pay more attention in class”

Laurent leaned over, looking at the keypad closely. “I believe I have seen this kind before. The punch code is usually four numbers”.

“But there’s only three that showed up any prints”, Tony said. “How can that be ?”

“If one of the numbers is used twice”, Laurent replied.

“So, how many different combos are there then ?”, asked Tony.

Laurent sighed. “About Ten Thousand.”

“SHIT, SHIT, SHIT….How are we gonna….” Tony broke off….”We will have to actually see how somebody punches in this code….But how….” He stopped.

The Binoculars.  “We need to get the Binoculars, and the Rappel”, said Tony….”Come’on !”
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 05:25:35 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #61 on: December 31, 2009, 09:47:08 AM »
Heading back down towards the Gym Area, Laurent had some questions.

"If you don't mind me asking you, why do you have to get this code ?" asked Laurent.

"Now that you're my bodyguard, you'll have to know this, and I know that you can keep a secret", Tony replied.

"Oui", Laurent nodded, waiting expectantly.

"I've got a plenty of boxes full of clothes, and this is how I get my money... We got to take it from the roof of the Pool Building to here....OK ?"

"And....Then What ?", Laurent asked, perplexed.

"Then, my friend, we find a place back there to hide them", Tony replied.

"Hmmm....Sounds like a plan", Laurent said, thinking it over.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 05:36:10 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #62 on: December 31, 2009, 09:55:58 AM »
After hoofing it back to the Gym area, Laurent kept watch while Tony scaled the roof, and grabbed what he needed from the stash. Dropping down off the overhang, they beat it back to the Library, just missing getting busted by the black Prefect.
Arriving back, the Library grounds still deserted, Tony uncoiled the rope and began swinging the hook as he had seen Laurent do. When he got it going fast enough, he let it go in the direction of the top of the roof. As it came down, the boys could hear a barley audible ’Clang’….Laurent pulled the rope until it appeared to catch on something, and made it taunt.
“I’ll go up…You follow”, he said to Tony.

Tony watched Laurent climb the rope, and reach the top, pulling himself over. Laurent started over to the other side of the roof, then reappeared, signaling Tony to climb up.  Tony grasped the rope and started his climb. Sure was a lot harder than he thought.
I outta go to Gym Class more., Tony thought.
Reaching the top and pulling himself over, Tony sat on the roof and pulled up the rope. Then both boys headed over to the side where the gate was at, and waited.
Finally, the boys heard the bell ringing for the start of the lunch period. Almost Immediately, the grounds were covered with students coming out of the buildings.
As they watched from their high perch, Tony and Laurent saw a number of Nerds walking about the Library grounds….And one fat Nerd headed over to the wall. As they watched, the fat Nerd made his way over the wall in the most funny way they had ever seen, finally falling on his ass on the other side. As the fat Nerd got up and brushed himself off, Tony quickly took up the best vantage point and focused the binoculars on the keypad.
As Tony watched, the fat Nerd punched the top left of the pad twice, then the top right once, and the middle bottom once. With a ‘chink’ sound the gate unlocked and the Nerd swung it open and went through, closing it behind him. Another person appeared coming up the trail, dressed in a black suit of some kind, and began talking with the fat Nerd.

"No, no, no, you can't use diplomacy to do that with the Princess !", he said.

"Of course I can !", said the fat Nerd.

Tony recognized his blackmailer, Algie, as the one dressed in the ridiculous black suit. The fat kid was….Wait.…Was it... Fatty ?  It would make perfect sense.

Tony looked at Laurent, and moved his head in direction of the Gate, giving a thumbs-up.
Finally. After days and days of patience, here was the code. The gate had emitted a beep, and the lock opened.  Simple.  The two Nerds walked off down the path, and Tony was full of thoughts. They had cracked the code.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 05:51:03 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #63 on: December 31, 2009, 10:05:11 AM »
"You were right, Laurent !", Tony gloated. "It's the 1 that is is hit twice."

"1-1-3-8 ?", Laurent gussed.

"Exactly", Tony said, smiling. "Now we have to do is shift all the merchandise."

"Merchandise ?", Laurent questioned.

"The Boxes....They contain or Merchandise", Tony said absently. "We have to be very discrete, because no one can see us with this. We may have to use parkour to get over walls and not be seen."

"How many boxes ?", Laurent asked.

