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Author Topic: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project  (Read 23102 times)

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Offline MadmaN

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*WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« on: October 05, 2011, 02:32:58 AM »
This is just a start of a high resolution characters project that I will take my time on. I went ahead and started with christy and will just simply do all the girls, little kids , female teachers and female peds since I have several female models that I have done earlier in the summer to work from. The first one I did very quickly and these are all just production renders. I have not attempted to get anything like this in game just yet since I am still working with steman on his vehicle spawner which is going to take some time to finish so please do not ask when anything related to this will be finished/done/released since this will take quite some time. Once I have the vehicle spawner finished up and get the interiors done then I will dedicate my freetime to replacing every model that I can in bully with high resolution versions including textures since I am curious just how many polys per model the game engine will support. I will most likely make some small changes on each model regarding the school uniforms..etc to make them a bit more realistic but again this is a project that will be done a little bit at a time when I am not working on somthing else. I will however post regularly here when I get a character done for a production render and anyone wishing to work on some of these models to help with getting them ingame need only ask and I will send the 3ds max source files of the model(s).

anyways here is christy so enjoy :)

I hope the bullyboard staff dont mind my putting the link to bullyboard on my work regarding bully since I consider this my official release site.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 02:52:25 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2011, 07:12:15 AM »
That's really cool, man. Well done.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 12:29:31 PM »
Thx! This will be a ongoing project and I can literally have every female student replaced with a higher res model designwise by end of the week but getting them ingame will take a quick learning curve to learn niftools which should not be too difficult and just then a matter of getting the model scales right. These models even tho they are done up in 3ds max...they have a fully functional bone structure which should work so....only time will tell.

Offline Hayley

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 02:07:48 PM »

That's amazing, dude. Very well done.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2011, 03:41:26 PM »

lots more to come as I get time

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2011, 10:41:25 PM »
Here is a update.....This time its Beatrice.....Hope everyone enjoys this render as it was a hard one to do just right. I did make a custom bullworth crest to use on textures and uniforms if anyone wants a copy of it to use.

Offline Hayley

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2011, 10:51:43 PM »
Once again, amazing job, man. I can't wait to see the others. ❤

Offline MadmaN

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2011, 10:56:33 PM »
They will be comming along as I get proper time to do them since I am also working on fully cracking the interiors with steman properly and once I get those done up how I originally wanted...then the game will be a lot more explorable and fun.

Just wait...Damon is the next one I will post and he is about 80% done and hes one tough looking

If the game doesnt support the polys these models have I will have to sorta dumb down the quality a bit to get the game to work with them...but even then they will still be far better then what came with the game in the first place. Besides....3d models and gfx in general are my favorite thing to do...and my best skill since I have done this stuff for almost 15 years now so in the end every character will be redone. Just a matter of getting the models done first....then get them working ingame.

and glad you like what you see so far Hayley since I am having quite a lot of fun doing these.

Offline Hayley

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2011, 11:24:41 PM »
Oh nah, bra! Take as much time as you need working on these. I'm going to assume that making these models can be very time consuming. Just work at your own pace. There's no big rush on my end. ❤

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2011, 11:28:03 PM »
Once again, great work.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2011, 11:52:32 PM »
heh....I wont rush but these models when starting fully from scratch...can take a lot of time depending on the level of realism and detail one wants to add. Here is a star trek project that I am doing in my spare time (what little I have) is one thats likely going to take a few years to complete. Since on that project I am working on recreating the entire starship enterprise 1701-D in full 3d that you can explore and walk through just like with any fps game tho this will not be a game in the strictest sense of the word...more like a virtual tour that you are in full control of. I may post somthing regarding this project somewhere on this forum for ppl to look at since this is a official backed project with paramount backing me and some help from a few close m8s that work at industrial light and magic and what I have done so far is extremely detailed.

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2011, 05:08:50 AM »
How long does each one take you?

Offline Hayley

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2011, 08:29:28 AM »
I just figured that somebody with 15 years of experience would take less time to complete a model than somebody with little to no experience. Then again, you and others who enjoy 3D modeling probably wouldn't rush to complete anything.

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2011, 01:10:37 PM »
on 3d models I rarely rush but even my rushed work still looks decent and I am not fond of releasing somthing that looks bad so thats one thing one never has to worry about when I work on somthiing....I always try to outdo myself on every new model or work that I do. and I must say.....its getting harder and harder to outdo myself these days since I can only go so much further before it will be indeed impossible.

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: *WIP* High Resolution Characters Project
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2011, 01:20:28 PM »
But what's the average time each one takes you?