
The Grounds Of Bullworth => Auditory Experiences => Topic started by: Mike_W on September 12, 2011, 09:23:46 PM

Title: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 12, 2011, 09:23:46 PM
I'm in need of some more quotes, *cough*Hayley, Red, G-man*cough*

I just thought of these quotes after bumping into Ethan today and hearing a new one. He was like "Watch it! I can kill you with my MIND!", but being his black self it was more like "keyl you with ma mind!" When I heard this, I just died.

Oh Ethan, when are you going to realize you are not a ninja?  ^-^
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 12, 2011, 09:33:27 PM
I noessss. I've been slacking lately. I started whining quotes the other day, and I have greeting and goodbye quotes sitting (unfinished) on my computer.

Bumped into quotes might take me a while, considering there's 3 friendly bumps and 7 hostile quotes. AND one for each clique. I might do a little bit at a time; post everything by the Y clique and do the X clique later.

HOW DOES THAT SOUND. Good, yeah? Good. I'll work on a few later.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 12, 2011, 10:37:17 PM
For future reference:
+ = Friendly bump  ◆ - = Rude bump ◆ D = Bump into Dropout/Townie ◆ G = Bump into Greaser ◆ J = Jock ◆ N = Nerd ◆ P = Prep ◆ F = Jimmy after he's expelled.
Shouldn't be that hard to remember.


+ Hey…
+ Yo!
+ Be more careful!
- Why ya touchin’ me?!
- You know who I am, right?
- Ya got a balance problem?
- You better be blind, doofus!
- Touch me again. Come on!
- And you are…?
- Let me guess: you’re a retard?
G - Watch it, slick.
J - Don’t you touch enough guys in the locker room?
N - Aw, lookin’ for your mommy, poindexter?
P - Eat me, pansy!

+ Sorry dude.
+ Op.
+ Sorry. Didn’t see you.
- Dude!
- What’s your damage?!
- Watch it, buttmunch!
- Get outta my way, jerk!
- You got a problem?!
- Move, dirt bag!
- Jerk!
G - Watch where you’re goin’, Fonzie!
J - Stupid jock!
N - Heh heh… nerds!
P - Watch it, rich boy!

+ Whatever.
+ You want something?
+ Leave me alone.
- What’s your damn problem?
- You wanna fight?
- Stay outta my face.
- You wanna back that up?
- Back off, bitch!
- Buzz off!
- You challenging me?

+ You okay?
+ Hey, careful.
+ Did I hurt ya?
- Wanna be killed?!
- Watch it, bozo!
- Get away from me!
- You blind?!
- Get away!
- Fool!
- Agh, hangover!
- Wah.
G - Get your paw off me!
J - Heh. Go tackle a tree!
N - Don’t hurt yourself, boy!
P - Ouch.

+ Sorry, I was thinking about something really deep.
+ No sweat.
+ Don’t worry about it.
- You’ll regret that when I’m a big shot!
- You know who you’re messing with?!
- Watch where you’re going, you moron!
- You freakin’ stupid?
- Just because I’m smarter than you!
- Kiss my ass!
G - Don’t touch me! You stink!
J - Back off, you dumb animal!
N - Get outta my way, dweeb!
P - You bumped into me, you preppy moron!

+ Whoa!
+ Look out, dude.
+ Hey!
- Didn’t realize this was a school for the blind.
- Get a seeing-eye dog!
- If you pickpocket me I’ll kill you!
- You need a blind guy(s?) stick!
- This isn’t bumper cars, dink.
- Hey! Don’t touch the merchandise!
- You blind?
G - Yuck! Tell your hair to stop drippin’!
J - Did I just hit a wall or something? Jerk.
N - You nerds can’t even walk straight, can you?
P - Hey! You dropped your million dollar bill, poser!

+ Be cool!
+ Accidents will happen.
+ Never mind.
- You’re lame, lame, lame!
- What’s your beef?
- I’m so tired of clumsy people!
- That was a stupid thing to do!
- Go back to daycare!
- Another drip.
- You are all JERKS!
G - Ugh! Disgusting!
J - Pft. Muscle bond oaf!
N - You need better glasses, geek!
P - What is this, polo?

+ Oh. Hey there.
+ It’s okay.
+ Don’t sweat it.
- Outta my way!
- Move it!
- Move!
- Go on, get outta the way!
- Step aside!
- Move over!
- Go away!
G - Get outta the way!
J - Move it, dumb school kid!
N - Get outta here, dweeb!
P - Damn school kid.