"There are four full boxes now... We have to do it before rain comes", Tony said, and pulled a paper from his pocket. "Look, here's a map I've drawn recently."

The map was a rough sketch of the Bullworth campus, at least as far as Tony had been able to explore.  He continued, pointing out places on the map. "As you can guess, the way between the Gym's Pool roof and the Library will be full of students, between classes", Tony explained.  "I propose we go this way......"

With the help of his finger, Tony indicated the way.  The whole route was possible - From the Gym's Pool building, up the path and turn right at the Fountain to Harrington House, go to the Harrington side yard, and climb over two walls to get immediately to the locked gate.

"Pas de problème." said Laurent quietly.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 06:02:16 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #64 on: December 31, 2009, 10:26:28 AM »
Waiting until the class bell rang again, and the area was once more empty, Tony and Laurant scaled down the side of the building where the gate was located. Tony moved over to the keypad, and punched…Top Left, Twice…1,1...Top Right, Once…3.…Bottom Middle, Once….8.….

With a ‘ch-chink’ the bold disengaged and slid back. Tony pushed the gate open.
Turning to Laurant, he said, “Can you get the hook free ?”  Laurant nodded, and began whipping the rope back and forth until it suddenly went slack, and began falling. He ducked out of the way as the hook came tumbling down to the ground.

“Coil that up and go stash it, OK ?”, said Tony…"I’m gonna check this out".

Laurant coiled the rope and quickly left. Tony went through the gate and closed it. He had to make sure he wasn’t seen. He headed for the nearest cover.

I Wonder What’s Back Here He thought.

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #65 on: December 31, 2009, 10:52:57 AM »
After making his way through what appeared to be a long valley peppered with stones and boulders, Tony looked furtively over the stone he was behind.  He saw the two Nerds going through a short passageway that was set in a natural wall.  Waiting for a few minutes, he heard what sounded like a funny bird whistle.  He whistled in return, and Laurent understood the signal. In a minute, the boy was at his side.

"Laurent, I gotta tell you, I'm making a business that can make us rich.  But we have to hide the merchandise for this.  You didn't ask anything about what it was, and I'm grateful for that”, Tony whispered.

"Cannabis ?", Laurent guessed.

"No, No, not that…No drugs or alcohol either.  Only clothes”, Tony replied.  “You've seen that the school store doesn't have Letterman Jackets anymore ?  That's because I've got them. Got that ?"

"Oui...", Laurent said, understanding.

"Don't worry, I'll give you one if that's what you want !”, Tony grinned.
The boys continued on the way the Nerds had went, through the passage. About a hundred feet later and to the right, a fieldstone pathway led to a set of gates embedded in a long stone wall that went from another taller wall on the left to a rock face on the right.  On top of the wall was a device that appeared to be some sort of Machine Gun, mounted on a platform.   Behind it rose a large dome-like building.

“What’s this place ?” Tony wondered, peering at the structure from behind a boulder.

“This is their…Observatory”, Laurent said.  “Their…Fortress, I hear.”

The boys snuck unobserved to one of the stone pylons near the front of the gate.  Tony looked behind and to his left, past a huge boulder, at a large steel barricade topped with rolled Barb Razor Wire.  “What’s that there ?”, he asked.

‘Through there is the Football Field”, Laurent replied. “That big barricade was there when I arrived, but the Barb Wire has only been there a little while. Can’t Parkour over that now, would cut your arms and legs to pieces.”

“Tony said, “We have to bring these boxes from the Gym building to here. Any suggestions ?"

"We can use Parkour to climb these walls”, Laurent said simply. “The Pions will not see us….They never come back here."

"You mean the Prefects ?”, Tony asked.  “The dumbasses dressed in blue ?"

Laurent nodded his head. “Oui…Those Pions.”

Tony and Laurent looked around to make sure there were no Nerds spying on them. With their luck, the Nerds probably have the whole place packed with security cameras.  As they did, drops of rain began falling.

Tony studied the place for a minute. "So, if you're ready to make money, let's go !  I think I've just found a very good place here to hide those boxes"

The two boys made their way back to the Nerds gate without encountering anyone.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 07:03:16 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2009, 02:57:41 PM »
Back on campus, the two boys ran to the Pool building, used the Parkour, to climb the wall to the overhang, then the small ladder to the roof.  Once on top of the Building, they gathered up the boxes and started to get down. Tony could feel the rain starting to drizzle down on them.

