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Author Topic: Impressed/ Disapproval Quotes  (Read 3086 times)

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Impressed/ Disapproval Quotes
« on: September 11, 2016, 09:06:09 PM »

These quotes can be triggered for each student or townsfolk by (If I recall correctly) Pulling off the Volcano 4000 In front of the desired person or ( The most definitive way) Putting on the Mascot Outfit and attempt the dance in front of the desired person. Unlike some of the quotes on this section of the board, (Such as a handful of the spit quotes.) All these quotes can be triggered anytime. The only groups of people I couldn't get this to work with, were the School Faculty, (Except for Mr. Luntz) Prefects, Cops, and Orderly. 

Each character has 4 lines for these set of quotes. Two of them being impressed,  and the other two showing disapproval. They don't say all 4 lines if you decide to do either method so it might take some time to get them to say all 4 lines. I have a good chunk of them recorded, though I'm pretty sure a bunch of out there reading have easier means of getting the quotes. This is just to show that anyone can trigger these without the use of mods.

I'm also aware that some of these might be misspelled, but I did the best I could to understand what was being said. (BullyWiki Fanon also lists a few Clique leaders with these quotes, which I couldn't do since I recording the quotes on a console, so if anyone is willing to get those quotes recorded on here, It would be greatly appreciated.) The list is a bit out of order since I was doing this on my phone. Sorry about that.

Sheldon: "I think Ms. Danvers would like that."
Sheldon: "Why would they do that?"
Sheldon: "I know how they did that."
Sheldon: "That's pointless."

Pedro: "Woaah! I wish mama could see this."
Pedro: "I don't like it!"
Pedro: ""
Pedro: ""

Algie: "I'm gonna phone my mom and tell her about that!"
Algie: "That's like a science experiment gone wrong or something."
Algie: "That's like, really lame man."
Algie: "Oh wow, that's super totally awesome!"

Karen: "Ha ha ha! Cool!"
Karen: "Oh look, wild!"
Karen: "That's it!?"
Karen: "That's not crazy at all."

Trent: "Booo-ring!"
Trent: "Wake me when it's over."
Trent: "I can do that."
Trent: "Woaah!"

Const.: "That's actually not bad."
Const.: "Why do they even bother trying?"
Const.: "Typically terrible."
Const.: "That's ok, I guess?"

Angie: "That's pretty cool!"
Angie: "I don't see why they bother."
Angie: "That's pretty pointless. "
Angie: "I like that!"

Oh: "I saw better before I came here."
Oh: "I love this country."
Oh: "That is most impressive."
Oh: "Is that the best they can do?"

Zack: "Ha ha! Neat!"
Zack: "How utter disappointing."
Zack: "I am truly impressed."
Zack: "That's less cool than I am!"

Melvin: "Brilliant!"
Melvin: "Well that sucked."
Melvin: "Holy moly!"
Melvin: "Aw, nuts!"

Beatrice: "How is one supposed to be amused by that?"
Beatrice: "This is a waste of time!"
Beatrice: "Magnificent!"
Beatrice: "I, am impressed!"

Fatty: "That blows!"
Fatty: "Uh, gouge my eyes out with a spoon."
Fatty: "Amazingly magnificent!"
Fatty: "Woah! Did you see that?"

Thad: "Spectacular!"
Thad: "Outrageous!"
Thad: "That is so pathetic!"
Thad: "That is what people look up to?"

Bif: ""
Bif: ""
Bif: ""
Bif: ""

Bucky: "Wow! Coolio."
Bucky: "That's supposed to be cool? As if!"
Bucky: ""
Bucky: ""

Casey: "That was wicked awesome!"
Casey: "Dude! Check it out!"
Casey: "Woah! That's cool!"
Casey: ""

Bo: ""
Bo: ""
Bo: ""
Bo: ""

Chad: ""
Chad: ""
Chad: ""
Chad: ""

Christy: "Wow!"
Christy: "Neat!"
Christy: "It's ok, I guess?"
Christy: "Welp, it's, kind of lame."