+ Yeah, alright.
+ Hey there.
+ Yeah, sure.
- Watch where you’re going!
- You trying something?
- Back off, creep.
- Don’t you start!
- Buzz off!
- Not interested.
- Get lost.
F - Who do you think you are?


+ Sorry. Excuse me.
+ Oh, I was in the way. My mistake.
+ Hey there, buddy.
- Did I give you permission to touch me?
- Don’t touch me, worm.
- You got a problem? Oh yeah? You’re an idiot.
- What the? Who the hell are you?!
- Hey puke! Stay outta my sight!
- Damn you’re ugly. Don’t ever touch me again.
- I got an idea. Get the HELL away from me.
D - Hey dumbass! Comprehend this: YOU SUCK!
N - You need to hit the books, kid, before I hit those zits off your face!

+ Oh! Sorry.
+ Ops! My fault.
+ Hey, I’m sorry!
- Watch it! I can kill you with my mind!
- Don’t push me! You don’t wanna push me.
- Okay. Watch yourself!
- You may have just made your last mistake!
- Okay okay. Don’t try anything stupid!
- I can break you. Be careful.
- You should think before you act, pal!
D - Stay away from me! Unless you want pain.
N - Don’t be a moron! You know what I could do, don’t you?

+ Grah.
+ Hey!
+ Nuuuh.
- No one touch Russell!
- Move out of way!
D - Go back to circus.
N - Puny weakling!

+ Ops. Sorry about that.
+ Hey there.
- Um. Do you know who I am?!
- I’m not your pin cousin, you know.
- Oh yeah? So now I’m the victim?
- Don’t be a loser!
- Look, you can’t do that to me!
- I know what you’re all about!
- Don’t think you can pull a fast one on me!
D - Don’t ever do that again!
N - You’re a nerd. Nerds don’t touch me.

+ Slow down.
+ Let me get outta your way.
+ ‘Cuse me!
- You walk often?
- Hey, I’m breathin’ here!
- Are you flirting with me or what?
- Got a death wish?
- Lose your glasses, dipstick?
- You’re asking for it.
- Never. Touch the Trent-man.
D - Your dirt bag parents teach you any manners?
N - I’ll tie you to the flagpole myself, wimp.

+ I’m sorry.
+ Excuse me.
- I’ll kill you!
- I’ll beat you up!
- I’ll hurt you soon!
- That makes me angry!
- You are in trouble!
- I’ll tear you apart!
- Your face will be crushed!
D - Get lost, wino!
N - Get lost, maggot!

+ Are you stupid? I’m walking here.
+ Watch your step, buddy.
+ What’s the hurry, man?
- Don’t ever touch me again!
- Get in my way again I’ll make your life HELL!
- Are you a friggin’ idiot?!
- Yeah, your real tough. Get a life!
- Learn how to walk, retard!
- Bump me again, I’ll rearrange your face.
D - Don’t touch me, you dirt bag!
N - Hey, genius, I’m walking here!
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 13, 2011, 06:42:31 AM
F = Jimmy after he's expelled.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 13, 2011, 11:06:10 AM
I remember now. I bumped into Constantinos after Jimmy was expelled and got him to say his quote.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 13, 2011, 11:26:50 AM
Btw, sorry Mike, but these days I can't be bothered writing anything. Too busy with other things, and well...just bored and grumpy.

That said, Davis's bumped into quotes crack me up.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 13, 2011, 11:35:55 AM
I know that feeling! I just don't feel like doing anything anymore. It's awful.

I added the Bullies' quotes to my second post. Hooray. I'll just slowly add stuff to that post instead of posting a billion times.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 13, 2011, 01:09:57 PM
Thanks Hayley, sorry, didn't mean to sound pushy about the quotes, I'm not in any rush. Please forgive me!!!

I found a lot of those to be some of the most clever / funny quotes in the game. It's very rare to hear a negative quote, at least for me. The one Ethan said yesterday just cracked me up, he's such a dweeb! :D
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 13, 2011, 01:26:42 PM
Nah, bra! You didn't sound pushy at all! I'm just really slow when it comes to writing this stuff down. If you look, it really did take an hour for me to do the townies' quotes.

Which. I died laughing at yesterday.

"Don’t you touch enough guys in the locker room?"
"Eat me, pansy!"
And I lost it at "Watch it, buttmunch!"

It's so much funnier listening to them instead of just reading them. I really wish I could get Grooveshark to work so I can upload them there instead of writing them down. BUT THAT'S OKAY. Listening to the files and writing them gives me a good laugh and something to do.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 13, 2011, 02:22:56 PM
Thanks Hayley, sorry, didn't mean to sound pushy about the quotes, I'm not in any rush. Please forgive me!!!