"Hurry up, Lets GO!" yelled Tony.  They climbed down the ladder.

"Merde !" yelled Laurent as he slipped off the second to last step dropping his box on the overhang roof. It skidded off and fell to the ground, coming open. Only a few items fell out.  The boys dropped off the overhang roof to the ground.

"Over here !" said Tony as the rain started falling harder. They retrieved the contents of the spilled box, stuffed them back in, and dodging a patrolling Prefect, made their way through the Harrington House side yard and back to the Nerd’s gate.

Tony was hitting the keypad as Laurent was coming over the wall.   1...1..3...8...he dialed in the code and the door slid open.

"So, were do we hide these boxes ?" yelled Laurant sliding around in the mud as Tony led the way back to the Nerd’s Observatory.

"I got an idea, but we’ll have to get inside !", Tony replied. Winded, they finally arrived at the Observatory gates.

Parkour up the wall to the platform there”, Tony pointed, “And I’ll throw the boxes up !”

Laurent backed up, then used the Parkour to go up the wall. When he was on the platform, Tony tossed up the boxes and followed. 

“There’s steps down over here”, Laurent indicated, and they gathered up the boxes and went down, joining the fieldstone pathway that led to the imposing double doors set back in the front of the building.  Tony and Laurent both dropped the boxes onto the alcove area of the Observatory.

Laurent went towards one of the doors in front of them.  He pulled something out of his pocket which appeared to be a Lock Smith Kit.  He worked with the handle of the door and eventually got it open.

"How'd you know to do that ?" asked Tony, looking at him in a puzzled way.

"Lets just say…I've been in here a few times”, Laurent replied mysteriously, “Before the Razor Wire.”

Laurent opened the door and walked in with Tony following.  Inside was a large room with an ornate tile floor missing huge gouged out chunks where the big telescope had fallen and been smashed in a long-ago battle many years ago.  There were four huge square pillars that used to hold up the massive telescope.  The floor was further littered with the remains of what looked like a catwalk and steel bars that presumably used to hold it up.  Tony wondered briefly what the story of this place was.

At the back was a set of steps that led down to what appeared to be a basement.  Pausing at the top of the steps, Tony and Laurent listened intently for the sound of anybody there.  Hearing nothing but the rain drumming on the domed roof, both boys descended  carefully down the steps, which took a turn at the bottom and led out into a long room.  In the center was a long, rectangular table. 

“Those two must have left while we was getting the merchandise”, Tony remarked.  “That’s a stroke of good luck.”

The walls on the sides held small doors that looked like storage places.  At the end was another door.  They crossed over, opened it, and looked inside.  It appeared to be a small room, sort of like a....Janitors Closet.

"This is the Nerd’s Storage area !" said Laurent, as he peeked inside, seeing multiple shelving on either side. The place had a musty smell, as if it wasn’t used much.  A layer of dust coated the few items that were there.
"Put the boxes here, I'll use this to cover them up" said Laurent grabbing a large blue tarp out of the far corner.  Tony returned to the front of the Observatory, gathered up the boxes and brought them back downstairs, placing the boxes on a shelf at the far end of the room.  Laurent covered them with the tarp.  The boys stepped back to the doorway, and found they couldn’t even see the arrangement in the dim room.

"Well, we finally found a place to put everything !" said Tony.

"Oui….Just need to watch out how many items we store in here.  That way, it wont look suspicious", Laurent said.  Tony closed the door, and the two boys made their way out of the Observatory.  Tony and Laurent looked around to make sure there were no Nerds spying on them as they headed back to the Nerd's Gate in the rain,
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 07:17:32 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2009, 06:11:25 PM »
Riiinnnnnggggg !! , Went the school bell, dismissing the afternoon classes.

Tony and Laurent had stayed low until they got out of the Nerd area, and were once again at the back of the school as students came pouring out into the Quad.

"So, when exactly are we going to start this.…Service ?" asked Laurent.

"Well, I've already got those Preppies in on the deal”, Tony said, “Next, I think I should approach the Greasers.”

“Don’t forget my Jocks”, said Laurent, “They’re going to need clean clothes real soon.”

“Don’t worry, they’re on the list”, Tony said.  “Well…Um, Laurent, that’s it for now.  Here's five bucks for helping me.  I'll catch you later Ok ?”.

