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Messages - Dannysters

Pages: [1] 2 3
Mod Releases / Endless Summer Outfit for Gary
« on: March 26, 2016, 10:59:35 PM »
It sucks, Rockstar didn't give a proper outfit for Gary after he's been expelled, in Chapter 6.
so, I did it myself.

I also included an extra skin, which I made a long time ago, which is Johnny new appearances.

Side View :

Front View:

I added a chain into his pants, to give Johnny a new look.

Here's a link :

This skin can be used for machinima, custom missions or just a normal freeroam.

There shouldnt be any bugs on Gary's skin, but there is a little bug in Johnny's.

Mod Releases / Re: Bullies Nightmare: Open Source Mission
« on: March 23, 2016, 05:03:07 AM »
great mod! But I only reached that hole part, I feel like each townies is strong as Bif/Russell, they're hard to knock down. But I love challenges  8)

Mod Showroom / Re: Bully Scholarship Edition : New Characters
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:38:11 AM »
this mod almost finished. Just need to work on some texture issues.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Yo Bully-Board!
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:28:47 AM »
He used my PC to log on. You must be thinking Allen White was my alternate account. But it's not like that.  We were working on a mod project at that moment. But it's up to you, to believe me or not.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Yo Bully-Board!
« on: March 17, 2016, 03:52:16 PM »
Aren't you too young for this kind of forum? Whatever. Doesn't matter.

I agree with gembo. You should be careful of the languages that are used by other members.

cRabblesnithc = Donald Trump Ralph gunderman

he kinda looks like Luke skiwalker a bit...

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: How did you find
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:01:44 AM »
well as for me, I was looking up on how to reskin characters in Bully, later found a topic by a B-B member. I find that B-B is such an interesting place for mods, discussions , tutorials ,etc. And then I signed up for B-B :D

The differences are because the ps2 version used the Renderware game engine and the PC version uses the Gamebryo engine. That is why there are differences.

You can technically use much larger textures as far as dimensions goes but you have to either have the ability to overburn the game disc you are modding (along with a modded console to even read the modded copy) or use an emulator instead.

This is the reason why I prefer PC gaming vs can mod PC games far easier and there are far less limits placed on you vs strict limits put on you for console modding due to limitations of the hardware itself.

Yep, PC is far more easier to mod but I like the ps2 atmosphere, while in PC everything is fogging

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Shoutbox suggestion
« on: March 16, 2016, 01:57:50 PM »
Well, that's better and I respect your opinion. It's just nice to chat with all online members in B-B

Different engines, different file types.

My guess with there being multiple files is perhaps the PS2 has a max file size for one file (or the game engine does), so this was the work-around Rockstar thought of.

 In ps2 files, the audio folder has 3 subfolder (Same as the PC) except the "xact" folder (from the PC) were changed to "SCREAM" folder, which has multiple files just like World.img. In SCREAM.img contains game files in .bnk types of files which I believe the sound effect of this game.

Well I just found a conversation... (I don't understand this convs actually)

It leads me to a software site and I downloaded it, and I successfully opened that PS2 textures without any problem.


I got that error when trying to open up Nemesis_Gary.txd

I found this a while ago. Not really sure what it means BUT I know (if you can get past the encryption)you can mod all these files. But if your going to do skin/script mod the file needs to be the same size (or smaller) than the one it is replacing

Hmm.. I don't get size part.

First of all, I don't know if this is a right section to post this. For those who don't know yet, I found out that PS2 models didn't use .nif and .nft models, but they use .dff and .txd instead. ((Same file as GTA III-SA models))

Here are some screenes:

The PS2 version also has multiple World.img which is

However, you can't access all these multiple files, since they don't have .DIR files. (shit)

Damn, I'm so curious to know what inside those multiple world.img.
Also, every files in the PS2 folder were in Capslock (I know its nothing)

Sorry bout the pictures, not my fault anyway ;)

Yes, that's everything that I could find.  Thanck for ur attention ;D

Suggestions & Feedback / Shoutbox suggestion
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:35:49 PM »
Shoutbox would be cool, especially for B-B. People that have problem with modding can 'shout' open questions instantly without PMing, and
online members can answer them instantly. So waddya' think? It's cool or nah?

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