I found a lot of those to be some of the most clever / funny quotes in the game. It's very rare to hear a negative quote, at least for me. The one Ethan said yesterday just cracked me up, he's such a dweeb! :D

It's not about you being pushy or anything...just sharin' thoughts is all.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 13, 2011, 04:39:51 PM
OMG! My post earlier ACTUALLY posted! My computer sort of froze when I tried. I can't wait for my lame internet provider to fix the problem, my internet is BARELY working right now, and my phones are not working at all. I've had to use my cell phone for everything. That's why I haven't been on hardly at all for those who don't already know.

Anyways, the quotes are funnier to actually hear, but I can easily imagine the character's voice and I died laughing at a lot of these!
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 13, 2011, 05:22:35 PM
All right, what the hell, I'll lend a hand. My attitude is a little unjustified anyways.



+ Oho! Accidents happen.
+ Oops! I'm sorry.
+ Hey there! 'xcuse me.
- What's up, chump?
- You lookin' for a problem?
- Look, you don't want trouble from me!
- Watch yourself!
- What is WRONG with you?!
- Open your eyes!
- 'ey! You're not the only one in the world, you know...
D - Get a life, slacker!
F - Every dog has his day, huh Jim? HaHA!
G - 'ey, stain, it's called a shower!
N - Study hall's the other way, bookworm!
P - Don't mess around, Archie. Stick to your own!

+ Heh...sorry about you bumping into me...hehe...
+ Haha...why you rubbin' up against me...haha...
+ Whoaa, cowboy. Not shy, huh?
- Listen man, I don't appreciate that!
- Stay cleara' me, man. I ain't doin' nothin'.
- Watch your step man, this is everyone's sidewalk.
- Hey man, for real, it's cool.
- Watch yourself, all right? I'm trying to walk here too.
- That's not cool, man. I'm trying to psyche myself up!
- Stop touchin' me, alright?!


+ Sorry buddy.
+ Didn't see ya there.
+ Whoa.
- Outta my way!
- Watch it!
- MOVE it!
- Buzz off!
- Look where ya' goin'!
- Are you blind?!
D - Watch it, scum!
F - Not so tough now...huh, Jimmy?
G - Get lost, greaseball!
N - What're you doin', NERD?!
P - Don't piss me off...rich kid!


+ Mah bad.
+ Didn't see ya there, little man.
+ Sorry, I was daydreaming about hittin' someone so hard their head fell off.
- Don't start none, n' there won't be none.
- You feelin' froggy?! (Froggy means anxious to do something...in ebonics it means being psyched to scrap)
- You can't touch me, you're not man enough!
- Outta' mah way.
- Get off the way!
F - You used to be somebody, now you're just pathetic.
G - Keep it up and I won't let you work on mah ride when I go pro.
N - What're you doin' out? That homework doesn't do itself.
P - Wow, you preppy kids really think you're tough...


+ Hey. Sorry dude.
+ Whoa...my fault man.
+ Watch it!...oh it's you. Sorry man.
- Bump into me again and I'm gonna pound you!
- What do you think you're walking into, punk?!
- Why, I oughta smack you for that!
- Hey you little freak; watch where you're goddamn walkin'!
- Get outta' my freakin' way.
D - Oh, you skanky dropout freak! Get outta' my way!
F - You just can't do anything right, can you Hopkins?
G - Move out of my way you freakin' loser!
N - If I wasn't busy, I'd totally waste you for that you little geek turd!
P - Oh, get back to Harrington before I total you!


+ What are you doing?
+ Watch out.
+ I'm walking here.
- Do you want to fight?
- You want me to hurt you?
- I will destroy you.
- You should be scared of me.
- I can demolish you.
- Do not anger me.
- Run along now, maggot.
D - Ah, you stink.
F - You are nothing now!
G - You're greasy...maggot.
N - Haha, run for your life, nerd!
P - I'll destroy you, pretty boy!


+ Uh, sorry.
+ 'xcuse me!
- Do you want your face pounded in?!
- How'd ya like me to POUND you?!
- GET OFF, moron!
- WATCH IT, wimp!
- Get off me, spaz!
D - Ugh! What's that smell?!
F - Ooh, I'm gonna POUND you, loser!
G - Disgusting hair, jerk!
N - Wanna die?!
P - Start runnin', wimp!


+ Sorry man.
+ No hard feelings.
+ You a'ight?
+ Didn't see ya.
- Get out of my way!!
- You BLIND?!
- You asleep?!
- Watch where ya goin'!
- What was that?
- Don't make me mad, loser.
- You're rude!
- Wake-UP, LOSER!
D - Don't come near me you dirty bum!
F - Funny bumpin' into you, bozo.
G - Don't ever touch me or I'll hurt you!
N - Watch it, nerdboy.