Bryce: ""
Bryce: ""
Bryce: ""
Bryce: ""

Cornelius: "Well that didn't live up to the hype."
Cornelius: "I thought that was going to be much better."
Cornelius: "Wow, that's so cool!"
Cornelius: ""

Damon: "Cool."
Damon: "That's hot!"
Damon: ""
Damon: ""

Dan: "This rocks!"
Dan: ""
Dan: ""
Dan: ""

Ethan: "A hah! So wicked!"
Ethan: "This is really boor-ing!"
Ethan: "Uhhh, when is this gonna get cool?"
Ethan: "Aw, sweet!"

Eunice: "What's this crap? It's boring that's what it is."
Eunice: ""
Eunice: ""
Eunice: ""

Davis: "Now this is worth it."
Davis: "I give up stealing lunches of freshman for this?"
Davis: ""
Davis: ""

Donald: "Very clever."
Donald: "Lame."
Donald: "That's gonna lead to real trouble."
Donald: "Look at that!"

Gloria: "The ancients would write epics on such a marvel."
Gloria "There might be a ninth wonder of the world."
Gloria ""
Gloria ""

Gord: "How amusing."
Gord: "I should buy one of those."
Gord: "Ho-hum. Another tedious display."
Gord: "I've seen better."

Gordon: "Huuuh, Boor-ing."
Gordon: "That's wicked!"
Gordon: "This is so stupid. My little sister puts on more interesting puppet shows."
Gordon: ""

Hal: "Freakin sweet!"
Hal: "Wow, that sucked."
Hal: ""
Hal: ""

Justin: ""
Justin: ""
Justin: ""
Justin: ""

Ivan: "Having a heart attack from the excitement, ugh."
Ivan: "Cool!"
Ivan: "That's cool, not!"
Ivan: ""

Kirby: "I like it."
Kirby: "Hot!"
Kirby: ""
Kirby: ""

Lance: "Yeah ha ha. That's Wild man! Truly wild."
Lance: "That is some sick stuff going on right there!"
Lance: "So yeah....... That gets a whopping two out of ten for coolness. Bor-ing!"
Lance: ""

Juri: "Aw, I like that!"
Juri: "Wow! I mean, that's ok."
Juri: ""
Juri: ""

Lefty: "That's real cool dude. Like for real."
Lefty: "I like that, Wow!"
Lefty: "Oh yeah, lame."
Lefty: "Hm, Whatever."

Lola: ""
Lola: ""
Lola: ""
Lola: ""

Lucky: "This is just stupid!"
Lucky: ""
Lucky: ""
Lucky: ""

Luis: "Now that's what I'm talking about!"
Luis: ""
Luis: ""
Luis: ""

Parker: ""
Parker: ""
Parker: ""
Parker: ""

Peanut: "This kicks butt. Right through the nail."
Peanut: "Is it possible to be even more scarred for life?"
Peanut: "I'll take things that suck for 100 I'll acc.."
Peanut: "Wooooo!"

Mandy: "Ooo, that's pretty cool."
Mandy: "Yeah, ok. That's nice!"
Mandy: ""
Mandy: ""

Melody: "Neato!"
Melody: "That was great!"
Melody: ""
Melody: ""

Norton: ""
Norton: ""
Norton: ""
Norton: ""

Pinky: ""
Pinky: ""
Pinky: ""
Pinky: ""

Ray: "Oh, that was so disappointing!"
Ray: "Woaaah!"
Ray: ""
Ray: ""

Ricky: "That sucked, what a rip-off. I thought it was supposed to be cool man."
Ricky: "Uh, yeah. That turned out to be pretty lame."
Ricky: "Ha ha, holy crap that rocked."
Ricky: "Wooo! That was pretty stellar huh ha ha!"