"Oui, see you later." said Laurent, taking the cash and walking away.


Tony started walking over towards the front gates of the school.  He looked through the iron bars holding him in.  Across the street Tony spotted what seemed to be a large crack in the wall as if someone drove straight through it, with what looked like a pathway.

He turned around and walked to the Boy’s Dorm. When he got there he walked up the stairs and opened the door.  Before stepping in he looked behind the door to make sure Kurt or Jake wasn't there waiting for him.  He went and sat down on the couch in the common room and leaned over and turned on the TV.  Once again the weather forecast was on.

"Today was a rainy one, but for the next few days it looks like nothing but SUN, SUN, SUN !", said the man in front of the large radar. Tony wanted to feel happy about it, for it would make his deals easier to transact..

"Man, I'm thirsty !" Tony said, getting up and walking towards the Beam Cola machine. He dug into his pocket, put in a dollar, and bought a Beam Cola.

Suddenly, Tony heard a SMASH !!! come from the direction of his dorm room. He ran out of the Common Area and into his room to find his window shattered into a million pieces.  Tony ran up to the window and looked out.

Suddenly he felt something pelt him near his left eye. Tony fell to the floor holding his hand over his eye.  "What the FUCK !!" he yelled, lying on the floor.  He got up a slowly looked out the window.

Sure enough, Kurt was standing right there with a slingshot in his hand.  He turned to run off, and Tony jumped out of the shattered window and chased him across the yard.  Kurt jumped over the wall which was missing a piece of fence.

When he reached the Library, Kurt ran around the side jumping over the broken wall just to see that there was a Fence with a door ...that he couldn’t get through !

Kurt started punching random numbers into the key pad as Tony climbed over the broken wall.  Kurt turned around and saw Tony.  He reached to the ground and picked up a rock and fired it out of his slingshot.  Tony ducked as the rock came hurtling towards him.

"End of the line, Little Shit !!" yelled Tony.

"Do something !! I wanna see you!!", challenged Kurt.

Suddenly everything seemed to go into slow motion for Tony. What can I do to beat the shit out of this twerp ?

Tony looked to his right as a motion caught his eye, and saw a Nerd with a green sweater coming towards him over another section of broken wall with what seemed to be some sort of gun.

Tony pointed towards Kurt and the Nerd stopped in his tracks.  He thought for a moment about what Tony was trying to show him.  He peered over the broken wall coming from Harrington House and saw Kurt standing there.

He looked back over at Tony and nodded his head.  He handed Tony the blue gun-looking weapon.  Tony read on the side "Spuds Only".

Spuds, Spuds, what were Spuds ?, Tony asked himself.  Then--  Of  course….POTATOES!!!

Tony aimed the Spud cannon at Kurt who fell on his knees dropping his slingshot on the ground.

"PLEASE NO !!!!" yelled Kurt at the top of his lungs. "NO-NO-NO-NO-NO !!!!!!"

Tony pulled the trigger of the Spud Gun and out came a potato at lightning speed.  It smacked Kurt right in the head knocking him down and out.

“Hmmm….Handy weapon”, Tony said as the Nerd boy climbed over the wall.  "So why'd you help me ? I thought all the Nerds hated me ?" asked Tony curiously.

"You don't know what I had to go through with him right before you got here", said the Nerd.  "By the way, My name's Melvin....Melvin O'Connor."

"Okay…’s your….Spud Gun." said Tony handing him the weapon.

"Keep it, We got plenty more." said Melvin, turning down the weapon.

"Thanks !!“, Tony said.  “I’m Tony Calderone.  Guess I‘ll see you around…..Oh and uh…You didn't see Anything here !”

"Okay…Fine by me !”, Melvin said, climbing over the wall and waddling off in the direction of the Library.


The rain had stopped for a little while but Tony could feel it starting to drizzle on him again.  He went over to check on Kurt.  He isn’t going anywhere.  I've got to get inside, though, Tony thought to himself.  He climbed over the wall and headed away from the Library.  Checking the big clock on the School Tower, he saw it read 7:30 PM.

Tony was feeling tired as he walked toward his dorm. He remembered seeing Kurt laying on the ground....Out....Cold.…..IT FELT SO GOOD TO NAIL HIM WITH A POTATO !!!

