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Messages - DaBOSS54320

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 142
Script Modding / Re: A function I just made up
« on: October 10, 2016, 02:10:26 PM »
Code: [Select]
function SetFightingMusicForPed(song,volume,ped)
              if PedAttackPlayer(ped) then
                     SoundPlayStream(song, volume)
              if PedIsDead(ped) or PedIsValid(ped) then

This function seems really broken but it's nice to see you're interested in making stuff like this.

Problem 1: You have 2 if statements and neither have an end (and if the last one has an end then the function doesn't have one). Remember every if statement needs to end with an end and so does every function, or of course you can use elseif to extend alternate conditions on it (still having an end after it all).

Problem 2: You do stuff with the ped before even checking if it is still valid, it'd be best to check if the ped is valid first.

Code: [Select]
  if not PedIsValid(ped) or PedIsDead(ped) then -- check if they are invalid or dead, if so stop the music
  elseif PedAttackPlayer(ped) then -- if the ped is valid, make them attack and set some music
    SoundPlayStream(song, volume)

I think there are other problems with it but I'm not sure, maybe you found a new usage for the PedAttackPlayer function that I don't know of because it normally expects 2 arguments and is used for making a ped attack the player, but the way you use it here it looks as if you meant to check if the ped is attacking the player or not.

Anyways nice to see you share this, maybe we can see more useful shit in da future too, for anyone that can find a use for it.

Mod Showroom / Re: fastman92 processor
« on: October 09, 2016, 03:33:07 PM »
Why are you even posting your mods here if you're not even going to give a fuck about the people who download them? Just in hopes they smash on that donate button right?

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Entire LUA Folder [RELEASE]
« on: October 09, 2016, 03:27:21 PM »

Bully Modding / Re: [WIP] Bully Multiplayer
« on: October 09, 2016, 03:10:51 AM »
I support you all being skeptical about believing a mod that you haven't seen but only heard about for such a long time, but it's really bringing things off topic. I mean, it's still about the mod, but it's already been made clear that you all are in doubt and until there is more evidence, it's a waste to continue debating. I can again vouch that this is indeed real as I played an early beta with p3ti (and annoyed the fuck out of him with a fire extinguisher), but it's besides the point. Just talk about the mod and what you hope it will be like, features you're excited for, ask about the mod, but the "is it actually real, if so can you prove it?" question has been asked enough.

This isn't my topic nor am I a moderator, but I'm almost certain both the devs of this mod and the moderators feel pretty much the same, as well as anyone who is just sick of seeing that be the only thing posted about in this topic.

TUTORIALS / Re: Changing PED Factions
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:37:25 AM »

I'd suggest simply getting the PC version unless you really do need it to be on the PS3 for whatever reason. You can setup a PS3 controller with your PC and get a dualshock HUD mod and it'll be the same if you want. It's what I do.

Well you'd have to first jailbreak your PS3 so you get access to the file system, then replace files there. Theoretically it's possible, but hard. I don't think anyone here is gonna be helpful with it either as most of us use PC. Look up some PS3 jailbreaking forums or something.

Well congrats on your mod release there.

I will state that the player selector which I am gearing it up for a xmas release will have just about every single fighting move remapped to manual controls which Rise To Honor and Lemon have both been working hard on getting the moves mapped out and ready. I am currently cleaning up all the code for it and adding a couple things to it as well to hopefully get this out in approx 1 week.


TUTORIALS / Re: Changing PED Factions
« on: October 01, 2016, 10:07:31 PM »
but what if there isn't enough space d00d.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: For Guests
« on: October 01, 2016, 03:26:09 PM »
Yeah there's a surprising number of guests that still come on here but hardly any members, come on m8s, sign up and have some fun.

TUTORIALS / Re: Changing PED Factions
« on: October 01, 2016, 04:30:36 AM »
But what if we wanna change say a nerd to a dropout? How do we doooo iiiiit?

Make sure to also set where the camera looks at.


x1,y1,z1: Where the camera will be at.
x2,y3,z2: Where it will be pointing at.

Show me the code you're trying to use and what it looks like in-game.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: beta preps
« on: September 28, 2016, 03:44:44 PM »
I thought it stood for beach-wear.

LUA Scripting Help / Re: Need help with fighting moves!!!
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:41:21 PM »
Are you sure that matters? I'm pretty sure I've tried it without the beginning slash and it works fine. Maybe when you do it you have it in your main loop so it just keeps being set, freezing the player.

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