Russell: "Ooooooo!"
Russell: "Russell bored!"
Russell: ""
Russell: ""

Tom: ""
Tom: ""
Tom: ""
Tom: ""

Tad: "Someone tell me why I had to see that?"
Tad: "Wicked!"
Tad: "Awesome!"
Tad: "Don't call us. We'll call you."

Trevor: ""
Trevor: ""
Trevor: ""
Trevor: ""

Wade: "uh oha wow! Cool!"
Wade: "That couldn't suck any harder."
Wade: "Totally diggin' this man! Like wow!"
Wade: "Boor-ing! Waste of time!"

Vance: "Square, real square."
Vance: "Key man, real key."
Vance: "Cool!"
Vance: "Major brag."

Troy: "I don't get it?"
Troy: "Oooooo!"
Troy: "Ahhhhh!"
Troy: "What was that supposed to be?"

Zoe: "That's all right!"
Zoe: "That's pretty cool!"
Zoe: ""
Zoe: ""

Stan: "Hmm. Boring to say the least."
Stan: "Woaah! Pretty sweet right there."
Stan: "So what's the big idea, this?"
Stan: "Holy crap this rules!"

Clint (aka Henry): "Oh, look at that."
Clint (aka Henry): ""
Clint (aka Henry): ""
Clint (aka Henry): ""

Duncan: ""
Duncan: ""
Duncan: ""
Duncan: ""

Gurney: ""
Gurney: ""
Gurney: ""
Gurney: ""

Jerry: ""
Jerry: ""
Jerry: ""
Jerry: ""

Leon: ""
Leon: ""
Leon: ""
Leon: ""

Omar: ""
Omar: ""
Omar: ""
Omar: ""

Otto: ""
Otto: ""
Otto: ""
Otto: ""

Lunts: "I don't understand?"
Lunts: "That looks really, ha ha ha ha, interesting."
Lunts: "I should learn more about this!"
Lunts: "What's the point of this?"

Moratti: "I don't understand why they make it such a crap?"
Moratti: "Ah (word I don't understand), this thing is very nice (word I don't understand)."
Moratti: "This thing maha. This thing a joke."
Moratti: "Ooo yes, I like it oh yes."

Maria: "Look at that!"
Maria: "Ooo."
Maria: "Is this some kind of joke?"
Maria: "Is this for real?"

Carmichael: "Bravo! Good show."
Carmichael: "Isn't this jolly?"
Carmichael: "I was hoping for more of a show."
Carmichael: "I really thought that would be exciting. What a disappointment. "

Tobias: "Maybe I'm too old to get it."
Tobias: "In my day, we would grow a tomato in that."
Tobias: "Never too old for astonishment!"
Tobias: "Now that's a sight to see!"

Nicky: "You kiddin' me? That's wack!"
Nicky: "I had more fun at a (Can't understand word) Barbecue."
Nicky: "That some ill stuff right there."
Nicky: "All right. You see that."

Betty: "This is as lame as wearing a fur coat."
Betty: "So this is what all the robots find amusing, yeah right."
Betty: "Freakin' sweet!"
Betty: "Woah! This rocks."

Denny: "Wow, that kicks."
Denny: "Woah, check that out."
Denny: "All right."
Denny: ""

Bambillo: "That's incredible!"
Bambillo: "How wonderful!"
Bambillo: "This is so disappointing!"
Bambillo: "That is just plain awful!"

Breckindale: ""
Breckindale: ""
Breckindale: ""
Breckindale: ""

Martin: ""
Martin: ""
Martin: ""
Martin: ""

Isaacs: ""
Isaacs: ""
Isaacs: ""
Isaacs: ""

Huntingdon: ""
Huntingdon: ""
Huntingdon: ""
Huntingdon: ""

Smith: "I don't have much time left here on Earth and this is how I spend it?"
Smith: "Oh yeah! This is nice. This.... is..... nice!"
Smith: ""
Smith: ""