Tony looked at the weapon in his hands as he was entering the dorm. "How do I get more potatoes when this runs out ?" he thought to himself.  This will sure come in handy if Jake decides to attack me again.  I’ll nail that crazy fuck too.

Tony entered his room and locked the door. He threw the Spud Gun on the bed beside him and laid down. A cool breeze was coming in where the window had been broken.

Tony lifted up the covers and crawled under.  He gently closed his achy eyes and thought about what would happen tomorrow....Anything can happen in this Shit Hole…..With that thought, Tony fell asleep.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 07:54:39 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2009, 07:27:30 PM »

This time, Tony was woke up by the alarm clock. The sound felt so unpleasant that the clock finished up at the other corner of the room, what magically caused it to stop. Tony hoped that today was going to be a day without trouble.  He had a good chance - This morning was Art Class, a way to relax and become smooth.  Tony thought of Karen. What could she be doing at the moment ?  Hanging out with this punkass Kurt ?.. Kissing him ?... He shook his head.  And what about Jake ?  That Psycho was bound to attack him again, that was pretty clear after Jake had tried to run him over with a car.

Tony examined his new Weapon, the Spud Gun.  He would have to track down that Melvin kid and ask him where he got his potatoes.  Looking at the compact size of the Weapon, Tony discovered it was possible to secret it on his body, if he adjusted his clothes in a certain way.  There was only a few Spuds in it, but it might come in handy.

Tony left his room, looking around warily.  He checked in the Common Room, and watched in the halls, but there was no sign of either Kurt or Jake.  He left the Dorm and headed for the School.

Tony arrived in the classroom without encountering Kurt.  As far a Jake was concerned, He didn‘t see him either, and he wasn‘t in Art Class today.  He recognized the group of Perverts that didn't come for the love of Art over in the far corner.  Tony took a random seat, and surprisingly, next to him was a familiar face.

"Steve ? Hey Dude, remember me ?", Tony greeted the boy.

"Oh, you're the hooks guy, aren't you ? How are you ?", Steve said.

"I'm doing well, thanks. Why do you come here ?", Tony asked.

"I'm learning to dredge, Boy !" said the Greaser, waving on his seat.

"What ?", said Tony, confused.

"Are you fucking blind ?  Don't you see the splendid creature that is...", Steve started to say, but was cut off.

"You two, please concentrate on your work !!" said Ms. Phillips with a soothing, but authoritarian voice.

"Here, I’se show you." whispered Steve.

He had drawn flowers from many colors.  He got up, took the drawing, and slowly went to the ‘Splendid Creatures’ desk.  He bent over the desk, his two elbows on it.  The Teacher's face changed, she was made passionate by his simple drawing.  Steve kept smiling, looking her right in her eyes. Their discussion ended as she put her hand on his shoulder, and gently smiled.  Steve came back to his seat.

"You seen that ?  It proves that I done this good”, Steve said, while pointing at flower with his finger. "You should try this out, I think she'll like what you've done !"

Tony looked at his drawing.  Nothing special, just a landscape.  He stood up, and walked to her desk. He tried out his own technique.

"Oh, you're Tony, right ? Let me see this…”, Ms. Phillips said, gazing at his drawing.  “It's a good choice to have made this. Why ?"

Find something.  It's like negotiation, Tony thought.

"I really like the way a landscape can make us feel free, it's like a travel through a picture...", Tony said.  The more he said, the more his body began to move, and his instinct told him he was catching her interest.  She relaxed on her chair, and put her hands on her legs….Those Sexy Legs.

"I think you have a real potential, Tony.  Continue like this... I like it.", Ms. Phillips gushed.  Tony offered her his best smile before returning back to his seat.

"Youse know what I meant now ?" Steve asked.

"Oh yeah, I do !.", Tony said, feeling warmth in his loins.

"Hey, you knows Christy ?", Steve asked.

"No…Who is that ?", Tony said.

"It's a girl, her only wish was to graduate, but shes didn't, because of some obscure gossip, is what I heards...", Steve whispered.

"Okay….So what ?", Tony said.

"She be exactly like Ms. Phillips. You coulds learn a lot by talking to her, and.…Heh….Kissin’ her too !"

"Uh.…OK, thanks for the advice, man”, Tony said, suddenly pining for Karen.

"Boys and Girls, it's about time for the bell to ring…Thank you for coming today !", the Teacher said.