+ Like, ex-cuse me.
+ Um...heLLO?
+ Look where you're going, okay?
- Don't even think about it, creepo!
- Yeah, I'm SO sure...
- OH MY GOD, did you just touch me?
- You're SUCH a freak.
- What-EVER.
- What's your problem?
- Like...don't TOUCH me.
F - You're SUCH a loser.


+ Excuse you, broham.
+ You lost, broseph?
+ You know me from somewhere?
- Bro, stop roughin' the passer.
- I don't play bump n' run!
- Hey you're offsides, dude!
- Illegal contact, jerkwad!
- Don't bump me off my route!
- That's totally encroachment!
- Contact after the friggin' whistle!
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 13, 2011, 05:33:31 PM

Thank you! That'll help loosen the load. I started on quotes from the nerds and preppies, just so you know. In case you plan on doing more.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 13, 2011, 05:42:32 PM
I'll do the greasers later on.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 13, 2011, 06:18:32 PM
I'll just post this here instead of with the others...


+ Wanna be friends?
+ You just bumped into me! Ha.
+ That felt funny.
- Why are you doing that?!
- Mind your own beeswax!
- My mom says you should leave me alone!
- Why did you just walk into me?
- I’m sensitive! Leave me alone!
- I’m gonna tell on you!
- Don’t you be… fronting, yo!
F - Look where your going, Mr. Loserhead. Heh.

+ Pardon me.
+ Excuse me.
+ Sorry!
- How incredibly rude!
- You are clumsy.
- Excuse you!
- Hey! Ouch, oh. Ow.
- You mean-spirited, violent person!
- You are not a gentleman!
- Ah! You, you…! Oh…
F - Typical.

+ I just want you to know I didn’t mind that contact!
+ Bump me if you will. Don’t bother me none.
+ Sorry pal! That was my bad.
- Oh geez! Why are you so imbecilic?!
- You. Don’t have to be. A jerkhead!
- I. Have glasses! You can’t hit someone with glasses!
- Just who do you think you’re dealing with?!
- I’m getting fed up to here with this stuff!
- I won’t forget that! Ever!
- That smarts, you prick!
F - Don’t touch me, Jim! I don’t wanna be seen around you.

+ Whoops! Sorry. My fault.
+ I beg your pardon, did I get in the way?
+ E-excuse me.
- Why don’t you watch where you’re going, you fool?
- Get outta the way, you imbecile!
- Stand aside! I have important mathematical equations to solve!
- I don’t have time to fool around! Will you let me pass?
- You’re no match for my intellect! You’d better not walk into me again, you hear?
- Don’t walk into me! I have the highest grades at Bullworth so nnah!
- I’m continually being bumped into by intellectual inferiors!
F - Haven’t you caused enough trouble already, Hopkins?

+ Whoa!
+ Hey!
+ Heh heh heh heh heh.
- What’s the big idea?!
- Get your eyes tested!
- You need eye surgery.
- You blind or just stupid?
- Don’t push me!
- Get outta the way.
- Don’t get in my way.
F - You’re not tough anymore, Jimmy.

+ Heh heh. Sorry!
+ Wanna be friends?
+ I didn’t mean anything.
- Can’t you just leave me alone?!
- You’ll be sorry!
- Don’t be mean!
- I’ll remember that.
- Oh, I see how it is.
- You interrupted my thinking!
- Do you have to bother me now?!

+ Pardon me.
+ It’s hard to get around me.
+ Please, I don’t want trouble!
- If I had my broadsword on me…!
- Just wedgie me and get it over with!
- Hey!
- Watch where you’re going!
- Weirdo!
- Come on, I just ate!
- Go jump in a lake!
F - Get away! You’re draining my popularity!

+ Pardon me, good sir.
+ Ops, I need to watch where I’m going.
+ Sorry.
- Beat it!
- Hey!
- Don't tempt me!
- Learn how to walk, genius!
- I guess they’re not teaching “walking” in the special kid classes yet.
- Get outta my way, idiot!
- Hey retard, watch where you’re going!
F - sucks to be you!

+ Sorry.
+ Excuse me.
+ Ops. An accident.
- Watch out!
- That’s not so nice.
- You shall regret that.
- I am not to be trifled with!
- This is not bumper cars!
- You shall rue the day.
- Above today, aflat tomorrow.
F - Ah, the Colossus of Rhodes has collapsed!
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 14, 2011, 11:40:21 AM
Hahaha, "That smarts you prick!". Looks like Bucky is going badass....

