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Messages - Kentish1973

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Questions / 100%
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:54:08 PM »
Hi. I'm going crazy here trying to get to 100%. I've scoped around on the internet and by every list I have found, I should be there.

I've done all missions, all side missions, all classes, all jobs, races, carnival rides, games and arcade high scores. All breakables, collectables, clothes, coke cans, the absolute lot. I have 40 trophies, 875 achievement points, and the only thing remaining is nine of the errands.

But, I am still only on 98.16%. Given that the remaining errands only contribute around 0.05% each, even if I get to 50, that is going to leave me short.

Really, I should just give it up and go an do something vaguely constructive instead, but I'll be damned if I'm going to come this close and fail.

The game has crashed on me more times than should really be the case, so maybe there is a glitch. Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem or might know of something random I might have missed. As I said, according to every major list on the major gaming sites, I should be at 100%.


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