Tony came out of the classroom and walked in direction of the cafeteria. There he grabbed two apples, then left school and went in direction of the football field.  As predicted, the sun began to appear, and Tony wanted to eat an apple and see Laurent before starting his sports afternoon with him.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 08:38:52 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #69 on: January 01, 2010, 02:09:20 AM »
Constantinos hadn’t been “Murdered”, like Jake had proclaimed….But had been beaten up quite a bit by Jake and two Bullies that Jake had brought along.  After a night in the Infirmary with a two cracked ribs, plus bruises and lacerations to his face, he had been released once only to have to go back for a second night after the window breaking in the dorm, and was finally released that afternoon. On his last morning in the Infirmary, he watched as Kurt was brought in, again, for the second time that week. Constantinous learned by listening that he had been found unconscious once more, this time over by the Library.  Kurt has a concussion this time, and on top of his injuries from earlier in the week, as Constantinos heard the Nurse saying, would put him out of action for quite a few days.
Constantinos left the Infirmary and walked gingerly down the front steps. Locating one of the benches in front of the school, he sat for a while, and just listened to the passing conversation of the other students. In this way, he came to learn it was Kurt who had sling-shot Tony, and that Kurt had been last seen being chased by Tony. He also overheard that the administration was rumored to be looking for Tony to make him pay for at least fixing the window, but there seemed to be no evidence of any proof involving Tony in the attack on Kurt.
Getting up from the bench and heading towards the parking lot, Constantinos began following a group of Greasers. As he silently walked behind them, he learned about Jake stealing the car out of the Autoshop, and then crashing it into the wall by the steps near the fountain. The Greasers seemed pretty pissed off about the whole thing, seeing as how the vehicle was a classic car and all….Greasers treated their cars better than people, and considered them like members of their own family. That someone has damaged one of their prized vehicles made them extremely angry, and they vowed their revenge on Jake, who had been seen escaping the car by other students. It seemed that Jake had gone ’underground’ and was laying low, but the Greasers could only speculate on where he might be hiding or who may be helping him stay hidden.  One thing for sure that Constantinos understood from their rants of hate was that they were done with Jake and his ’Deals’ and they would stomp his ass on sight.
Constantinos needed to find Tony. This time, he had some valuable information to tell him….And good information paid good money.  That is, if Tony’s ’Merchandise Plan’ had gone all right.  He broke away from the group of Greasers, and began to make inquiries among to students as to Tony’s whereabouts.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 08:46:12 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #70 on: January 01, 2010, 06:39:55 AM »
"So, what's your favorite sport ?", asked Tony.  Laurent tilted the head with a quizzical look. "After Parkour, I mean", said Tony before biting into his apple.

"La balle au prisonnier", he said.  Seeing that Tony didn't get it, Laurent turned his head in direction of the great banners hanging from the roof of the gym and found the right term, "Ah, Oui !  Dodgeball !"

"Oh, I see ! Wanna play this this afternoon ?", asked Tony.

"Tony ! Tony !", a voice interrupted.

"Who is this ?" asked Laurent, seeing Constantinos running up to them.

"A... Friend”, Tony said. “Hey, Dude, take a deep breath, you didn't have to run so fast."

"I... Got... Premium... Quality... Information... For you, Tony...", panted Constantinos.

"Hey, what the Fuck ?”, Tony said cheerfully.  “No work today. No  Point.  Is that so complicated ?"

"No, No, you'll be thankful for this, I tell you !!", Constantinos said.

"You see the sun we got today ?”, Tony threw his arm up.  “Why should I waste it with gossip ?"

"I'm... Sorry... “, Constantinos said, defeated.  “I'll wait on you at the Fountain, later, then....But you need to hear this !"

"All right, catch up with you later", Tony said, but Constantinos was already walking off.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:04:40 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #71 on: January 02, 2010, 08:37:33 AM »
Tony and the Laurent entered the gym. There were three students, helped by the girls, that were taking the Wrestling Ring out.  Tony saw there was blood on it... Like always.  And he recognized Mr. Burton in the bleachers.  At his side two boys -- Steve, and a skinny boy that Tony identified as a Nerd.  He realized that a little crowd formed around him.  Coach Burton imposed the silence by saying, "The ones that came to knit, get out !   The others, let's play Dodgeball !!"