Thanks for the quotes you two, tons in here I've never heard.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 14, 2011, 11:56:06 AM
He says it like: "That...smarts, you prick!"
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 14, 2011, 12:07:46 PM
Hahaha, it's just funny to hear a Nerd call someone a prick.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 15, 2011, 03:02:11 PM


+ Whoa...sorry.
+ Excuse me.
+ My bad.
- Watch where you're going you skinny little maggot!
- Uh...so skinny and it's so in my way.
- Beat it, twig!
- I'm walkin' here, twerp!
- Make way for a real man!
- Look where yer' goin' skinny.
- Maybe if you ate a proper meal, you'd have the strength to get out of my way.
D - Beat it, deadbeat.
F - You really are a loser.
J - Ugh...stupid jock!
N - Outta my way, nerd.
P - Keep walkin', rich boy.


+ Whoa man.
+ Careful now.
+ Hey.
- 'ey don't touch the jacket.
- 'ey don't make me hurt you.
- 'ey look where ya' goin'.
- Do you know who I am?
- 'ey you don't wanna be messin' with Johnny.
- 'ey you lookin' for trouble?
- What, you wanna rumble?

+ 'ey sorry man.
+ My-my fault.
+ Oh sorry.
- 'ey watch it!
- Okay, don't do that again!
- Eyes on the road, dork!
- Take a detour jerk!
- You wanna get yer ass kicked?
- You blind as well as I'm cool?
- Move it!
D - Oh, you get outta here loser before I kill you.
F - You are so pathetic!
J - Excuse me?
N - I'm gonna kick yer ass, dork!
P - You drive your sports car like that?!


+ Oh sorry.
+ Can I get by?
+ *Giggle*
- I'm not interested.
- Get lost, scuz.
- You're not my type.
- Johnny won't like this.
- Back off creep!
- Keep your hands to yourself!
- Stop hassling me!
F - Where's Johnny?!


+ Sorry.
+ Oops...my fault.
+ Sorry about that.
- Hey, watch it!
- Outta the way!
- Hey, my hair!
- Don't EVER...do that again.
- Watch yourself.
- You got a problem?
- What's up, jerk?
D - Out of my way.
F - Out of my way, traitor.
J - Hey, sporto! Move!
N - Watch it, brain.
P - Careful...don't get your nice clothes dirty.


+ Sorry.
+ Nah, it's cool man, don't worry about it.
+ Big dawg comin' through!
- Get off me!
- Watch where ya goin'!
- Get outta my way!
- Hey jerkwad, I'm walkin' here.
- Dumbass!
- Now say ya sorry before this gets all ugly.
D - Get a job you worthless sack of crap.
F - You made a lot of friends, haven't you?
J - Like you'd have a chance.
N - MOVE it, Frodo!
P - Damn preppies, you think you own everything!


+ Sorry man.
+ Sorry, I slipped.
+ My fault. Sorry.
- What's the matter with you?!
- You're cruisin' for a bruisin'.
- What's the dealyo?
- What is this...retard patrol?
- I'm kicking you off the -inaudible-, loser. (Help, someone? It sounds like bike police, but that doesn't make sense)
- You gotta flatten your head, loser.
- You want me to peddle on your head?
D - Get a job, loser.
F - You still here? I thought you died.
J - You got a problem, hero?
N - The science lab is the other way, egghead.
P - You want me to grease your brakes, rich boy?


+ Sorry boss.
+ Hey man. Look out.
+ Hah. Didn't see ya there.
- What the frig?!
- Try that again, punk!
- DON'T touch me.
- Cut it out, loser!
- Quit it, ya tool!
- What're you, stupid?
- Yer pissin' me off.
D - Bite me, retard! Why don't you screw off and die?
F - Screw off, Hopkins! You're like a rusty chain; useless.
J - Shouldn't you be rubbin' down Mr. Burton and the rest of those butt slappers?
N - Hey Poindexter, touch me again, and I'll stick yer nose in my smokes!
P - Back off, prep...you wouldn't wanna get grease on that designer shirt now, would ya?


+ 'scuse me.
+ Lemme slide by you there.
+ Whoops...I didn't see ya.
- Hey! Watch the hair!
- Watch the leather!
- Cool it!
- Buzz off!
- 'ey, yer crowdin' ma' style here.
- 'ey you want something, dipstick?!
D - Dude! I'm not yer drug deala'.
F - Hey Jimmy! Don't wipe your anti-cool on me.
J - Late for the big game, lunkhead?
N - Watch it, Dorcas McDinklestein!
P - *Faux English accent* Where's the tea party?
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 15, 2011, 03:17:24 PM
"Shouldn't you be rubbin' down Mr. Burton and the rest of those butt slappers?"
^ Best thing ever.

