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Auditory Experiences / Character quotes
« on: January 08, 2010, 06:35:28 PM »
Here Is a list of quotes when  Characters start talking to them selfs

algie my mommy calls me price algie she says im really special like a prince.
Trent total utter gross out
thad thizzle thizzle thizzle
gord Im really starting to like that lola girl to bad daddy wouldn't approve
constanions I'm hungry already
russell Meatball hero no match for my stomach
buckey Alright tonight is bath night then i can watch tv till ten!
Yuri It hasent shrunk has it no its just a viscous rumor!
fatty my farts smell like wet hotdogs
parkerI got to stop likeing people or Gord And Tad will make fun of me.
IvanI can sleep with my eyes open.
Gordan Why cant the world live up to my standards?
peanut Peanut, heh, call me peanut
DavisAll I need is one more bottle rocket and my set will be finished.
donald I will be rich one day and girls will like me
jimmywhos a bigger jerk, hattrick or burton?
seth I really got to beat someone soon.
contanionus I'm hungry already.
mr hattrick Children are like dogs they only learn through frequent punishment
damon One day i'm going to fight a gorilla.

Bully 1 Questions / why???
« on: December 15, 2009, 07:02:17 AM »
If this school is a secondery school, why the hell are there little kids roaming it?

Hints, Tips and Cheats / fighting styles [B]spoilers[/B]
« on: November 24, 2009, 04:06:52 PM »
Hello everone this thread is about the diffrent fighting styles you come across in bully so enjoy!   bullies They use a brawling style where they throw wide winging punches, and a kick to the midsection that briefly stuns the opponent. If they grapple an opponent they will throw a sickening punch to the stomach. They have also been known to spit in the their opponents face if they grapple their opponent to the floor.

Russell uses the same fighting style. However, his massive strength causes his attacks to do a lot of damage. He also uses a powerbomb from a grapple when fighting. Defensively, he is more adept at blocking punches than most students, he cannot be grappled with (which means he cannot be stuffed in a locker or thrown in the trash), and he possesses more stamina than any other character in the game, even the police officers

Earnest Jones, Bucky Pasteur, Cornelius Johnson, Donald Anderson and Thad Carlson use the same fighting style. They throw awkward, darting punches, slap wildly at the air, and occasionally tripping as they push their opponent. Algernon Papadopoulos uses a very similar fighting style in which he leans back in his fighting stance, where as the skinny nerds lean forward. He also can't work up the running speed to use the falling push attack.

Melvin O'Connor and Fatty Johnson share a more effective fighting style. They use a heavy slap, shoulder barge, belly bounce combo. In Scholarship Edition, they only use the slap and shoulder barge. Although the style looks clumsy, if the second-to-last move in the combo hits Jimmy it breaks his guard and the last move knocks him down.

Earnest is a little tougher then his fellow nerds, having the same health metre as a non clique male student.

preppies All of them are trained pugilists, and use many styles of Boxing when they fight. Some throw eggs from a distance. The preppies don't tackle their opponents to the ground; instead, the prep executing the grapple will get behind his opponent and hold his arms to give the other preppies free shots.

Gord Vendome and Tad Spencer share a freestyle boxing style where they use three-hit combos, and use their footwork to step back to avoid punches.

Bryce Montrose and Chad Morris use a philly shell defensive style, while Justin Vandervelde and Parker Ogilvie use a normal boxing stance and throw hard hooks to the body and use an overhand right cross. Strangely, while interrupted in the Boxing Gym, Bryce uses Bif's fighting style and even has his immunity to grapples and large life bar.

Bif Taylor uses the same stance and style that Gord and Tad do, but his combinations are longer and he more regularly backsteps to avoid punches. He also doesn't get knocked down by any moves other than the overhead punch and is usually immune to being grappled by anyone who is not authority. He can be quite difficult to beat, especially if accompanied by other Preppies. His life bar is large, requiring several firecrackers or spuds to knock out.

Derby Harrington, like the other bosses, uses unique moves. His boxing style is textbook, but he includes illegal punches, including a series of punches to the kidneys, and a rabbit punch. Derby also throws a mean left uppercut, similar to the one Jimmy learns from the Hobo.

greasers The Greasers are a fairly tough clique. On average they are slightly tougher than the Preppies, although none of them are a match for Bif. They have three different fighting styles among them, all based on various martial arts.

Lefty Mancini and Vance Medici use hook punches, sometimes in a combo, and a kung fu roundhouse kick. When they throw the kick, their arms go out to the sides, which is bad technique. From a grapple, they use a knee to the kidney and then a straight punch that knocks the opponent down.

The medium sized Greasers, Lucky De Luca, Peanut Romano and Ricky Pucino, use what appears to be a Muy Thai kickboxing style, attacking with a midsection roundhouse kick, knee strike, boxing combination and uppercut.

Norton Williams and Hal Esposito have poor fighting form, but despite this are the two toughest members of their clique behind Johnny himself. Their fighting style is a savate front kick, and a wide swinging uppercut. They will also pick an opponent up for a bearhug that does continuous damage until the opponent breaks free. Their front kick is powerful enough to drop even large tough students like Russell and Bif. Norton has slightly more health than Hal, but they are both tough enough to survive a single shot from the spud cannon.

Johnny Vincent has a unique fighting style. He has a haymaker that goes through a block and knocks the opponent down, and a high front kick that likewise goes through a block and drops the opponent. After hitting the high kick, he grinds his foot into their head and spits on them.

jocks The Jocks are a very tough clique, and display three distinct fighting styles.

Casey Harris and Bo Jackson use a boxing style punch combo, and from a grapple they'll use a straight punch that knocks their opponent down.

Luis Luna and Juri Karamazov use pro wrestling moves. Their main attack is a three hit combo ending with a polish hammer.. The second hit will break Jimmy's guard and make him stumble, so unless he dodges one of the other attacks the third will knock him down. From a grapple they both use the side slam. Juri also uses a scoop piledriver, and Luis uses a move called a spin-out powerbomb.

Ted Thompson, Damon West, Dan Wilson and Kirby Olsen use elbow strikes and football tackles. Even though he's a clique leader, Ted doesn't have a unique fighting style. He rarely even uses the tackle. Damon has a very large life meter, and while he isn't as skilled a fighter as some other characters, his toughness makes him one of the most dangerous fighters in the game.

Bully 1 Questions / fighting style?
« on: November 08, 2009, 10:06:30 AM »
When damon the jock fights you, at the end of his 3 hit combo, and if he hits your back you fall in slow motion and i thinks ts called a flying elbow strike but in any of jimmy's moves can he make people do a slow motion fall?

Bully 1 Discussion / favorite character of the cliques.
« on: October 21, 2009, 10:54:23 AM »
In the Nerds it was Algie because he is so funny and adorable! in the greasers it would be Peanut Because he was the coolest in the bullies it would be Tom because he has got an awesome new york accent in the preppies it would be Derby because he is rich! and the towines would be Omar Romero because he loves fighting like me!!

Bully 1 Questions / Prefect outfit
« on: October 18, 2009, 12:24:36 PM »
Is there anyway to unlock the Prefects jacket? :?:

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