The whole crowd shouted, and Tony even heard punches on the door. And he realized that it was most of the Nerds that were thrown out after Coach Burton's announcement.

"Our two team captains today will be... Steve, and... Cornelius !"

The two came closer, down out of the bleachers. "Cornelius, you select a partner first."

Ten minutes later, the two whole teams were formed. Steve had recognized Tony, but Laurent was chosen by their opponent.  A good challenge !

"Ready ? Spread the obstacles !", Burton yelled.

Everyone began to take mats, and several massive objects from the same texture, and in five minutes the whole gym was covered with them.  Tony observed the environment. There were giant cubes, arches, trampolines.…So many places where you can hide and seek.  Coach Burton gave the ball to Steve, and whistled.  It would be hard to beat Laurent at this kind of game... Tony received the ball.  Not allowed to run anymore.  He aimed a random enemy, and threw the ball.

The ball made a right trajectory, without touching his target’s head.  The kid had the time to duck behind his arch.  Tony looked an instant at Coach Burton. He had a foolish smile, looking at this barbarian game.  Tony remembered how to use the Parkour, and climbed at the top of a cube.  One of his teammates understood his technique and decided to give him the ball.  That was the good choice, for it ended up hitting the legs of a Greaser from the other team, which caused him to fall on the ground.

The only way to win is…, Tony thought,  To hurt them so much they can't play any longer.

Tony made his way up over the objects, and over the melee.  As he thought, Laurent was using the same technique.  He received a shot on the shoulder, delivered incredibly hard... But he had to continue to the high bunker he had seen.  If he reached it, he could apply the plan he had in mind.…And the game went on.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:10:12 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #72 on: January 02, 2010, 08:58:43 AM »
“Oooohhhhh” Kurt groaned as he began to come back awake. His head was killing him.
What the HELL happened ?? Where the SHIT am I at ??
“Now, now…take it easy”, a voice said. "Try not to move. You’ve got a concussion”
“Keep Still”, the voice came again. "Try to rest. You’re going to be here awhile”.
Memory came slowly back. The Library. Couldn’t get through the gate. That…FUCK….Shot me with something....What the…What the HELL was it ?
Kurt felt a needle go into his arm. Darkness enveloped him once again.

Jake shivered. It was damn cold in this hole. He hadn’t had time to get a blanket before squirreling in here. Hadn’t had time, in fact, to get ANYTHING. No food, no water, and most important, his Meds. He was thirsty, hungry, and getting a bit more whacked out as the time went by in this hellhole. He was hunkered down in his hiding place, behind the re-stacked bricks in the back of the Boy’s Dorm. He had gotten into some of his stash for extra shirts and pants, but it wasn’t enough. Fall came quickly in this part of the world, and the nights got cold fast. Seeing how he was essentially in the crawl space under the dorm, he now had the Rats to deal with too.
He had heard the other Boys in the dorm through the ductwork, talking about what happened. Heard about how the Greasers were out for his blood. How the Prefects were trying to hunt him down. Heard about how some of the Bullies, the only faction over which he had any kind of real control, were turning against him. Had even heard that little shit Constantinos up in the hall briefly yesterday, and he thought he’d taken care of THAT little prick…..