And. Peanut does sound like he's saying "bike police." I listened a billion times and even got my mom to take a listen and she says it sounds like bike police...
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 15, 2011, 03:28:06 PM
Hahaha, I got Ricky to say that to me a few times...I think I was in Jock clothes.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 15, 2011, 03:30:35 PM
I thiiiiink that's how they're triggered. If Jimmy is in certain clothes. I've actually never heard them in game before.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 15, 2011, 03:35:04 PM
I'll give it a try, I'll have Jimmy dress as different cliques.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 15, 2011, 03:37:00 PM
That actually is how you do it. Depends on the clothes you're wearing, or the chapter. I knew this a long time ago.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 15, 2011, 03:37:22 PM
Jimmy's dressed as a prep 24/7 and I never hear anything when I bump into people. Maybe he has to be in a bad standing?

Speaking of preppies... I should get my ass working on those quotes...
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 15, 2011, 03:40:37 PM
It always works with me.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 15, 2011, 06:00:27 PM
And now I'm off to bump into people~
Non-clique students coming never.


+ Sorry.
+ Didn’t see you there.
+ ‘Cuse me.
- Ew. Can poor rub off on you?
- Poor people are ridiculous!
- Aren’t you my gardener’s son?
- Does your mom clean my house?
- Keep it up and you’ll be knocked out by the champ!
- Outta my way, loser.
- Get bent.
D - Now I have to shower! Filthy dropout.
G - Ugh. You smell like gasoline and failure.
N - Stupid nerd. The rich inherit the earth.

+ You beg your pardon.
+ Excuse you.
+ You’re sorry about that.
- Watch it, pauper scum!
- What are you, a pickpocket?!
- Are you out begging again?!
- Watch it, blue-collar scum!
- Away from me, filth pit.
- I don’t speak to indigents.
- I don’t carry cash, you thief!
D - Back off, you penniless reject!
G - Your cheap grease stained my clothes!
N - I’m sorry, did I crack your pocket protector?

+ Don’t let me stop you, keep going.
+ Excuse me?
+ Yeah?
- Don’t touch the cotton blend.
- This is my personal space, don’t you see that?
- Why are you rubbing on me?
- Hey!
- Handicap dingus, get the heck out of my face.
- Touch me again and you have to pay me.
- Remember that restraining order, doofus? Fifty feet away.
D - Stop the stink! Use soap.
G - Preps are going to rain down hard on you greasers. You hear me?
N - Why don’t you go look at Uranus or something?

+ Pardon me.
+ Oh. Excuse me.
+ Sorry for being careless.
- Stay away from my twenty-six hundred dollar pants!
- Out of my way, peasant!
- I’m far too handsome to be meddled with by you.
- Keep you and your kind away from me!
- Don’t you dare come near me with those cheap clothes.
- Father warned me about your kind!
- I can’t believe how poor you are.

+ Oh! Hello there.
+ Yes?
+ Don’t mind me.
- Please, don’t touch me!
- Get back to work!
- Who do you think you are?!
- You’re bothering me!
- I want nothing to do with you!
- Don’t make me angry.
- Have you no manners?
D - Get back to the welfare office.
G - Out of my way, poor person.
N - Get lost, dorkface.

+ Oh, excuse me!
+ Hey there!
+ Pardon me!
- Get out of my space, peon!
- Do not rumple my clothes!
- Do not presume to touch me!
- Mind your manners!
- Peon!
- Fool!
- Are you blind?!
D - Go get fried somewhere else, junkie.
G - Wipe the grease out of your eyes, bum!
N - Get back to the library!

+ Excuse me.
+ Sorry.
+ Didn’t see you there.
- What do you think you're doing?
- Please, get lost!
- Watch where you’re going!
- Excuse me, but are you blind?
- Why are you bothering me?!
- Please respect my personal space, cretin!
- Please don’t touch me!
D - Learn to respect your betters.
G - Do not get your grease on me!
N - Don’t crowd your betters.

+ It’s okay.
+ Yeah?
+ Ops.
- Your odor offends me!
- Did you just touch me?
- Get out of my personal space!
- Don’t get so close!
- Step away from me!
- Leave me alone, creep!
- Do you mind?
F - I can’t believe I ever thought you were cool.

