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Topics - denialofinsanity

Pages: [1]
Hola! Soy Rebecca, the girl who unknowingly mixes Spanish in with her English replies even though she's not all. Well, my dad is, but he speaks English fluently, so that doesn't count.

I'm really confident, and I value my opinion over everyone else's because I like to put myself on a pedestal.

I enjoy singing and writing. I'm good at both, but not great. :P

I also hate making introductions because I always make it sound like I'm joining a dating website, but that's what the internet is now anyway.

I am strange, you will find, and in real life, people say they need a dictionary just to talk to me. For example, when I broke up with my boyfriend a while ago I happened to use the word 'Inevitably' in my break up, and he ended up asking me 'Wat dus inevitably mean? :P'. I hate dating idiots. DX

I'd probably either belong to the Preps, because I talk big but I'm quite stupid and am also narcissistic, Greasers because I'm obsessed with my hair , or the Nerds because I'm the biggest nerd in my town.

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