He couldn’t stay here much longer. It was only a matter of time before someone came and started pulling the bricks out of the wall to get to the stash….Too many knew, that sniveling piece of stinking turd Algernon, or even Tony himself.  He would have to leave tonight, after midnight, when the coast was clear. There was another place, one that he had discovered long ago, this past Summer, when he first came here. Trouble was, it was close to the Greaser’s territory, and he hadn’t had time to be choosy when the Prefects were swarming.  He had been lucky to even get away….Or smart enough.
And that bastard Tony. What an ungrateful fucker he turned out to be. Damn. Jake had taken him under his wing, taught him the ropes, cut him in on a little piece of the action, and the Dogturd fucking asshole had gone behind his back and started running his own deals ??  What the Fuck ??  It was getting so you just couldn’t trust anybody these days.
I’ll take care of his ASS….I’ll take care of them ALL. Nobody Fucks me. NOBODY !!!!
Jake giggled with barely suppressed laughter. He’d take care of them all right. They’ll all PAY.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:18:05 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #73 on: January 02, 2010, 10:07:02 AM »
The Nerds were having a confab in the Observatory.
“You did what ??” one of them said. “GAVE him one of our Spud Guns ??”
Melvin looked over at the Nerd who had asked the question, Donald. “Yes, I did. That kid Kurt was trying to fool with our gate, and I didn’t have the angle to shoot him…So I gave the Gun to that new Tony kid”.
“Well, did you get it back ??” Donald persisted. “You know those are the only things that we can really defend ourselves with around here ?”
“No. I let him keep it.” Melvin said calmly.
Two other Nerds, Cornelius and Fredrick (Alias Fatty), exclaimed “WHAT ?” “NO !!”
Donald, Cornelius, and Fatty all began jabbering at once. Melvin listened for a minute, then held up his hands for silence. “We have plenty more. Listen, since I took over from Earnest, have I ever steered you wrong ? This boy took care of someone trying to break in to our sanctuary, and was handing the Spud Gun back to me without threatening me or trying to beat me up and just steal it. And, he TALKED to me, just like a human being. Like an equal. So…I just told him to keep it”.
The three other Nerds began talking all at once again. “You Can’t..” --  “We can hardly defend ourselves now…” --  “I don’t think I like this…”
Again, Melvin held up his hands to quiet them. “We need all the help we can get. This Tony is a Non-Clique boy….The Bullies beat the crap out of him his first day, and he’s now got Jake and that other new Rocker kid Kurt after him…And he hasn’t really hurt us”.
“Shot me in the Nuts with a Slingshot”, grumbled Fatty. “When I told him and that Constantinos kid they couldn’t go back over the wall by the Library…Beat me at Wrestling, twice….”

Melvin asked, “Did they mess with the gate ?”. Fatty shook his head no. “But”, Fatty said, “That gate is our only access point to back here since the steel wall was put back up between here and the Football Field last year. We have to make sure no one’s back there fooling with it”.
“Since they weren’t messing with the gate, they probably just went back there so they could talk private, and you just got in the way. It happens. Look, Brothers-in-arms, let’s have some logic here. If anybody had been trying to jack the gate open, we’d be able to tell”. Melvin looked at each of the others in turn. “Look…We NEED this…Someone on our side for a change. Someone to help do battle for us. Everybody here beats us up. Here’s our chance to hire someone who can help. I think we can trust him. Com’on, what do you say ??”
The other Nerds looked at Melvin, then looked around at themselves for a moment. Then slowly, nodded their heads in reluctant agreement.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:24:39 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #74 on: January 03, 2010, 10:39:42 AM »
Karen lay on the bed in her dorm room she shared with Christy. She was crying.
“I just don’t know what to think”, she said, tears spilling down her cheeks. “I liked Tony, I really did, and then when he went and knocked me down like that….”
Christy was sitting in a chair near the bed. “I can’t believe he meant to hurt you, sweetie”, she said. “What was going on ?”
“I don’t know !” Karen sobbed. “He just ran into me and knocked me over, then he just…kept running !”
Christy frowned. “He was running ? Why ?”
“I don’t know !”, Karen continued crying. “Just…WHAM…and I’m down on the ground…..Then that Kurt came to help me up….He was so nice…..Picked me back up, made sure I wasn’t hurt….I think he likes me…”
Christy was still frowning. Something wasn’t right here. She wasn’t the brightest girl in the pack, but she had her share of dealing with boys. “Karen, was Kurt running, too ?”
“Well….I Don’t know….Maybe….His face was bloody….I thought maybe….Someone had hit him or something….I don’t know…I was so upset…He helped me back to the dorm….Now, he‘s in the Infirmary”.
Christy went on, “You already told me you and Tony had been talking just a while before this happened, and you told him about your feelings for him. So….Why would he do that ?”
Karen had resumed crying. “I just don’t know…It’s all so confusing….”
Christy said, “Karen, how was Tony acting ? Think….”
“Well, he was running…Now that you mention it, he…looked a little dazed…” She stopped suddenly. “Christy, he acted like he didn’t even SEE me….He just plowed right into me and kept on going….”
A light shone in Christy’s eyes. “Karen, those two boys were fighting”.
“Fighting ?” Karen said. “Fighting…over what ? Fighting over….ME ?”
Christy, who had to miss classes that forced her not to graduate because of some ugly rumors involving two boys in a similar situation last year, nodded emphatically. “Yeah, girlfriend….Fighting over YOU.”
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:28:40 AM by BloodChuckZ »