+ Be cool, my man.
+ Whoa, Nelly! *chuckles*
+ Okay, chill out now!
- Can you be any more blind?
- Hey, Ray Charles. Watch it.
- How much of a spaz are you?
- Spaz.
- You need laser surgery, loser.
- Hit the road, Jack.
- Leave your glasses home again?
D - Ugh! I gotta burn my clothes now!
D - You’ve contaminated my clothes, bum!
G - Hey, keep the pomade off my shirt, mechanic boy.
N - You want me to break you in half, wimp?
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 15, 2011, 06:06:58 PM
lmao, Ray Charles. That made me laugh.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 16, 2011, 02:16:27 PM
He says it like: "That...smarts, you prick!"

I heard him say this today! Along with his other quotes. I spent a full day in Bully just bumping him. It was so damn funny.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 16, 2011, 02:24:20 PM
What the hell you guys. I spent an hour yesterday bumping into greasers while dressed as a prep and got nothing. They just said their normal, friendly quotes. Even when I punched them to piss them off a little I got nothing.

Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 16, 2011, 02:27:55 PM
My secret? I had to get Bucky down to low health and humiliate him, THEN start bumping him.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 16, 2011, 02:47:31 PM
Just play an old chapter.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 16, 2011, 11:44:06 PM
I bumped into Ray all day today. He has some funny ones. "You're a TOOL!" he says it in a funny way.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hejira on September 19, 2011, 07:57:50 AM
Ray is hilarious. 

Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Mike_W on September 19, 2011, 09:40:22 AM
"You sir, are cruising for a bruising!"
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 19, 2011, 02:22:10 PM
I'm just. Gonna be moving on to other things now. If ya'll really want teachers and the other adults' quotes I'll do them when I'm done with the other crap I have planned.


+ I’m so sorry!
+ *giggles* Sorry!
+ *giggles* Ops!
- That’s really rude!
- Don’t be rude!
- Don’t push me!
- Could you not push me?
- Look out!
- Why did you walk into me?!
F - You know, I used to think you were cool.

+ Ow, it’s okay!
+ No worries.
- What are you doing?
- Would you watch it?
- That hurt.
- I hear you do this to everyone.
- No wonder everyone says you’re clumsy.
- So it’s true. You lack coordination.
- Watch it, please.
F - Please, loser.

+ Sorry!
+ Excuse me!
+ ‘Cuse me!
- Can’t you just watch where you’re goin?!
- What are you, blind?
- Doesn’t anybody look where they’re going?!
- I suppose I should, jump out of your way, should I?
- That’s so typical. Why don’t you mind you’re walking?
- What am I? Just like, some nobody you can bump into?
- Hey! Watch it, bozo.
F - Hey! You can’t bump me anymore. You’re more of a nobody than me!

+ I’ll let that slide.
+ Excuse me.
+ Move along.
- You know who I am?
- Don’t mess with the law.
- Hey! What’s the rush?
- This better be important.
- Don’t mess with the prefect.
- Going somewhere, dorkus?
- Slow down, stink wad.

+ Oh. Excuse me.
+ Ops. Heh heh heh.
+ Hey. Are you okay?
- Coming through!
- Watch it, okay?
- Um. I’m trying to walk here.
- Excuse me. I’d like to get by now.
- Okay. Get out of my way.
- You are so rude.
- Aw, come on! Have some respect.
F - Out of my way, little man.

+ Watch it!
+ Don’t push me!
+ Careful, idiot!
- Don’t push, moron!
- You think you’re tough, idiot?
- Open you’re eyes or I’ll poke them out.
- Stop touching me, it’s creeping me out.
- Why are you touching me?
- Why are you pushing me? Do you like me?
- Get your hands off me.

+ Forgive my impudence.
+ Pardon me, pedestrian.
+ Apologies, stranger.
- Ever heard of personal space?!
- How aggressive!
- How uncouth of you!
- This borders on stalking!
- What’s with the physical contact?
- You need a walking consultant.
- Must you really jostle me?
F - Oh, look! The school pariah.
F - Our own Napoleon in exile.
F - Oh how the mighty have fallen.
F - Once prince, now pauper.
F - It's the persona non grata.

+ Hey buddy, no problemo.
+ Whoa, watch your speed!
+ Ha ha ha! Better look where you’re goin’.
- Hey man! You need glasses or something?
- I’m walkin’ here!
- Whoa, man. Chill out, dog.
- Get out of my personal space, pervert.
- Ever hear of being courteous? Try it out sometime.
- Geez Louise, you’re such a loser!
F - Hey Hopkins, get a life, okay?

+ Hey! My fault.
+ I know. I should watch where I’m going.
+ Sleepwalking again. Sorry.
- Loose your contacts?
- Great. Thanks a lot.
- I’m on the edge.
- This isn’t the day to mess with me.
- You wanna unleash the beast?
- Quit it!
- Get offa me!
F - Jimmy feeling lonely? *chuckles*

+ Oh hey.
+ Look out.
+ Watch out!
- Get outta my way!
- Move it!
- You’re in the way.
- Could you not be in the way, please?
- Hey!
- Look where you’re going!
- Are you trying to block me?
F - Out of my way, you oaf.

+ I suggest you watch where you’re walking in the future.
+ Careful there, boy.
+ I’d advise you to take more care when walking around this school.
- That was inadvisable.
- Ripe, you little worm.
- I can make your life a misery at this school.
- That was not a smart move.
- That was one of the more foolish things you could have done.
- Perhaps you are not aware of my position in this school?
- I don’t believe walking into me is in your best interest.

+ No problem.
+ Whoops! Sorry.
+ Don’t sweat it.
- Does that make you feel like a big man?
- What are you trying to make up for?
- Does that make you feel cool?
- Don’t step on my toes, weasel.
- Gotta act tough to seem cool, huh?
- I’ll give you the cold shoulder right back, loser.
F - Bumpin’ me don’t make you any cooler, Hopkins.

+ Hey, careful.
+ Oh, sorry. I was watching for trouble.
+ I meant you no harm.
- Assaulting a prefect, huh? Bad move.
- Watch it, toilet smear!
- Don’t ever touch a prefect again!
- Want a closer look at my fists?
- Maybe you need corrective action, huh?
- Lookin’ to butt heads with the bull?
- If you want trouble, you found it.
- My fists will adjust your attitude!

+ Out of my way! *giggles* Just kidding!
+ I’m such a klutz!
+ Sorry!
- Okay! Oh!
- Um… hello!
- Walk much?
- Ugh!
- Oh(?), loser!
- Watch where you’re going!
- Jerk!
D - What are you, too busy setting fire to watch where you’re going?!

+ Sorry, sir.
+ My fault, sir.
+ I’ll be more careful, sir.
- Watch out!
- Get off!
- Leave me alone!
- Stop it!
- Enough!
- Oh, why?!
- Hey!
F - Hellooo, sirrr.

+ Look out!
+ Be careful.
+ Excuse me.
- Watch it!
- Gimme a break.
- Are you blind, or just dumb?
- Get outta the way.
- Open your eyes, moron.
- Come on, don’t push me!
- Hey, chill out! Don’t push me!

+ Pardon mawh.
+ Sorry about that.
+ I should look where I’m going.
- Jerk!
- Oww! Loser.
- Heeeey!
- Leave me alone!
- I have important business to attend to!
- I have the right away, jerk!
- You’re a tool!
F - You’re so pathetic now! Even I’m not afraid of you.

+ I’m a prefect!
+ I’ll let it slide this time!
+ Careful now!
- Don’t trifle with me!
- I really should discipline you!
- That is unacceptable.
- Stop that!
- Show some respect!
- Don’t be insolent!
- I should fix you up good.

+ Ah geez.
+ Gosh, sorry!
+ Wanna be friends?
- Please don’t hit me!
- I’m leaving now!
- Don’t hurt me!
- I’m going to tell on you!
- Please don’t be mean!
- I don’t like that!
- You just bumped into me!
F - You’re a nobody now, Jimmy.

+ Sorry!
+ Ops!
+ Wasn’t paying attention. Sorry!
- Watch it!
- Out of my way!
- Leave me alone! I have places to be!
- Do you mind?
- Learn how to walk!
- How hard is it to walk?!
- Idiot!
F - What are you still doing here? I thought you would have been expelled or something.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on September 19, 2011, 02:44:51 PM
I'll help with the adults.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 19, 2011, 02:55:36 PM
Thanks, bro. There's no big rush so take your time.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: deadpoolXYZ on September 19, 2011, 05:38:30 PM
I was playing when Jimmy was expelled and then I interacted with trevor or lance (they are very similar I can't remember which one  :(). He shoved me and said something like: ''I heard Johnny Vincent has dissapeared''.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on September 19, 2011, 05:43:43 PM
Yeah man! Trevor says that during Chapter 5 and 6 while chatting to other students.

"I heard Johnny Vincent disappeared! Good riddance if you ask me."

Why he said that while shoving you, I have no clue.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Red Blaster on January 25, 2012, 10:35:31 AM
I added Gloria's missing quotes (Jimmy's expulsion), and corrected Thad's last quote (it's 'Colossus of Rhodes').

Maybe in a few days I'll have the adult quotes ready.
Title: Re: Bumped into Quotes
Post by: Hayley on January 25, 2012, 12:11:55 PM
Alrighty... I should get off my ass and finish up other quotes.